Developers and Open Source authors now have many services offering free tiers, but finding them all takes time to make informed decisions. 现在,开发人员和开源软件作者有许多提供免费层级的服务,但要找到所有这些服务,需要花时间做出明智的决定。
This is a list of software (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, etc.) and other offerings with free developer tiers. 这是一个软件列表(SaaS,PaaS,IaaS 等)和其他提供免费开发者级别的产品。
The scope of this particular list is limited to things that infrastructure developers (System Administrator, DevOps Practitioners, etc.) are likely to find useful. We love all the free services out there, but it would be good to keep it on topic. It's a grey line sometimes, so this is opinionated; please don't feel offended if I don't accept your contribution. 本列表的范围仅限于基础架构开发人员(系统管理员、DevOps 实践者等)可能会发现有用的东西。我们喜欢所有的免费服务,但最好能保持主题明确。有时这是一条灰色的线,所以这是有主见的;如果我不接受您的贡献,请不要感到被冒犯。
This list results from Pull Requests, reviews, ideas, and work done by 1100+ people. You can also help by sending Pull Requests to add more services or remove ones whose offerings have changed or been retired. 该列表来自 1100 多人的拉动请求、评论、想法和工作。您也可以通过发送 Pull Request 来添加更多服务,或删除那些服务内容已更改或已退役的服务。
NOTE: This list is only for as-a-Service offerings, not for self-hosted software. To be eligible, a service must offer a free tier, not just a free trial. The free tier must be for at least a year if it is time-bucketed. We also consider the free tier from a security perspective, so SSO is fine, but I will not accept services that restrict TLS to paid-only tiers. 注意:此列表仅适用于作为服务提供的服务,而不是自托软件。 为了符合条件,服务必须提供免费级别,而不仅仅是免费试用。 免费级别必须持续至少一年,如果时间有限。
Major Cloud Providers 主要云计算提供商
- App Engine - 28 frontend instance hours per day, nine backend instance hours per day 应用引擎 - 每天 28 个前台实例小时,每天 9 个后台实例小时
- Cloud Firestore - 1GB storage, 50,000 reads, 20,000 writes, 20,000 deletes per day 云 Firestore - 1GB 存储空间,每天读取 50,000 次,写入 20,000 次,删除 20,000 次
- Compute Engine - 1 non-preemptible e2-micro, 30GB HDD, 5GB snapshot storage (restricted to certain regions), 1 GB network egress from North America to all region destinations (excluding China and Australia) per month 计算机 - 1 个不可阻挡的 e2-micro, 30 GB 硬盘, 5 GB 的快照存储(限于某些地区),每月 1 GB 的网络从北美到所有地区目的地(不包括中国和澳大利亚)
- Cloud Storage - 5GB, 1GB network egress 云存储 - 5GB,1GB 网络出口
- Cloud Shell - Web-based Linux shell/primary IDE with 5GB of persistent storage. 60 hours limit per week Cloud Shell - 基于 Web 的 Linux shell/主集成开发环境,拥有 5GB 持久存储空间。每周限用 60 小时
- Cloud Pub/Sub - 10GB of messages per month 云发布/分送 - 每月 10GB 信息量
- Cloud Functions - 2 million invocations per month (includes both background and HTTP invocations) 云功能 - 每月调用 200 万次(包括后台调用和 HTTP 调用)
- Cloud Run - 2 million requests per month, 360,000 GB-seconds memory, 180,000 vCPU-seconds of compute time, 1 GB network egress from North America per month 云运行 - 每月 200 万次请求、360,000 GB 秒内存、180,000 vCPU 秒计算时间、每月 1 GB 北美网络出口
- Google Kubernetes Engine - No cluster management fee for one zonal cluster. Each user node is charged at standard Compute Engine pricing Google Kubernetes 引擎 - 没有一个区域集群的集群管理费用. 每个用户节点按标准的 Compute Engine 定价收取费用
- BigQuery - 1 TB of querying per month, 10 GB of storage each month BigQuery - 每月查询 1 TB,每月存储 10 GB
- Cloud Build - 120 build-minutes per day 云构建 - 每天 120 分钟构建时间
- Cloud Source Repositories - Up to 5 Users, 50 GB Storage, 50 GB Egress 云源代码库 - 最多 5 个用户、50 GB 存储空间、50 GB 出口
- Google Colab - Free Jupyter Notebooks development environment. Google Colab - 免费的 Jupyter Notebooks 开发环境。
- Full, detailed list - https://cloud.google.com/free 完整、详细的清单 - https://cloud.google.com/free
- CloudFront - 1TB egress per month and 2M Function invocations per month CloudFront - 每月 1TB 出口流量和每月 200 万次功能调用
- Cloudwatch - 10 custom metrics and ten alarms Cloudwatch - 10 个自定义指标和 10 个警报
- CodeBuild - 100min of build time per month CodeBuild - 每月 100 分钟的构建时间
- CodeCommit - 5 active users,50GB storage, and 10000 requests per month CodeCommit - 5 个活跃用户,50GB 存储空间,每月 10000 次请求
- CodePipeline - 1 active pipeline per month CodePipeline - 每月 1 个活动管道
- DynamoDB - 25GB NoSQL DB
- EC2 - 750 hours per month of t2.micro or t3.micro(12mo). 100GB egress per month EC2 - 每月 750 小时 t2.micro 或 t3.micro(12mo)。
- EBS - 30GB per month of General Purpose (SSD) or Magnetic(12mo) EBS - 每月 30GB 一般用途(SSD)或磁性(12mo)
- Elastic Load Balancing - 750 hours per month(12mo) 弹性负载平衡 - 每月 750 小时(12 个月)
- RDS - 750 hours per month of db.t2.micro, db.t3.micro, or db.t4g.micro, 20GB of General Purpose (SSD) storage, 20GB of storage backups RDS - 每月 750 小时的 db.t2.micro、db.t3.micro 或 db.t4g.micro、20GB 通用 (SSD) 存储、20GB 存储备份
- Glacier - 10GB long-term object storage 冰川 - 10GB 长期对象存储
- Lambda - 1 million requests per month Lambda - 每月 100 万次请求
- SNS - 1 million publishes per month SNS - 每 月100万个出版物
- SES - 3.000 messages per month (12mo) SES - 每月 3.000 条信息(12 个月)
- SQS - 1 million messaging queue requests SQS - 100 万个消息队列请求
- Full, detailed list - https://aws.amazon.com/free/ 完整、详细的清单 - https://aws.amazon.com/free/
- Virtual Machines - 1 B1S Linux VM, 1 B1S Windows VM ( 12mo) 虚拟机 - 1 个 B1S Linux 虚拟机,1 个 B1S Windows 虚拟机(12 个月)
- App Service - 10 web, mobile, or API apps (60 CPU minutes/day) 应用程序服务 - 10 个网络、移动或 API 应用程序(60 CPU 分钟/天)
- Functions - 1 million requests per month 功能 - 每月 100 万次请求
- DevTest Labs - Enable fast, easy, and lean dev-test environments DevTest Labs - 实现快速、简便、精简的开发测试环境
- Active Directory - 500,000 objects 活动目录 - 500,000 个对象
- Active Directory B2C - 50,000 monthly stored users 活动目录 B2C - 每月存储 50,000 个用户
- Azure DevOps - 5 active users, unlimited private Git repos Azure DevOps - 5 个活跃用户,不受限制的私有 Git 仓库
- Azure Pipelines — 10 free parallel jobs with unlimited minutes for open source for Linux, macOS, and Windows Azure Pipelines - 10 个免费并行作业,可在 Linux、macOS 和 Windows 上使用,不限分钟数。
- Microsoft IoT Hub - 8,000 messages per day Microsoft IoT Hub - 每天 8,000 条信息
- Load Balancer - 1 free public load-balanced IP (VIP) 负载平衡器 - 1 个免费的公共负载平衡 IP(VIP)
- Notification Hubs - 1 million push notifications 通知中心 - 100 万条推送通知
- Bandwidth - 15GB Inbound(12mo) & 5GB egress per month 带宽 - 每月 15GB 入站流量(12 个月)和 5GB 出站流量
- Cosmos DB - 25GB storage and 1000 RUs of provisioned throughput Cosmos DB - 25GB 存储空间和 1000 RUs 预配置吞吐量
- Static Web Apps — Build, deploy, and host static apps and serverless functions with free SSL, Authentication/Authorization, and custom domains 静态 Web 应用程序 - 利用免费 SSL、身份验证/授权和自定义域,构建、部署和托管静态应用程序和无服务器功能
- Storage - 5GB LRS File or Blob storage (12mo) 存储 - 5GB LRS 文件或 Blob 存储(12 个月)
- Cognitive Services - AI/ML APIs (Computer Vision, Translator, Face detection, Bots, etc) with free tier including limited transactions 认知服务 - 人工智能/ML 应用程序接口(计算机视觉、翻译、人脸检测、机器人等),免费层级包括有限的交易
- Cognitive Search - AI-based search and indexation service, free for 10,000 documents 认知搜索 - 基于人工智能的搜索和索引服务,免费提供 10,000 份文档
- Azure Kubernetes Service - Managed Kubernetes service, free cluster management Azure Kubernetes 服务 - 受管 Kubernetes 服务,免费集群管理
- Event Grid - 100K ops/month 活动网 - 100K ops / 月
- Full, detailed list - https://azure.microsoft.com/free/ 完整、详细的清单 - https://azure.microsoft.com/free/
- 2 AMD-based Compute VMs with 1/8 OCPU and 1 GB memory each 2 个基于 AMD 的计算虚拟机,每个虚拟机有 1/8 OCPU 和 1 GB 内存
- 4 Arm-based Ampere A1 cores and 24 GB of memory usable as one VM or up to 4 VMs 4 个基于 Arm 的 Ampere A1 内核和 24 GB 内存,可用作一个虚拟机或最多 4 个虚拟机
- Instances will be reclaimed when deemed idle 实例被视为闲置时将被回收
Block Volume - 2 volumes, 200 GB total (used for compute) 块卷 - 2 个卷,共 200 GB(用于计算)
Object Storage - 10 GB 对象存储 - 10 GB
Load balancer - 1 instance with 10 Mbps 负载平衡器 - 1 个实例,10 Mbps
Databases - 2 DBs, 20 GB each 数据库 - 2 个数据库,每个 20 GB
Monitoring - 500 million ingestion data points, 1 billion retrieval datapoints 监控 - 5 亿个摄取数据点,10 亿个检索数据点
Bandwidth - 10 TB egress per month, speed limited to 50 Mbps on x64-based VM, 500 Mbps * core count on ARM-based VM 带宽 - 每月 10TB,基于 x64 的 VM 的速度限制为 50Mbps,基于 ARM 的 VM 的核心计算 500Mbps
Public IP - 2 IPv4 for VMs, 1 IPv4 for load balancer 公共 IP - 2 个 IPv4 用于虚拟机,1 个 IPv4 用于负载平衡器
Notifications - 1 million delivery options per month, 1000 emails sent per month 通知 - 每月 100 万个发送选项,每月发送 1000 封电子邮件
Full, detailed list - https://www.oracle.com/cloud/free/ 完整、详细的清单 - https://www.oracle.com/cloud/free/
- Object Storage - 25GB per month 对象存储 - 每月 25GB
- Cloudant database - 1 GB of data storage Cloudant 数据库 - 1 GB 数据存储空间
- Db2 database - 100MB of data storage Db2 数据库 - 100MB 数据存储空间
- API Connect - 50,000 API calls per month API 连接 - 每月 50,000 次 API 调用
- Availability Monitoring - 3 million data points per month 可用性监控 - 每月 300 万个数据点
- Log Analysis - 500MB of daily log 日志分析 - 每日日志500MB
- Full, detailed list - https://www.ibm.com/cloud/free/ 完整、详细的清单 - https://www.ibm.com/cloud/free/
- Application Services - Free DNS for an unlimited number of domains, DDoS Protection, CDN along with free SSL, Firewall rules and page rules, WAF, Bot Mitigation, Free Unmetered Rate Limiting - 1 rule per domain, Analytics, Email forwarding 应用服务 - 无限量域名的免费 DNS、DDoS 保护、CDN 以及免费 SSL、防火墙规则和页面规则、WAF、僵尸缓解、免费未计量速率限制 - 每个域 1 条规则、分析、电子邮件转发
- Zero Trust & SASE - Up to 50 Users, 24 hours of activity logging, three network locations 零信任和 SASE - 最多 50 个用户、24 小时活动记录、三个网络位置
- Cloudflare Tunnel - You can expose locally running HTTP port over a tunnel to a random subdomain on trycloudflare.com use Quick Tunnels, No account required. More features (TCP tunnel, Load balancing, VPN) in Zero Trust Free Plan. Cloudflare 隧道 - 您可以使用快速隧道将本地运行的 HTTP 端口通过隧道暴露到 trycloudflare.com 上的随机子域,无需账户。零信任免费计划提供更多功能(TCP 隧道、负载平衡、VPN)。
- Workers - Deploy serverless code for free on Cloudflare's global network—100k daily requests. Workers - 在 Cloudflare 的全球网络上免费部署无服务器代码,日请求量达 10 万。
- Workers KV - 100k read requests per day, 1000 write requests per day, 1000 delete requests per day, 1000 list requests per day, 1 GB stored data 员工 KV - 每天 阅读请求100k,每 天写请求1000,每天 删除请求1000,每天 清单请求1000, 存储数据1GB
- R2 - 10 GB per month, 1 million Class A operations per month, 10 million Class B operations per month R2 - 每月 10 GB,每月 100 万次 A 类操作,每月 1000 万次 B 类操作
- D1 - 5 million rows read per day, 100k rows written per day, 1 GB storage D1 - 每 天 阅 读500万行 , 每 天 写100万行,存储 1 GB
- Pages - Develop and deploy your web apps on Cloudflare's fast, secure global network. Five hundred monthly builds, 100 custom domains, Integrated SSL, unlimited accessible seats, unlimited preview deployments, and full-stack capability via Cloudflare Workers integration. 页面 - 在 Cloudflare 快速、安全的全球网络上开发和部署您的 Web 应用程序。每月五百次构建、100 个自定义域、集成 SSL、无限可访问席位、无限预览部署以及通过 Cloudflare Workers 集成的全栈功能。
- Queues - 1 million operations per month 队列 - 每月 100 万次操作
Cloud management solutions 云管理解决方案
- Brainboard - Collaborative solution to visually build and manage cloud infrastructures from end-to-end. Brainboard - 从端到端可视化构建和管理云基础设施的协作解决方案。
- Cloud 66 - Free for personal projects (includes one deployment server, one static site), Cloud 66 gives you everything you need to build, deploy, and grow your applications on any cloud without the headache of the “server stuff.”. 云计算 66 - 免费用于个人项目(包括一个部署服务器和一个静态网站),云计算 66 为您提供在任何云上构建、部署和发展应用程序所需的一切,而无需为 "服务器 "而头疼。
- Pulumi — Modern infrastructure as a code platform that allows you to use familiar programming languages and tools to build, deploy, and manage cloud infrastructure. Pulumi - 现代基础设施作为一个代码平台,允许您使用熟悉的编程语言和工具来构建,部署和管理云基础设施。
- terraform.io — Terraform Cloud. Free remote state management and team collaboration for up to 500 resources. terraform.io - Terraform 云。为多达 500 个资源提供免费的远程状态管理和团队协作。
- scalr.com - Scalr is a Terraform Automation and COllaboration (TACO) product used to better collaboration and automation on infrastructure and configurations managed by Terraform. Full Terraform CLI support, OPA integration, and a hierarchical configuration model. No SSO tax. All features are included. Use up to 50 runs/month for free. scalr.com - Scalr 是一款 Terraform 自动化和协作 (TACO) 产品,用于在 Terraform 管理的基础设施和配置上进行更好的协作和自动化。 完整的 Terraform CLI 支持,OPA 集成和等级配置模型. 无 SSO 税. 所有功能都包括在内。
- deployment.io - Deployment.io helps developers automate deployments on AWS. On our free tier, a developer (single user) can deploy unlimited static sites, web services, and environments. We provide 20 job executions free per month with previews and auto-deploys included in the free tier. deployment.io - Deployment.io 可帮助开发人员在 AWS 上自动部署。在我们的免费层,开发人员(单个用户)可以部署无限量的静态网站、网络服务和环境。我们每月免费提供 20 次作业执行,免费层级还包括预览和自动部署。
Source Code Repos 源代码库
Bitbucket — Unlimited public and private Git repos for up to 5 users with Pipelines for CI/CD Bitbucket - 最多可为 5 名用户提供无限制的公共和私有 Git 仓库,以及用于 CI/CD 的管道
chiselapp.com — Unlimited public and private Fossil repositories chiselapp.com - 无限制的公共和私人化石资源库
codebasehq.com — One free project with 100 MB space and two users codebasehq.com - 一个免费项目,100 MB 空间,两个用户
Codeberg.org - Unlimited public and private Git repos for free and open-source projects. Static website hosting with Codeberg Pages. Codeberg.org - 免费和开源项目的无限公共和私人 Git repos. 静态网站托管与 Codeberg 页面。
GitGud — Unlimited private and public repositories. Free forever. Powered by GitLab & Sapphire. CI/CD not provided. GitGud - 无限制的私有和公共仓库。永久免费。由 GitLab 和 Sapphire 支持。不提供 CI/CD。
— Unlimited public repositories and unlimited private repositories (with unlimited collaborators). Apart from this, some other free services(there are many more, but we list the main ones here) provided are :
GitHub - 无限量的公共仓库和无限量的私人仓库(合作者不限)。除此以外,GitHub 还提供其他一些免费服务(还有更多服务,但我们在此列出了主要服务),如
- CI/CD(Free for Public Repos, 2000 min/month free for private repos) CI/CD(公共版本免费,私人版本每月免费 2000 分钟)
- Codespaces - Development environments hosted in the cloud. 120-core hours and 15 GB codespaces storage available for free every month. Codespaces - 托管在云中的开发环境。每月免费提供 120 个核心小时和 15 GB 的代码空间存储空间。
- Static Website Hosting (Free for Public Repos) 静态网站托管(公共版本免费)
- Package Hosting & Container Registry (Free for public repos,500 MB storage & 1GB bandwidth outside CI/CD free for private repos) 软件包托管和容器注册(公共版本库免费,私有版本库免费提供 CI/CD 以外的 500 MB 存储空间和 1GB 带宽)
- Project Management and issue Tracking. 项目管理与问题跟踪。
- GitHub Copilot — AI pair programmer and completion tool powered by OpenAI Codex. Provides code review, autocompletion, documentation, and refactoring. Free for students via the GitHub Student Developer Pack. GitHub Copilot - 由 OpenAI Codex 支持的人工智能配对程序员和补全工具。提供代码审查、自动补全、文档和重构功能。学生可通过 GitHub Student Developer Pack 免费使用。
— Unlimited public and private Git repos with up to 5 collaborators. Also offers the following features :
gitlab.com - 无限制的公共和私有 Git 仓库,最多 5 个协作者。还提供以下功能
- CI/CD (Free for Public Repos, 400 mins/month for private repos) CI/CD(公共版本免费,私有版本每月 400 分钟)
- Static Sites with GitLab Pages. 使用 GitLab 页面的静态网站。
- Container Registry with a 10 GB limit per repo. 容器注册表,每个版本库限制为 10 GB。
- Project Management and issue Tracking. 项目管理与问题跟踪。
framagit.org — Framagit is the software forge of Framasoft based on the Gitlab software includes CI, Static Pages, Project pages and Issue tracking. framagit.org — Framagit 是 Framasoft 基于 Gitlab 软件的软件,包括 CI、静态页面、项目页面和 Issue 跟踪。
heptapod.net — Heptapod is a friendly fork of GitLab Community Edition providing support for Mercurial heptapod.net - Heptapod 是 GitLab 社区版的一个友好分叉,提供 Mercurial 支持。
ionicframework.com - Repo and tools to develop applications with Ionic; also you have an ionic repo ionicframework.com - 使用 Ionic 开发应用程序的 repo 和工具;您也有一个 ionic repo
NotABug — NotABug.org is a free-software code collaboration platform for freely licensed projects, Git-based NotABug - NotABug.org 是一个免费软件代码协作平台,适用于免费授权的项目,基于 Git
OSDN - OSDN.net is a free-of-charge service for open-source software developers, offering SVN/Git/Mercurial/Bazaar/CVS repositories. OSDN - OSDN.net 是面向开源软件开发人员的免费服务,提供 SVN/Git/Mercurial/Bazaar/CVS 资源库。
Pagure.io — Pagure.io is a free and open source software code collaboration platform for FOSS-licensed projects, Git-based Pagure.io - Pagure.io 是一个免费的开源软件代码协作平台,适用于 FOSS 许可的项目、基于 Git 的项目和项目管理。
perforce.com — Free 1GB Cloud and Git, Mercurial, or SVN repositories. perforce.com - 免费 1GB 云和 Git、Mercurial 或 SVN 资源库。
pijul.com - Unlimited free and open source distributed version control system. Its distinctive feature is based on a sound theory of patches, which makes it easy to learn, use, and distribute. Solves many problems of git/hg/svn/darcs. pijul.com - 无限的免费开源分布式版本控制系统。其显著特点是基于完善的补丁理论,易于学习、使用和发布。解决了 git/hg/svn/darcs 的许多问题。
plasticscm.com — Free for individuals, OSS, and nonprofit organizations plasticscm.com - 面向个人、开放源码软件和非营利组织免费开放
projectlocker.com — One free private project (Git and Subversion) with 50 MB of space projectlocker.com - 一个免费的私有项目(Git 和 Subversion),50 MB 空间
RocketGit — Repository Hosting based on Git. Unlimited Public and private repositories. RocketGit - 基于 Git 的版本库托管。无限的公共和私有仓库。
savannah.gnu.org - Serves as a collaborative software development management system for free Software projects (for GNU Projects) savannah.gnu.org - 作为自由软件项目的协作软件开发管理系统(针对 GNU 项目)
savannah.nongnu.org - Serves as a collaborative software development management system for free Software projects (for non-GNU projects) savannah.nongnu.org - 作为自由软件项目(非 GNU 项目)的协作软件开发管理系统
APIs, Data, and ML 应用程序接口、数据和 ML
- IP.City — 100 Free IP geolocation requests per day IP.City - 每天 100 次免费 IP 地理定位请求
- Abstract API — API suite for various use cases, including IP geolocation, gender detection, or email validation. 抽象应用程序接口(Abstract API)--应用程序接口套件,适用于各种用例,包括 IP 地理定位、性别检测或电子邮件验证。
- Apify — Web scraping and automation platform to create an API for any website and extract data. Ready-made scrapers, integrated proxies, and custom solutions. Free plan with $5 platform credits included every month. Apify - 网络刮擦和自动化平台,可为任何网站创建 API 并提取数据。提供现成的刮擦器、集成代理和自定义解决方案。免费计划每月包含 5 美元平台点数。
- APITemplate.io - Auto-generate images and PDF documents with a simple API or automation tools like Zapier & Airtable. No CSS/HTML is required. The free plan comes with 50 images/month and three templates. APITemplate.io - 自动生成图像和 PDF 文档,使用简单的 API 或自动化工具,如 Zapier & Airtable. 不需要 CSS / HTML。
- APIToolkit.io - All the tools you need to fully understand what's going on in your APIs and Backends. With automatic API contract validation and monitoring. The free plan covers servers with up to 20,000 requests per month. APIToolkit.io - 您全面了解 API 和后端所需的所有工具。具有自动 API 合同验证和监控功能。免费计划涵盖每月最多 20,000 次请求的服务器。
- Arize AI - Machine learning observability for model monitoring and root-causing issues such as data quality and performance drift. Free up to two models. Arize AI - 用于模型监控和根源问题(如数据质量和性能漂移)的机器学习可观察性。最多可释放两个模型。
- Atlas toolkit - Lightweight library to develop single-page web applications that are instantly accessible. Available for Java, Node.js, Perl, Python, and Ruby. Atlas 工具包 - 用于开发可即时访问的单页面网络应用程序的轻量级库。适用于 Java、Node.js、Perl、Python 和 Ruby。
- Beeceptor - Mock a rest API in seconds, fake API response and much more. Free 50 requests per day, public dashboard, open endpoints (anyone with a dashboard link can view submissions and answers). Beeceptor - 在几秒钟内嘲笑休息的 API,假的 API 响应等等. 每天免费 50 个请求,公共仪表板,开放的终端( 任何有仪表板链接的人都可以查看提交和答案)。
- bigml.com — Hosted machine learning algorithms. Unlimited free tasks for development, limit of 16 MB data/task. bigml.com - 托管机器学习算法。无限量免费开发任务,数据/任务限制为 16 MB。
- Browse AI — Extracting and monitoring data on the web. Fifty credits per month for free. Browse AI - 提取和监控网络数据。每月免费 50 点数。
- BrowserCat - Headless browser API for automation, scraping, AI agent web access, image/pdf generation, and more. Free plan with 1k requests per month. BrowserCat - 用于自动化、刮擦、人工智能代理网络访问、图像/PDF 生成等的无头浏览器 API。免费计划,每月 1K 请求。
- Bruzu — Automate Image production. Generate tons of Image variants with API, Integrations, or nocode sheet. API is FREE with a watermark. Bruzu - 自动生成图像。利用 API、集成或 nocode sheet 生成大量图像变体。API 是免费的,但有水印。
- Calendarific - Enterprise-grade Public holiday API service for over 200 countries. The free plan includes 1,000 calls per month. Calendarific - 企业级公共假期 API 服务超过 200 个国家. 免费计划包括每月 1,000 次呼叫。
- Canopy - GraphQL API for Amazon.com product, search, and category data. The free plan includes 100 calls per month. Canopy - 用于亚马逊网站产品、搜索和类别数据的 GraphQL API。免费计划包括每月 100 次通话。
- Clarifai — Image API for custom face recognition and detection. Able to train AI models. The free plan has 5,000 calls per month. Clarifai - 用于自定义人脸识别和检测的图像 API。能够训练人工智能模型。免费计划每月可通话 5000 次。
- Cloudmersive — Utility API platform with full access to expansive API Library including Document Conversion, Virus Scanning, and more with 800 calls/month. Cloudmersive - 实用 API 平台,可完全访问庞大的 API 库,包括文档转换、病毒扫描等,每月可调用 800 次。
- Colaboratory — Free web-based Python notebook environment with Nvidia Tesla K80 GPU. Colaboratory - 基于网络的免费 Python 笔记本环境,配备 Nvidia Tesla K80 GPU。
- Collect2 — Create an API endpoint to test, automate, and connect webhooks. The free plan allows for two datasets, 2000 records, one forwarder, and one alert. Collect2 - 创建一个 API 端点,用于测试、自动化和连接网络钩子。免费计划允许使用两个数据集、2000 条记录、一个转发器和一个警报。
- CometML - The MLOps platform for experiment tracking, model production management, model registry, and complete data lineage, covering your workflow from training to production. Free for individuals and academics. CometML - MLOps 平台,用于实验跟踪、模型生产管理、模型注册和完整的数据脉络,涵盖从培训到生产的工作流程。个人和学术界均可免费使用。
- Commerce Layer - Composable commerce API that can build, place, and manage orders from any front end. The developer plan allows 100 orders per month and up to 1,000 SKUs for free. 商务层(Commerce Layer)--可组合的商务应用程序接口(API),可从任何前端创建、下达和管理订单。开发人员计划每月可免费获得 100 份订单和多达 1,000 个 SKU。
- Conversion Tools - Online File Converter for documents, images, video, audio, and eBooks. REST API is available. Libraries for Node.js, PHP, Python. Support files up to 50 GB (for paid plans). The free tier is limited by file size and number of conversions per day. 转换工具 - 文档、图像、视频、音频和电子书的在线文件转换器。提供 REST API。提供 Node.js、PHP 和 Python 库。支持最大 50 GB 的文件(付费计划)。免费层级受文件大小和每天转换次数的限制。
- Coupler - Data integration tool that syncs between apps. It can create live dashboards and reports, transform and manipulate values, and collect and back up insights. The free plan has unlimited users, 100 runs with 1000 monthly rows, and unlimited integrations. Coupler - 数据集成工具,在应用程序之间进行同步. 它可以创建实时仪表板和报告,转换和操纵值,并收集和备份见解。
- CraftMyPDF - Auto-Generate PDF documents from reusable templates with a drop-and-drop editor and a simple API. The free plan comes with 100 PDFs/month and three templates. CraftMyPDF - 通过一个下拉编辑器和一个简单的 API,从可重复使用的模板自动生成 PDF 文档。免费计划每月提供 100 份 PDF 文件和三个模板。
- CurlHub — Proxy service for inspecting and debugging API calls. The free plan includes 10,000 requests per month. CurlHub - 用于检查和调试 API 调用的代理服务。免费计划包括每月 10,000 次请求。
- CurrencyScoop - Realtime currency data API for fintech apps. The free plan includes 5,000 calls per month. CurrencyScoop - 实时货币数据 API 用于 fintech 应用程序. 免费计划包括每月 5,000 次通话。
- Cube - Cube helps data engineers and application developers access data from modern data stores, organize it into consistent definitions, and deliver it to every application. The fastest way to use Cube is with Cube Cloud, which has a free tier with 1GB of data passing through each month. Cube - Cube 帮助数据工程师和应用程序开发人员从现代数据存储中获取数据,将其组织成一致的定义,并将其交付到每个应用程序中。
- Data Dead Drop - Simple, free file sharing. Data self-destroys after access. Upload and download data via the browser or your favorite command line client. 数据自毁 - 简单、免费的文件共享。数据在访问后自动销毁。通过浏览器或您最喜欢的命令行客户端上传和下载数据。
- Data Fetcher - Connect Airtable to any application or API with no code. Postman-like interface for running API requests in Airtable. Pre-built integrations with dozens of apps. The free plan includes 100 runs per month. 数据捕获器--无需代码即可将 Airtable 与任何应用程序或 API 相连。类似 Postman 的界面,用于在 Airtable 中运行 API 请求。与数十种应用程序的预建集成。免费计划包括每月运行 100 次。
- Dataimporter.io - Tool for connecting, cleaning, and importing data into Salesforce. Free Plan includes up to 20,000 records per month. Dataimporter.io - 用于将数据连接、清理和导入 Salesforce 的工具。免费计划包括每月最多 20,000 条记录。
- Datalore - Python notebooks by Jetbrains. Includes 10 GB of storage and 120 hours of runtime each month. Datalore - Jetbrains 提供的 Python 笔记本。包括 10 GB 的存储空间和每月 120 小时的运行时间。
- Data Miner - A browser extension (Google Chrome, MS Edge) for data extraction from web pages CSV or Excel. The free plan gives you 500 pages/month. Data Miner - 用于从网页 CSV 或 Excel 中提取数据的浏览器扩展(Google Chrome、MS Edge)。免费计划每月可提取 500 页数据。
- Datapane - API for building interactive reports in Python and deploying Python scripts and Jupyter Notebooks as self-service tools. Datapane - API,用于在 Python 中构建交互式报告,并部署 Python 脚本和 Jupyter 笔记本作为自助服务工具。
- DB-IP - Free IP geolocation API with 1k request per IP per day.lite database under the CC-BY 4.0 License is free too. DB-IP - 免费的 IP 地理位置 API,每个 IP 每天有 1k 个请求。采用 CC-BY 4.0 许可的精简版数据库也是免费的。
- DB Designer — Cloud-based Database schema design and modeling tool with a free starter plan of 2 Database models and ten tables per model. DB Designer - 基于云的数据库模式设计和建模工具,免费入门计划包括 2 个数据库模型和每个模型 10 个表。
- DeepAR — Augmented reality face filters for any platform with one SDK. The free plan provides up to 10 monthly active users (MAU) and tracks up to 4 faces DeepAR - 适用于任何平台的增强现实人脸滤镜,只需一个 SDK。免费计划最多可提供 10 个月活跃用户 (MAU),最多可跟踪 4 张人脸
- Deepnote - A new data science notebook. Jupyter is compatible with real-time collaboration and running in the cloud. The free tier includes unlimited personal projects, up to 750 hours of standard hardware, and teams with up to 3 editors. Deepnote - 一种新的数据科学笔记本。Jupyter 兼容实时协作并在云中运行。免费层包括无限制的个人项目、最多 750 小时的标准硬件和最多 3 名编辑的团队。
- Diggernaut — Cloud-based web scraping and data extraction platform for turning any website to the dataset or working with it as an API. The free plan includes 5K page requests monthly. Diggernaut - 基于云的网络刮擦和数据提取平台,可将任何网站转化为数据集,或将其作为 API 使用。免费计划包括每月 5K 个页面请求。
- Disease.sh — A free API providing accurate data for building the Covid-19 related useful Apps. Disease.sh - 免费的应用程序接口,提供准确的数据,用于构建与 Covid-19 相关的实用应用程序。
- Doczilla — SaaS API empowering the generation of screenshots or PDFs directly from HTML/CSS/JS code. The free plan allows 250 documents month. Doczilla — SaaS API 允许直接从 HTML/CSS/JS 代码生成屏幕截图或 PDF。
- Doppio — Managed API to generate and privately store PDFs and Screenshots using top rendering technology. The free plan allows 400 PDFs and Screenshots per month. Doppio - 使用顶级渲染技术生成并私有存储 PDF 和截图的托管 API。免费计划每月可生成 400 份 PDF 和截图。
- dreamfactory.com — Open source REST API backend for mobile, web, and IoT applications. Hook up any SQL/NoSQL database, file storage system, or external service, and it instantly creates a comprehensive REST API platform with live documentation and user management. dreamfactory.com - 面向移动、网络和物联网应用的开源 REST API 后端。连接任何 SQL/NoSQL 数据库、文件存储系统或外部服务,它就能立即创建一个全面的 REST API 平台,并提供实时文档和用户管理。
- DynamicDocs - Generate PDF documents with JSON to PDF API based on LaTeX templates. The free plan allows 50 API calls per month and access to a library of templates. DynamicDocs - 使用基于 LaTeX 模板的 JSON 到 PDF API 生成 PDF 文档. 免费计划允许每月 50 次 API 调用和访问模板库。
- Efemarai - Testing and debugging platform for ML models and data. Visualize any computational graph. Free 30 debugging sessions per month for developers. Efemarai - ML 模型和数据的测试与调试平台。可视化任何计算图表。每月为开发人员提供 30 次免费调试。
- Einblick - a modern data science platform that brings Python notebooks to a collaborative canvas and includes tools that automate everyday tasks such as building predictive models (AutoML) or comparing populations. The free tier consists of 5 canvases and unlimited collaborators. Einblick - 一个现代数据科学平台,它将 Python 笔记本带入协作画布,并包含可自动执行日常任务(如构建预测模型(AutoML)或比较人群)的工具。免费层包含 5 个画布和无限协作者。
- Exspanse - MLOPS Platform to build, train and deploy ML models and AI solutions. The free plan allows the creation of unlimited projects, 5Gb of cloud storage, and five docker container images. Exspanse - MLOPS 平台,用于构建、训练和部署 ML 模型和人工智能解决方案。免费计划允许创建无限量的项目、5Gb 的云存储空间和五个 docker 容器镜像。
- ExtendsClass - Free web-based HTTP client to send HTTP requests. ExtendsClass - 基于网络的免费 HTTP 客户端,用于发送 HTTP 请求。
- Export SDK - PDF generator API with drag-and-drop template editor that provides an SDK and no-code integrations. The free plan has 250 monthly pages, unlimited users, and three templates. 导出 SDK - 带有拖放模板编辑器的 PDF 生成器 API,提供 SDK 和无代码集成。免费计划每月有 250 个页面、无限用户和三个模板。
- file.coffee - A platform where you can store up to 15MB/file (30/MB file with an account). file.coffee - 一个平台,您最多可以存储 15MB/ 个文件(有账户的情况下为 30MB/ 个文件)。
- Flatirons Fuse - An embeddable CSV and spreadsheet import tool that makes data to your website fast, easy, and painless. Flatirons Fuse - 一种可嵌入的 CSV 和电子表格导入工具,可快速、轻松、无障碍地将数据导入您的网站。
- FraudLabs Pro — Screen an order transaction for credit card payment fraud. This REST API will detect all possible fraud traits based on the input parameters of an order. The Free Micro plan has 500 transactions per month. FraudLabs Pro - 筛选订单交易中的信用卡支付欺诈行为。此 REST API 将根据订单的输入参数检测所有可能的欺诈特征。免费微型计划每月可处理 500 笔交易。
- Geekflare API - Geekflare API lets you take screenshots, audit websites, TLS scan, DNS lookup, test TTFB, and more. The free plan offers 3,000 API requests. Geekflare API - Geekflare API 可让您截图、审核网站、TLS 扫描、DNS 查询、测试 TTFB 等。免费计划提供 3,000 个 API 请求。
- GeoCod — Free geocoding API: Convert postal addresses into geographic coordinates or convert geographic coordinates into postal addresses (reverse geocoding). GeoCod - 免费地理编码 API:将邮政地址转换为地理坐标,或将地理坐标转换为邮政地址(反向地理编码)。
- GeoDataSource — Location search service looks up city names using latitude and longitude coordinates. Free API queries up to 500 times per month. GeoDataSource - 使用经纬度坐标查找城市名称的位置搜索服务。免费 API 查询每月最多 500 次。
- Glitterly - Programmatically generate dynamic images from base templates. Restful API and nocode integrations. The free tier comes with 50 images/month and five templates. Glitterly - 从基础模板以编程方式生成动态图像。支持有源 API 和 nocode 集成。免费层每月提供 50 张图片和五个模板。
- GoodData - Data as a Service - Create interactive and insightful dashboards. The free tier comes with five workspaces and 100 MB/workspace. GoodData - 数据即服务 - 创建交互式、有洞察力的仪表盘。免费层包含五个工作区,每个工作区 100 MB。
- Hex - a collaborative data platform for notebooks, data apps, and knowledge libraries. Free community version with up to 3 authors and five projects. One compute profile per author with 4GB RAM. Hex - 用于笔记本、数据应用程序和知识库的协作数据平台。免费社区版本,最多可容纳 3 位作者和 5 个项目。每位作者可使用一个计算配置文件,内存为 4GB。
- Hook0 - Hook0 is an open-source Webhooks-as-a-service (WaaS) that makes it easy for online products to provide webhooks. Dispatch up to 3,000 events/month with seven days of history retention for free. Hook0 - Hook0 是一种开源的网络钩子即服务(WaaS),可让在线产品轻松提供网络钩子。每月可免费发送多达 3,000 个事件,并可保留七天的历史记录。
- Hoppscotch - A free, fast, and beautiful API request builder. Hoppscotch - 免费、快速、美观的 API 请求生成器。
- Hybiscus - Build pdf reports using a simple declarative API. The free tier includes up to 100 single-page reports per month with the ability to customize color palettes and fonts. Hybiscus - 使用简单的宣言 API 构建 PDF 报告. 免费层包含每月高达 100 个单页的报告,可自定义颜色板和字体。
- Invantive Cloud — Access over 70 (cloud)platforms such as Exact Online, Twinfield, ActiveCampaign or Visma using Invantive SQL or OData4 (typically Power BI or Power Query). Includes data replication and exchange. Free plan for developers and implementation consultants. Free for specific platforms with limitations in data volumes. Invantive Cloud - 使用 Invantive SQL 或 OData4(通常为 Power BI 或 Power Query)访问 Exact Online、Twinfield、ActiveCampaign 或 Visma 等 70 多个(云)平台。包括数据复制和交换。针对开发人员和实施顾问的免费计划。对数据量有限制的特定平台免费。
- ipaddress.sh — Simple service to get a public IP address in different formats. ipaddress.sh - 获取不同格式的公共 IP 地址的简单服务。
- ipbase.com - IP Geolocation API - Forever free plan that spans 150 monthly requests. ipbase.com - IP 地理位置 API - 永久免费计划,每月可请求 150 次。
- IP Geolocation — IP Geolocation API - Forever free plan for developers with 30k requests per month (1k/day) limit. IP Geolocation - IP Geolocation API - 面向开发人员的永久免费计划,每月限制 30k 个请求(1k/天)。
- IP Geolocation API — IP Geolocation API from Abstract - Extensive free plan allowing 20,000 monthly requests. IP Geolocation API - 来自 Abstract 的 IP Geolocation API - 广泛的免费计划,每月允许 20,000 次请求。
- IP2Location — Freemium IP geolocation service. LITE database is available for free download. Import the database in the server and perform a local query to determine the city, coordinates, and ISP information. IP2Location - 免费 IP 地理定位服务。LITE 数据库可供免费下载。在服务器中导入数据库并执行本地查询,即可确定城市、坐标和 ISP 信息。
- IP2Location.io — Freemium, fast and reliable IP geolocation API to determine geolocation data like city, coordinates, ISP, etc. The free plan is available with 30k credits per month. Subscribe to paid plans for more advanced features or contact us for a personalized plan. IP2Location.io - 免费、快速、可靠的 IP 地理位置 API,用于确定城市、坐标、ISP 等地理位置数据。免费计划每月提供 30k 点数。订阅付费计划可获得更多高级功能,或联系我们获取个性化计划。
- ipapi - IP Address Location API by Kloudend, Inc - A reliable geolocation API built on AWS, trusted by Fortune 500. The free tier offers 30k lookups/month (1k/day) without signup. ipapi - Kloudend 公司的 IP 地址定位 API - 基于 AWS 构建的可靠地理位置 API,深受财富 500 强企业的信赖。免费层级每月提供 30k 次查询(1k/天),无需注册。
- ipapi.is - A reliable IP Address API from Developers for Developers with the best Hosting Detection capabilities that exist. The free plan offers 1000 lookups without signup. ipapi.is - 开发人员为开发人员提供的可靠的 IP 地址 API,具有最佳的主机检测功能。免费计划提供 1000 次查询,无需注册。
- IPinfo — Fast, accurate, and free (up to 50k/month) IP address data API. Offers APIs with details on geolocation, companies, carriers, IP ranges, domains, abuse contacts, and more. All paid APIs can be trialed for free. IPinfo — 快速,准确,免费(高达每月 50 万)IP 地址数据 API. 提供有关地理位置、公司、运营商、IP 范围、域名、滥用联系人等细节的 API。
- IPList — Lookup details about any IP address, such as Geo IP information, tor addresses, hostnames, and ASN details. Free for personal and business users. IPList - 查询任何 IP 地址的详细信息,如 Geo IP 信息、tor 地址、主机名和 ASN 详情。个人和企业用户均可免费使用。
- BigDataCloud - Provides fast, accurate, and free (Unlimited or up to 10K-50K/month) APIs for modern web like IP Geolocation, Reverse Geocoding, Networking Insights, Email and Phone Validation, Client Info and more. BigDataCloud - 为现代网络提供快速、准确和免费(无限制或高达 10K-50K/month )的 API,如 IP 地理定位、反向地理编码、网络洞察、电子邮件和电话验证、客户信息等。
- IPTrace — An embarrassingly simple API that provides your business with reliable and helpful IP geolocation data. IPTrace - 一个非常简单的应用程序接口,可为您的企业提供可靠、有用的 IP 地理定位数据。
- JSON2Video - A video editing API to automate video marketing and social media videos, programmatically or with no code. JSON2Video - 视频编辑应用程序接口,可通过编程或无需代码实现视频营销和社交媒体视频的自动化。
- JSON IP — Returns the Public IP address of the client it is requested from. No registration is required for the free tier. Using CORS, data can be requested using client-side JS directly from the browser. Useful for services monitoring change in client and server IPs. Unlimited Requests. JSON IP - 返回客户端的公共 IP 地址。免费层无需注册。使用 CORS,可使用客户端 JS 直接从浏览器请求数据。对于监控客户端和服务器 IP 变化的服务非常有用。无限请求。
- konghq.com — API Marketplace and powerful private and public API tools. With the free tier, some features such as monitoring, alerting, and support, are limited. konghq.com - API Marketplace 和强大的私有和公共 API 工具。免费层的某些功能(如监控、警报和支持)是有限的。
- Kreya — Free gRPC GUI client to call and test gRPC APIs. Can import gRPC APIs via server reflection. Kreya - 用于调用和测试 gRPC API 的免费 gRPC GUI 客户端。可通过服务器反射导入 gRPC API。
- Lightly — Improve your machine-learning models by using the correct data. Use datasets of up to 1000 samples for free. Lightly - 使用正确的数据改进您的机器学习模型。免费使用多达 1000 个样本的数据集。
- LoginLlama - A login security API to detect fraudulent and suspicious logins and notify your customers. Free for 1,000 logins per month. LoginLlama - 登录安全 API,用于检测欺诈性和可疑登录并通知客户。每月可免费登录 1,000 次。
- MailboxValidator — Email verification service using real mail server connection to confirm valid email. The free API plan has 300 verifications per month. MailboxValidator - 使用真实邮件服务器连接确认有效电子邮件的电子邮件验证服务。免费 API 计划每月可进行 300 次验证。
- Meteosource Weather API — global weather API for current and forecasted weather data. Forecasts are based on a machine learning combination of more weather models to achieve better accuracy. The free plan comes with 400 calls per day. Meteosource Weather API - 用于当前和预报天气数据的全球天气 API。预报基于更多天气模型的机器学习组合,以达到更高的准确性。免费计划每天可通话 400 次。
- microlink.io – It turns any website into data such as metatags normalization, beauty link previews, scraping capabilities, or screenshots as a service. One hundred reqs/day, every day free. microlink.io - 它可将任何网站转化为数据,如元标签规范化、美观链接预览、搜刮功能或截图服务。每天 100 个请求,每天免费。
- Mindee – Mindee is a powerful OCR software and an API-first platform that helps developers automate applications' workflows by standardizing the document processing layer through data recognition for key information using computer vision and machine learning. The free tier offers 250 pages per month. Mindee - Mindee 是一款功能强大的 OCR 软件,也是一个以 API 为先的平台,通过使用计算机视觉和机器学习对关键信息进行数据识别,实现文档处理层的标准化,从而帮助开发人员实现应用程序工作流程的自动化。免费层每月提供 250 页。
- monkeylearn.com — Text analysis with machine learning, free 300 queries/month. monkeylearn.com - 利用机器学习进行文本分析,每月免费 300 次查询。
- MockAPI — MockAPI is a simple tool that lets you quickly mock up APIs, generate custom data, and perform operations using a RESTful interface. MockAPI is meant to be a prototyping/testing/learning tool. One project/4 resources per project for free. MockAPI - MockAPI 是一款简单的工具,可让您快速模拟 API、生成自定义数据并使用 RESTful 接口执行操作。MockAPI 可作为原型设计/测试/学习工具。每个项目免费提供一个项目/4 个资源。
- Mockfly — Mockfly is a trusted development tool for API mocking and feature flag management. Quickly generate and control mock APIs with an intuitive interface. The free tier offers 500 requests per day. Mockfly - Mockfly 是一款值得信赖的 API 模拟和功能标志管理开发工具。通过直观的界面快速生成和控制模拟 API。免费层每天提供 500 个请求。
- Mocki - A tool that lets you create mock GraphQL and REST APIs synced to a GitHub repository. Simple REST APIs are free to develop and use without signup. Mocki - 一种可让您创建与 GitHub 仓库同步的模拟 GraphQL 和 REST API 的工具。简单的 REST API 无需注册即可免费开发和使用。
- Mocko.dev — Proxy your API, choose which endpoints to mock in the cloud and inspect traffic, for free. Speed up your development and integration tests. Mocko.dev - 免费代理您的 API、选择要在云中模拟的端点并检查流量。加快开发和集成测试。
- Mocky - A simple web app to generate custom HTTP responses for mocking HTTP requests. Also available as open source. Mocky - 一个简单的网络应用程序,用于为模拟 HTTP 请求生成自定义 HTTP 响应。还提供开放源代码。
- reqres.in - A Free hosted REST-API ready to respond to your AJAX requests. reqres.in - 免费托管的 RESTAPI,可随时响应您的 AJAX 请求。
- microenv.com — Create fake REST API for developers with the possibility to generate code and app in a docker container. microenv.com - 为开发人员创建假冒的 REST API,并可在 docker 容器中生成代码和应用程序。
- neptune.ai - Log, store, display, organize, compare, and query all your MLOps metadata. Free for individuals: 1 member, 100 GB of metadata storage, 200h of monitoring/month neptune.ai - 记录、存储、显示、组织、比较和查询所有 MLOps 元数据。对个人免费:1 名成员,100 GB 元数据存储空间,每月 200 小时监控时间
- News API — Search news on the web with code, and get JSON results. Developers get 3,000 queries free each month. News API - 使用代码搜索网络新闻,并获得 JSON 结果。开发人员每月可免费查询 3,000 次。
- Nordigen — Free open banking data API. PSD2. Connect 2300+ banks with your app/software in EU+UK. Nordigen - 免费开放银行数据 API。PSD2。用您的应用程序/软件连接欧盟和英国的 2300 多家银行。
- Nyckel — Train, deploy, and invoke image and text ML models. Free training with up to 5,000 pieces of training data. 1000 model invokes per month free. Nyckel - 训练、部署和调用图像与文本 ML 模型。可使用多达 5,000 条训练数据进行免费训练。每月免费调用 1000 次模型。
- Observable — a place to create, collaborate, and learn with data. Free: Unlimited notebooks, Unlimited publishing, Five editors per notebook. Observable - 利用数据进行创建、协作和学习的地方。免费:无限笔记本、无限发布、每个笔记本五个编辑器。
- OCR.Space — An OCR API parses image and pdf files that return the text results in JSON format. Twenty-five thousand requests per month are free. OCR.Space - OCR API 可解析图像和 pdf 文件,并以 JSON 格式返回文本结果。每月免费提供 25000 次请求。
- Duply.co — Create dynamic images from API & URL, design template once and reuse it. The free tier offers 70 images/month creation from API & URL and Up to 100 through Form. Duply.co - 通过 API 和 URL 创建动态图片,只需设计一次模板即可重复使用。免费层每月可通过 API 和 URL 创建 70 张图片,通过表单最多可创建 100 张图片。
- OpenAPI3 Designer — Visually create Open API 3 definitions for free. OpenAPI3 Designer - 免费以可视化方式创建 Open API 3 定义。
- Orchest — Visual pipeline editor and workflow orchestrator for data science, one instance for free, open source version available. Orchest - 用于数据科学的可视化管道编辑器和工作流协调器,一个实例免费,有开源版本。
- parsehub.com — Extract data from dynamic sites, turn dynamic websites into APIs, five projects free. parsehub.com - 从动态网站提取数据,将动态网站转化为 API,免费提供五个项目。
- pdfEndpoint.com - Effortlessly convert HTML or URLs to PDF with a simple API. One hundred conversions per month for free. pdfEndpoint.com - 使用简单的 API 轻松地将 HTML 或 URL 转换为 PDF。每月免费转换 100 次。
- PDF-API.io - PDF Automation API, visual template editor or HTML to PDF, dynamic data integration, and PDF rendering with an API. The free plan comes with one template, 100 PDFs/month. PDF-API.io - PDF 自动化 API、可视化模板编辑器或 HTML 转 PDF、动态数据集成,以及通过 API 渲染 PDF。免费计划包含一个模板,每月 100 个 PDF。
- Pixela - Free daystream database service. All operations are performed by API. Visualization with heat maps and line graphs is also possible. Pixela - 免费日流数据库服务。所有操作均通过 API 执行。还可使用热图和折线图进行可视化。
- Postbacks - Request HTTP callbacks for a later time. Eight thousand free requests on signup. Postbacks - 稍后再请求 HTTP 回调。注册后可免费请求八千次。
- Postman — Simplify workflows and create better APIs – faster – with Postman, a collaboration platform for API development. Use the Postman App for free forever. Postman cloud features are also free forever with certain limits. Postman - Postman 是用于 API 开发的协作平台,可简化工作流程并更快地创建更好的 API。永久免费使用 Postman 应用程序。Postman 云功能也是永久免费的,但有一定限制。
- PrefectCloud — A complete platform for dataflow automation. All plans include 20,000 free runs every month. That's enough to power ETL for most small businesses. PrefectCloud - 数据流自动化的完整平台。所有计划每月都包含 20,000 次免费运行。这足以为大多数小型企业的 ETL 提供动力。
- Preset Cloud - A hosted Apache Superset service. Forever free for teams of up to 5 users, featuring unlimited dashboards and charts, a no-code chart builder, and a collaborative SQL editor. Preset Cloud - Apache Superset 托管服务。对最多 5 名用户的团队永久免费,具有无限制的仪表盘和图表、无代码图表生成器以及协作式 SQL 编辑器。
- PromptLeo - Prompt engineering platform for creators and developers. It offers a prompt engineering library, forms, and API. The free plan provides one prompt formation, one prompt API endpoint, and 30 generations per month. PromptLeo - 面向创建者和开发者的提示工程平台。它提供提示工程库、表单和 API。免费计划每月提供一个提示格式、一个提示 API 端点和 30 个世代。
- PromptLoop - Use AI and large language models like GPT-3 with a simple spreadsheet formula to transform, comprehend, and analyze text in Google Sheets. The first 2,000 credits are free each month. PromptLoop - 使用人工智能和大型语言模型(如 GPT-3)以及简单的电子表格公式来转换、理解和分析 Google Sheets 中的文本。每月前 2,000 个学分免费。
- Crawlbase — Crawl and scrape websites without proxies, infrastructure, or browsers. We solve captchas for you and prevent you from being blocked. The first 1000 calls are free of charge. Crawlbase - 无需代理、基础设施或浏览器即可抓取和搜索网站。我们为您解决验证码问题,防止您被屏蔽。前 1000 次呼叫免费。
- Public-Apis Github Repo — A list of free public APIs. Public-Apis Github Repo - 免费公共 API 列表。
- Supportivekoala — Allows you to autogenerate images by your input via templates. The free plan allows you to create up to 100 images per week. Supportivekoala - 允许您通过模板输入内容自动生成图片。免费计划允许您每周创建多达 100 张图片。
- QuickMocker — Manage online fake API endpoints under your own subdomain, forward requests to localhost URL for webhooks development and testing, use RegExp and multiple HTTP methods for URL path, prioritize endpoints, more than 100 shortcodes (dynamic or fake response values) for response templating, import from OpenAPI ( Swagger) Specifications in JSON format, proxy requests, restrict endpoint by IP address and authorization header. The free account provides one random subdomain, ten endpoints, 5 RegExp URL paths, 50 shortcodes per endpoint, 100 requests per day, and 50 history records in the requests log. QuickMocker - 在自己的子域下管理在线伪造 API 端点,将请求转发至本地主机 URL 以进行 webhooks 开发和测试,对 URL 路径使用 RegExp 和多种 HTTP 方法,对端点进行优先排序,为响应模板化提供 100 多个简码(动态或伪造响应值),以 JSON 格式从 OpenAPI ( Swagger) 规范导入,代理请求,通过 IP 地址和授权头限制端点。免费账户提供一个随机子域、10 个端点、5 个 RegExp URL 路径、每个端点 50 个简码、每天 100 个请求以及请求日志中的 50 条历史记录。
- Rapidapi - World’s Largest API Hub Millions of developers find and connect to thousands of APIs, API Development using fun challenges (with solutions!) and interactive examples. Rapidapi - 全球最大的应用程序接口枢纽 数百万开发人员找到并连接到数千个应用程序接口,使用有趣的挑战(附带解决方案!)和互动示例进行应用程序接口开发。
- RequestBin.com — Create a free endpoint to which you can send HTTP requests. Any HTTP requests sent to that endpoint will be recorded with the associated payload and headers so you can observe recommendations from webhooks and other services. RequestBin.com - 创建一个可发送 HTTP 请求的免费端点。发送到该端点的任何 HTTP 请求都将与相关的有效载荷和标头一起被记录下来,以便您观察来自网络钩子和其他服务的建议。
- Roboflow - create and deploy a custom computer vision model with no prior machine learning experience required. The free tier includes up to 1,000 free source images. Roboflow - 无需任何机器学习经验,即可创建和部署自定义计算机视觉模型。免费层包含多达 1,000 张免费源图像。
- ROBOHASH - Web service to generate unique and cool images from any text. ROBOHASH - 从任何文本中生成独特、酷炫图像的网络服务。
- SaturnCloud - Data science cloud environment that allows running Jupyter notebooks and Dask clusters. Thirty hours of free computation and 3 hours of Dask per month. SaturnCloud - 允许运行 Jupyter 笔记本和 Dask 集群的数据科学云环境。每月提供 30 小时免费计算和 3 小时 Dask。
- Scraper's Proxy — Simple HTTP proxy API for scraping. Scrape anonymously without having to worry about restrictions, blocks, or captchas. First 100 successful scrapes per month free including javascript rendering (more available if you contact support). Scraper's Proxy - 用于搜索的简单 HTTP 代理 API。无需担心限制、阻止或验证码,即可进行匿名刮擦。每月免费提供前 100 次成功搜刮,包括 javascript 渲染(如联系技术支持,可提供更多服务)。
- ScrapingAnt — Headless Chrome scraping API and free checked proxies service. Javascript rendering, premium rotating proxies, CAPTCHAs avoiding. Free plans are available. ScrapingAnt - 无头 Chrome 搜刮 API 和免费检查代理服务。提供 Javascript 渲染、高级旋转代理、避免验证码。提供免费计划。
- ScraperBox — Undetectable web scraping API using real Chrome browsers and proxy rotation. Use a simple API call to scrape any web page. The free plan has 1000 requests per month. ScraperBox - 使用真正的 Chrome 浏览器和代理轮播进行无法检测的网页搜索 API。只需调用简单的 API 即可抓取任何网页。免费计划每月有 1000 个请求。
- ScrapingDog — Scrapingdog handles millions of proxies, browsers, and CAPTCHAs to provide you with the HTML of any web page in a single API call. It also includes Web Scraper for Chrome & Firefox and software for instant scraping demand. Free plans are available. ScrapingDog — Scrapingdog 处理数以百万计的代理程序,浏览器和 CAPTCHA,以便在单一的 API 调用中为您提供任何网页的 HTML。
- scrapinghub.com — Data scraping with visual interface and plugins. The free plan includes unlimited scraping on a shared server. scrapinghub.com - 利用可视化界面和插件进行数据搜刮。免费计划包括在共享服务器上进行无限制的搜刮。
- Simplescraper — Trigger your webhook after each operation. The free plan includes 100 cloud scrape credits. Simplescraper - 每次操作后触发网络钩子。免费计划包括 100 个云抓取点数。
- Select Star - is an intelligent data discovery platform that automatically analyzes and documents your data. Free light tier with 1 Data Source, up to 100 Tables and 10 Users. Select Star - 是一个智能数据发现平台,可自动分析和记录您的数据。免费的轻型层级有 1 个数据源、最多 100 个表和 10 个用户。
- Sheetson - Instantly turn any Google Sheets into a RESTful API. Free plan available. Sheetson - 即时将任何 Google Sheets 转化为 RESTful API。提供免费计划。
- Shipyard — Low-code data orchestration platform for the cloud. Build with a mix of low-code templates and your code (Python, Node.js, Bash, SQL). Our free developer plan offers 10 hours of runtime every month for one user - more than enough to automate multiple workflows. Shipyard - 面向云计算的低代码数据协调平台。混合使用低代码模板和您的代码(Python、Node.js、Bash、SQL)进行构建。我们的免费开发者计划为一名用户每月提供 10 小时的运行时间,足以实现多个工作流的自动化。
- shrtcode API - Free URL Shortening API without authorization and no request limits. shrtcode API - 免费 URL Shortening API,无需授权,无请求限制。
- SerpApi - Real-time search engine scraping API. Returns structured JSON results for Google, YouTube, Bing, Baidu, Walmart, and many other machines. The free plan includes 100 successful API calls per month. SerpApi - 实时搜索引擎搜索 API。返回谷歌、YouTube、必应、百度、沃尔玛和许多其他机器的结构化 JSON 结果。免费计划包括每月 100 次成功的 API 调用。
- Sofodata - Create secure RESTful APIs from CSV files. Upload a CSV file and instantly access the data via its API allowing faster application development. The free plan includes 2 APIs and 2,500 API calls per month. You don't need a credit card. Sofodata - 从 CSV 文件创建安全的 RESTful API。上传 CSV 文件并通过其 API 即时访问数据,从而加快应用程序开发。免费计划包括 2 个 API 和每月 2,500 次 API 调用。您不需要信用卡。
- Stoplight - Saas for collaboratively designing and documenting for APIs. The free plan offers free design, mocking, and documentation tools. Stoplight - 用于协作设计和记录 API 的 Saas。免费计划提供免费的设计、模拟和文档工具。
- Svix - Webhooks as a Service. Send up to 50,000 messages/month for free. Svix - Webhooks 作为一个服务. 每月免费发送多达 50,000 条消息。
- TemplateTo - Auto-Generate PDF/TXT documents from reusable templates with our drop-and-drop editor and simple API. The free plan comes with 450 PDFs/month and three templates. TemplateTo - 使用我们的下拉编辑器和简单的 API,从可重复使用的模板自动生成 PDF/TXT 文档。免费计划每月提供 450 个 PDF 和三个模板。
- TinyMCE - rich text editing API. Core features are free for unlimited usage. TinyMCE - 富文本编辑 API。核心功能无限制免费使用。
- Webhook Store - Tool for storing third-party webhooks and debug them on localhost ( ngrok style). Open source and self-hostable. Free personal domain username.github.webhook.store, free public domains anything.webhook.store. Webhook Store - 用于存储第三方网络钩子并在本地主机上调试(ngrok 风格)的工具。开源且可自行托管。免费个人域名 username.github.webhook.store,免费公共域名 anything.webhook.store。
- Weights & Biases — The developer-first MLOps platform. Build better models faster with experiment tracking, dataset versioning, and model management. Free tier for personal projects only, with 100 GB of storage included. Weights & Biases - 开发人员优先的 MLOps 平台。通过实验跟踪、数据集版本管理和模型管理,更快地建立更好的模型。免费层仅适用于个人项目,包含 100 GB 的存储空间。
- wit.ai — NLP for developers. wit.ai - 面向开发人员的 NLP。
- wolfram.com — Built-in knowledge-based algorithms in the cloud. wolfram.com - 基于知识的云内置算法。
- wrapapi.com — Turn any website into a parameterized API. 30k API calls per month. wrapapi.com - 将任何网站转化为参数化 API。每月 30k 次 API 调用。
- ZenRows — Web Scraping API & proxy server that bypasses any anti-bot solution while offering javascript rendering, rotating proxies, and geotargeting. The free tier of 1000 API calls. ZenRows - Web Scraping API 和代理服务器,可绕过任何反僵尸解决方案,同时提供 javascript 渲染、旋转代理和地理定位功能。免费层级可调用 1000 次 API。
- Zenscrape — Web scraping API with headless browsers, residentials IPs, and straightforward pricing. One thousand free API calls/month and extra credits for students and non-profits. Zenscrape - Web scraping API,提供无头浏览器、居民 IP 和直接定价。每月可免费调用一千次 API,并为学生和非营利组织提供额外积分。
- ip-api — IP Geolocation API, Free for non-commercial use, no API key required, limited to 45 req/minute from the same IP address for the free plan. ip-api - IP 地理定位 API,非商业用途免费,无需 API 密钥,免费计划中来自同一 IP 地址的请求次数限制为 45 次/分钟。
- WebScraping.AI - Simple Web Scraping API with built-in parsing, Chrome rendering, and proxies. Two thousand free API calls per month. WebScraping.AI - 简单的网络抓取 API,内置解析、Chrome 浏览器渲染和代理功能。每月可免费调用两千次 API。
- Zipcodebase - Free Zip Code API, access to Worldwide Postal Code Data. Ten thousand free requests/month. Zipcodebase - 免费邮政编码 API,可访问全球邮政编码数据。每月有一万个免费请求。
- huggingface.co - Build, train, and deploy NLP models for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX. Free up to 30k input characters/mo. huggingface.co - 为 Pytorch、TensorFlow 和 JAX 构建、训练和部署 NLP 模型。每月免费提供多达 30k 个输入字符。
- vatcheckapi.com - Simple and free VAT number validation API. Five hundred free requests per month. vatcheckapi.com - 简单免费的增值税号验证 API。每月 500 次免费请求。
- numlookupapi.com - Free phone number validation API - 100k free requests / month. numlookupapi.com - 免费电话号码验证 API - 每月 10 万次免费请求。
- Volca - Free API providing lists of technologies such as programming languages and database systems. Unlimited free requests. Volca - 免费 API,提供编程语言和数据库系统等技术列表。无限制免费请求。
- Query.me - Collaborative data notebooks that execute script-like and allow to fetch and send data via SQL, API, and many custom blocks, like Slack and Email. Free for small Teams. Query.me - 协作式数据笔记本,可通过 SQL、API 和许多自定义模块(如 Slack 和电子邮件)执行类似脚本的操作并获取和发送数据。对小型团队免费。
- ERD Lab — Free cloud-based entity relationship diagram (ERD) tool made for developers. ERD Lab - 免费的基于云的实体关系图(ERD)工具,专为开发人员。
- What The Diff - AI-powered code review assistant. The free plan has a limit of 25,000 monthly tokens (~10 PRs). What The Diff - 人工智能驱动的代码审查助手。免费计划的每月代币上限为 25,000 个(约 10 个 PR)。
- Zipcodestack - Free Zip Code API and Postal Code Validation. Ten thousand free requests/month. Zipcodestack - 免费邮政编码 API 和邮政编码验证。每月一万次免费请求。
- Zuplo - Add API Key authentication, rate limiting, and developer documentation to any API in minutes. The free plan offers up to 10 projects, unlimited production edge environments, 250 API keys, 100K monthly requests, and 1GB egress. Zuplo - 在几分钟内为任何 API 添加 API 密钥验证、速率限制和开发人员文档。免费计划提供多达 10 个项目、不受限制的生产边缘环境、250 个 API 密钥、每月 100K 请求和 1GB 出口。
- OpenWeb Ninja - Extremely comprehensive real-time SERP and public data APIs: Google Search, Shopping, Jobs, Images, Lens, News, Google Maps Businesses / Places, Reviews, Photos, Website Emails and Social Contacts Scraper, Amazon, Yelp and more. All APIs include a free tier with 100 to 200 free monthly requests. OpenWeb Ninja - 极其全面的实时 SERP 和公共数据 API:谷歌搜索、购物、工作、图片、镜头、新闻、谷歌地图上的企业/地点、评论、照片、网站电子邮件和社交联系人抓取器、亚马逊、Yelp 等。所有 API 均包含免费层,每月可免费请求 100 到 200 次。
- Tavily AI - API for online serach and rapid insights and comprehensive research, with the capability of organization of research results. 1000 request/month for the Free tier with No credit card required. Tavily AI - API 用于在线服务器和快速洞察和综合研究,有组织研究结果的能力 1000 请求 / 月 免费级别 无需信用卡。
Artifact Repos 工件 Repos
- Artifactory - An artifact repository that supports numerous package formats like Maven, Docker, Cargo, Helm, PyPI, CocoaPods, and GitLFS. Includes package scanning tool XRay and CI/CD tool Pipelines (formerly Shippable) with a free tier of 2,000 CI/CD minutes per month. Artifactory - 一个工件库,支持多种软件包格式,如 Maven、Docker、Cargo、Helm、PyPI、CocoaPods 和 GitLFS。包括软件包扫描工具 XRay 和 CI/CD 工具 Pipelines(前身为 Shippable),每月免费提供 2,000 CI/CD 分钟。
- central.sonatype.org — The default artifact repository for Apache Maven, SBT, and other build systems. central.sonatype.org - Apache Maven、SBT 和其他构建系统的默认构件库。
- cloudrepo.io - Cloud-based, private and public, Maven and PyPi repositories. Free for open-source projects. cloudrepo.io - 基于云的私有和公共 Maven 和 PyPi 资源库。开源项目免费使用。
- cloudsmith.io — Simple, secure, and centralized repository service for Java/Maven, RedHat, Debian, Python, Ruby, Vagrant, and more. Free tier + free for open source. cloudsmith.io - 为 Java/Maven、RedHat、Debian、Python、Ruby、Vagrant 等提供简单、安全和集中的存储库服务。免费层 + 开源免费。
- jitpack.io — Maven repository for JVM and Android projects on GitHub, free for public projects. jitpack.io - GitHub 上用于 JVM 和 Android 项目的 Maven 资源库,对公共项目免费。
- packagecloud.io — Easy to use repository hosting for Maven, RPM, DEB, PyPi, NPM, and RubyGem packages (has free tier). packagecloud.io - 用于 Maven、RPM、DEB、PyPi、NPM 和 RubyGem 软件包的易于使用的版本库托管(有免费层)。
- repsy.io — 1 GB Free private/public Maven Repository. repsy.io - 1 GB 免费私有/公共 Maven 资源库。
- Gemfury — Private and public artifact repos for Maven, PyPi, NPM, Go Module, Nuget, APT, and RPM repositories. Free for public projects. Gemfury - Maven、PyPi、NPM、Go Module、Nuget、APT 和 RPM 资源库的私有和公共工件库。对公共项目免费。
- paperspace — Build & scale AI models, Develop, train, and deploy AI applications, free plan: public projects, 5Gb storage, basic instances. paperspace - 构建和扩展人工智能模型,开发、训练和部署人工智能应用程序,免费计划:公共项目、5Gb 存储、基本实例。
Tools for Teams and Collaboration 团队和协作工具
- 3Cols - A free cloud-based code snippet manager for personal and collaborative code. 3Cols - 基于云的免费代码片段管理器,适用于个人和协作代码。
- Bitwarden — The easiest and safest way for individuals, teams, and business organizations to store, share, and sync sensitive data. Bitwarden 是个人、团队和商业组织存储、共享和同步敏感数据的最简单、最安全的方式。
- Braid — Chat app designed for teams. Free for public access group, unlimited users, history, and integrations. also, it provides a self-hostable open-source version. Braid - 专为团队设计的聊天应用程序。免费用于公共访问组、无限用户、历史记录和集成。此外,它还提供可自行托管的开源版本。
- cally.com — Find the perfect time and date for a meeting. Simple to use, works great for small and large groups. cally.com - 为会议寻找最佳时间和日期。使用简单,非常适合小型和大型团体。
- Calendly — Calendly is the tool for connecting and scheduling meetings. The free plan provides 1 Calendar connection per user and Unlimited sessions. Desktop and Mobile apps are also offered. Calendly - Calendly 是一款用于连接和安排会议的工具。免费计划为每位用户提供 1 个日历连接和无限次会议。还提供桌面和移动应用程序。
- Discord — Chat with public/private rooms. Markdown text, voice, video, and screen sharing capabilities. Free for unlimited users. Discord - 与公共/私人房间聊天。Markdown 文本、语音、视频和屏幕共享功能。无限用户免费使用。
- Telegram — Telegram is for everyone who wants fast, reliable messaging and calls. Business users and small teams may like the large groups, usernames, desktop apps, and powerful file-sharing options. Telegram - Telegram 适合所有希望获得快速、可靠信息和通话的人。企业用户和小型团队可能会喜欢大型群组、用户名、桌面应用程序和强大的文件共享选项。
- Dubble — Free Step-by-Step Guide creator. Take screenshots, document processes and colloborate with your team. Also supports async screen recording. Dubble - 免费的分步指南创建工具。截图、记录流程并与团队协作。还支持异步屏幕录制。
- Duckly — Talk and collaborate in real time with your team. Pair programming with IDE, terminal sharing, voice, video, and screen sharing. Free for small teams. Duckly - 与团队实时交流和协作。通过 IDE、终端共享、语音、视频和屏幕共享进行结对编程。对小型团队免费。
- Dyte - The most developer-friendly live video & audio SDK, featuring collaborative plugins to enhance productivity and engagement. The free tier includes monthly 10,000 minutes of live video/audio usage. Dyte - 对开发人员最友好的实时视频和音频 SDK,具有协作插件,可提高工作效率和参与度。免费层级包括每月 10,000 分钟的实时视频/音频使用。
- evernote.com — Tool for organizing information. Share your notes and work together with others evernote.com - 用于组织信息的工具。与他人分享您的笔记并一起工作
- Fibery — Connected workspace platform. Free for single users, up to 2 GB disk space. Fibery - 互联工作空间平台。单用户免费,磁盘空间最大 2 GB。
- Filestash — A Dropbox-like file manager that connects to a range of protocols and platforms: S3, FTP, SFTP, Minio, Git, WebDAV, Backblaze, LDAP and more. Filestash - 类似 Dropbox 的文件管理器,可连接一系列协议和平台:S3、FTP、SFTP、Minio、Git、WebDAV、Backblaze、LDAP 等。
- flock.com — A faster way for your team to communicate. Free Unlimited Messages, Channels, Users, Apps & Integrations flock.com - 让团队沟通更快捷的方式。无限制免费信息、频道、用户、应用程序和集成
- Gather - A better way to meet online. Centered around fully customizable spaces, Gather makes spending time with your communities just as easy as real life. Free for up to 10 concurrent users. Gather - 一种更好的在线聚会方式。Gather 以完全可定制的空间为中心,让您与社区共度时光就像在现实生活中一样轻松。多达 10 位并发用户可免费使用。
- gokanban.io - Syntax-based, no registration Kanban Board for fast use. Free with no limitations. gokanban.io - 基于语法、无需注册、可快速使用的看板。免费,无限制。
- flat.social - Interactive customizable spaces for team meetings & happy hours socials. Unlimited meetings, free up to 8 concurrent users. flat.social - 用于团队会议和欢乐时光社交活动的可定制互动空间。会议不受限制,最多可同时容纳 8 名用户。
- GitDailies - Daily reports of your team's Commit and Pull Request activity on GitHub. Includes Push visualizer, peer recognition system, and custom alert builder. The free tier has unlimited users, three repos, and 3 alert configs. GitDailies - GitHub 上团队提交和 Pull Request 活动的每日报告。包括推送可视化器、同行识别系统和自定义警报生成器。免费层有无限用户、三个版本库和三个警报配置。
- gitter.im — Chat, for GitHub. Unlimited public and private rooms, free for teams of up to 25 gitter.im - GitHub 的聊天工具。无限制的公共和私人房间,最多 25 人的团队可免费使用
- Hackmd.io - Real time collaboration & writing tool for markdown format docs/files. Like Google but for markdown files. Free unlimited number of "notes", but the number of collaborators (invitee) for private notes & template will be limited. Hackmd.io - 用于标记符格式文档/文件的实时协作与写作工具。与谷歌类似,但适用于 markdown 文件。免费,"笔记 " 数量不限,但私人笔记和模板的合作者(受邀者)数量有限。
- hangouts.google.com — One place for all your conversations, for free, need a Google account hangouts.google.com - 在一个地方进行所有对话,免费,需要 Google 帐户
- HeySpace - Task management tool with chat, calendar, timeline and video calls. Free for up to 5 users. HeySpace - 具有聊天、日历、时间轴和视频通话功能的任务管理工具。最多可免费使用 5 名用户。
- helplightning.com — Help over video with augmented reality. Free without analytics, encryption, support helplightning.com — 帮助增强现实视频. 免费没有分析,加密,支持
- ideascale.com — Allow clients to submit ideas and vote, free for 25 members in 1 community ideascale.com - 允许客户提交创意并进行投票,1 个社区的 25 名成员可免费使用
- Igloo — Internal portal for sharing documents, blogs, calendars, etc. Free for up to 10 users. Igloo - 用于共享文档、博客、日历等的内部门户。多达 10 名用户可免费使用。
- Keybase — Keybase is a FOSS alternative to Slack; it keeps everyone's chats and files safe, from families to communities to companies. Keybase - Keybase 是 Slack 的自由和开放源码软件替代品;它能保证从家庭、社区到公司的每个人的聊天和文件安全。
- Google Meet — Use Google Meet for your business's online video meeting needs. Meet provides secure, easy-to-join online meetings. Google Meet - 使用 Google Meet 满足您的在线视频会议需求。Meet 提供安全、易于加入的在线会议。
- /meet for Slack - Start Google Meetings directly from Slack by using /meet in any channel, group, or DM. Free without any limitations. 用于 Slack 的 /meet - 在任何频道、群组或 DM 中使用 /meet,直接从 Slack 启动 Google 会议。免费,无任何限制。
- Livecycle — Livecycle is an inclusive collaboration platform that makes workflows frictionless for cross-functional product teams and open-source projects. Livecycle - Livecycle 是一个包容性的协作平台,可让跨职能产品团队和开源项目的工作流程无障碍地进行。
- MarkUp — MarkUp lets you collect feedback directly on top of your websites, PDFs and images. MarkUp - MarkUp 可让您直接在网站、PDF 和图片上收集反馈。
- Proton Pass — Password manager with built-in email aliases, 2FA authenticator, sharing and passkeys. Available on web, browser extension, and mobile app and desktop. Proton Pass - 密码管理器,内置电子邮件别名、2FA 验证器、共享和密钥。可在网页、浏览器扩展、移动应用程序和桌面上使用。
- Visual Debug - A Visual feedback tool for better client-dev communication 可视化调试 - 一种可视化反馈工具,用于改善客户与开发人员之间的沟通
- meet.jit.si — One-click video conversations, and screen sharing, for free meet.jit.si - 一键式免费视频对话和屏幕共享
- Microsoft Teams — Microsoft Teams is a chat-based digital hub that brings conversations, content, and apps together in one place all from a single experience. Free for up to 500k users. Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Teams 是一个基于聊天的数字中心,可将会话、内容和应用程序集中在一个地方,并提供单一体验。对多达 50 万用户免费。
- Miro - Scalable, secure, cross-device, and enterprise-ready collaboration whiteboard for distributed teams. With a freemium plan. Miro - 适用于分布式团队的可扩展、安全、跨设备和企业级协作白板。提供免费计划。
- nootiz - The go-to tool for gathering and managing visual feedback on any website nootiz - 收集和管理任何网站视觉反馈的首选工具
- Notion - Notion is a note-taking and collaboration application with markdown support that integrates tasks, wikis, and databases. The company describes the app as an all-in-one workspace for note-taking, project management and task management. In addition to cross-platform apps, it can be accessed via most web browsers. Notion - Notion 是一款笔记和协作应用程序,支持标记符,集成了任务、维基和数据库。该公司称该应用程序是一个集笔记、项目管理和任务管理于一身的工作空间。除了跨平台应用程序外,它还可以通过大多数网络浏览器访问。
- Nuclino - A lightweight and collaborative wiki for all your team's knowledge, docs, and notes. Free plan with all essential features, up to 50 items, and 5GB storage. Nuclino - 一个轻量级的协作式维基,可存储团队的所有知识、文档和笔记。免费计划包含所有基本功能、最多 50 个项目和 5GB 存储空间。
- OnlineInterview.io - Free code interview platform with embedded video chat, drawing board, and online code editor where you can compile and run your code on the browser. You can create a remote interview room with just one click. OnlineInterview.io - 免费代码采访平台嵌入式视频聊天,绘图板和在线代码编辑器,您可以在浏览器上编译和运行您的代码。
- Quidlo Timesheets - A simple timesheet and time tracking app for teams. The free plan has time tracking and generating reports features for up to 10 users. Quidlo Timesheets - 适用于团队的简单时间表和时间跟踪应用程序。免费计划具有时间跟踪和生成报告功能,最多可容纳 10 名用户。
- PageShare.dev - Adds visual review capabilities into GitHub Pull Requests with no need to deploy websites. Free for up to 10 pages each month and 100MB of storage in total. PageShare.dev - 为 GitHub 拉取请求添加可视化审查功能,无需部署网站。每月免费,最多 10 页,总存储量 100MB。
- Pendulums - Pendulums is a free time tracking tool that helps you manage your time in a better manner with an easy-to-use interface and valuable statistics. Pendulums - Pendulums 是一款免费的时间跟踪工具,通过简单易用的界面和宝贵的统计数据,帮助你更好地管理时间。
- Pumble - Free team chat app. Unlimited users and message history, free forever. Pumble - 免费团队聊天应用程序。无限用户和消息历史记录,永久免费。
- Raindrop.io - Private and secure bookmarking app for macOS, Windows, Android, iOS, and Web. Free Unlimited Bookmarks and Collaboration. Raindrop.io - 用于 macOS,Windows,Android,iOS 和 Web 的私人和安全标记应用程序. 免费无限标记和协作。
- element.io — A decentralized and open-source communication tool built on Matrix. Group chats, direct messaging, encrypted file transfers, voice and video chats, and easy integration with other services. element.io - 一个分散和开源的通信工具,基于 Matrix,组聊天,直接消息,加密文件传输,语音和视频聊天,以及与其他服务的轻松集成。
- Rocket.Chat - Open-source communication platform with Omnichannel features, Matrix Federation, Bridge with others apps, Unlimited messaging, and Full messaging history. Rocket.Chat - 开源通信平台,具有全渠道功能、矩阵联盟、与其他应用程序的桥接、无限消息传递和完整消息传递历史。
- seafile.com — Private or cloud storage, file sharing, sync, discussions. The cloud version has just 1 GB seafile.com - 私人或云存储、文件共享、同步、讨论。云版本只有 1 GB
- Sema - Free developer portfolio tool able to consolidate and snapshot contributions across multiple repositories into a single report. Sema - 免费的开发人员投资组合工具,可将多个资源库中的贡献整合到一份报告中并进行快照。
- Slab — A modern knowledge management service for teams. Free for up to 10 users. Slab - 面向团队的现代知识管理服务。最多可免费使用 10 名用户。
- slack.com — Free for unlimited users with some feature limitations slack.com — 免费给无限用户,有一些功能限制
- Spectrum - Create public or private communities for free. Spectrum - 免费创建公共或私人社区。
- StatusPile - A status page of status pages. Could you track the status pages of your upstream providers? StatusPile - 状态页面的状态页面. 你能跟踪上游提供商的状态页面吗?
- Stickies - Visual collaboration app used for brainstorming, content curation, and notes. Free for up to 3 Walls, unlimited users, and 1 GB storage. Stickies - 用于头脑风暴、内容策划和笔记的可视化协作应用程序。最多可免费使用 3 面墙、无限用户和 1 GB 存储空间。
- talky.io — Free group video chat. Anonymous. Peer‑to‑peer. No plugins, signup, or payment required talky.io - 免费群组视频聊天。匿名。点对点。无需插件、注册或付款
- Teamhood - Free Project, Task, and Issue-tracking software. Supports Kanban with Swimlanes and full Scrum implementation. Has integrated time tracking. Free for five users and three project portfolios. Teamhood - 免费项目、任务和问题跟踪软件。支持带 Swimlanes 的看板和完整的 Scrum 实施。集成了时间跟踪功能。免费提供五个用户和三个项目组合。
- Teamplify - improve team development processes with Team Analytics and Smart Daily Standup. Includes full-featured Time Off management for remote-first teams. Free for small groups of up to 5 users. Teamplify - 通过团队分析和智能每日例会改进团队开发流程。包括针对远程团队的全功能时间管理。对最多 5 名用户的小型团队免费。
- Tefter - Bookmarking app with a powerful Slack integration. Free for open-source teams. Tefter - 与强大的 Slack 集成的书签应用程序。免费提供给开源团队。
- TeleType — share terminals, voice, code, whiteboard, and more. no sign-in is required for end-to-end encrypted collaboration for developers. TeleType - 共享终端、语音、代码、白板等。无需登录即可为开发人员提供端到端加密协作。
- TimeCamp - Free time tracking software for unlimited users. Easily integrates with PM tools like Jira, Trello, Asana, etc. TimeCamp - 适用于无限用户的免费时间跟踪软件。可与 Jira、Trello、Asana 等 PM 工具轻松集成。
- twist.com — An asynchronous-friendly team communication app where conversations stay organized and on-topic. Free and Unlimited plans are available. Discounts are provided for eligible teams. twist.com — 一个非同步友好的团队通信应用程序,让对话保持有组织和主题。免费和无限计划可用。
- tldraw.com — Free open-source white-boarding and diagramming tool with intelligent arrows, snapping, sticky notes, and SVG export features. Multiplayer mode for collaborative editing. Free official VS Code extension available as well. tldraw.com - 免费开源白板和图表制作工具,具有智能箭头、抢拍、便笺和 SVG 导出功能。多人模式可用于协作编辑。还提供免费的 VS Code 官方扩展。
- BookmarkOS.com - Free all-on-one bookmark manager, tab manager, and task manager in a customizable online desktop with folder collaboration. BookmarkOS.com - 在具有文件夹协作功能的可定制在线桌面中提供免费的一体化书签管理器、标签管理器和任务管理器。
- typetalk.com — Share and discuss ideas with your team through instant messaging on the web or your mobile typetalk.com — 通过在线或移动的即时消息传递与您的团队分享和讨论想法
- Tugboat - Preview every pull request, automated and on-demand. Free for all, complimentary Nano tier for non-profits. Tugboat - 自动按需预览每个拉取请求。对所有人免费,对非营利组织免费提供 Nano 层。
- whereby.com — One-click video conversations, for free (formerly known as appear.in) whereby.com - 一键式免费视频对话(前身为 appear.in)
- windmill.dev - Windmill is an open-source developer platform to quickly build production-grade multi-step automation and internal apps from minimal Python and Typescript scripts. As a free user, you can create and be a member of at most three non-premium workspaces. windmill.dev - Windmill 是一个开源开发者平台,可通过最小 Python 和 Typescript 脚本快速构建生产级多步骤自动化和内部应用程序。作为免费用户,你最多可以创建三个非高级工作空间并成为其中的成员。
- vadoo.tv — Video hosting and marketing made simple. Upload videos with a single click. Record, manage, share & more. The free tier provides up to 10 videos, 1 GB of storage, and 10 GB of bandwidth/per month vadoo.tv — 视频托管和营销变得简单. 单击上传视频. 录制,管理,分享和更多. 免费级别提供高达 10 个视频,1GB 的存储空间和 10GB 的带宽/每月
- userforge.com - Interconnected online personas, user stories and context mapping. Helps keep design and dev in sync free for up to 3 personas and two collaborators. userforge.com - 互联的在线角色、用户故事和上下文映射。帮助保持设计和开发同步,最多可容纳 3 个角色和 2 个协作者。
- wistia.com — Video hosting with viewer analytics, HD video delivery, and marketing tools to help understand your visitors, 25 videos, and Wistia branded player wistia.com - 视频托管,提供观众分析、高清视频传输和营销工具,帮助了解您的访客、25 个视频和 Wistia 品牌播放器
- wormhol.org — Straightforward file sharing service. Share unlimited files up to 5GB with as many peers as you want. wormhol.org - 直接的文件共享服务。与任意数量的同行共享高达 5GB 的无限文件。
- Wormhole - Share files up to 5GB with end-to-end encryption for up to 24hours. For files larger than 5 GB, it uses peer-to-peer transfer to send your files directly. Wormhole - 共享最大 5GB 的文件,端到端加密时间长达 24 小时。对于大于 5GB 的文件,它采用点对点传输方式直接发送文件。
- zoom.us — Secure Video and Web conferencing add-ons available. The free plan is limited to 40 minutes. zoom.us - 提供安全视频和网络会议附加组件。免费计划仅限 40 分钟。
- shtab.app - Project management service that makes collaboration in the office remotely transparent with a tracker based on AI. shtab.app - 项目管理服务,通过基于人工智能的跟踪器使办公室内的协作远程透明化。
- Zulip — Real-time chat with a unique email-like threading model. The free plan includes 10,000 messages of search history and File storage up to 5 GB. also, it provides a self-hostable open-source version. Zulip - 采用类似电子邮件的独特线程模式进行实时聊天。免费计划包括 10,000 条搜索历史消息和高达 5 GB 的文件存储空间。此外,它还提供可自行托管的开源版本。
- robocorp.com - Open-source stack for powering Automation Ops. Try out Cloud features and implement simple automation for free. Robot work 240 min/month, 10 Assistant runs, Storage of 100 MB. robocorp.com - 支持自动化运营的开源堆栈。免费试用云功能,实现简单自动化。机器人每月工作 240 分钟,10 次助理运行,100 MB 存储空间。
- Fleep.io — Fleep an alternative to Slack. It has a free plan for small teams with full message history, unlimited 1:1 conversations, 1 group conversation, and 1 GB file storage. Fleep.io - Fleep 可替代 Slack。它为小型团队提供免费计划,包括完整的消息历史记录、不受限制的 1:1 对话、1 个群组对话和 1 GB 文件存储空间。
- Chanty.com — Chanty is another alternative to Slack. It has a free forever plan for small teams (up to 10) with unlimited public and private conversations, searchable history, unlimited 1:1 audio calls, unlimited voice messages, ten integrations, and 20 GB storage per team. Chanty.com - Chanty 是 Slack 的另一个替代产品。它为小型团队(最多 10 人)提供永久免费计划,包括无限公开和私人对话、可搜索历史记录、无限 1:1 音频通话、无限语音消息、十个集成以及每个团队 20 GB 的存储空间。
- ruttl.com — The best all-in-one feedback tool to collect digital feedback and review websites, PDFs, and images. ruttl.com - 收集数字反馈和审查网站、PDF 和图像的最佳一体化反馈工具。
- Mattermost — Secure collaboration for technical teams. Free plan with unlimited channels, playbooks, boards, users, 10GB storage, and more. Mattermost - 技术团队的安全协作。免费计划提供无限制的频道、操作手册、板块、用户、10GB 存储空间等。
- Webvizio — Website feedback tool, website review software, and bug reporting tool for streamlining web development collaboration on tasks directly on live websites and web apps, images, PDFs, and design files. Webvizio - 网站反馈工具、网站审查软件和错误报告工具,可直接在实时网站和网络应用程序、图像、PDF 和设计文件上简化网络开发协作任务。
- Pullflow — Pullflow offers an AI-enhanced platform for code review collaboration across GitHub, Slack, and VS Code. Pullflow - Pullflow 为跨 GitHub、Slack 和 VS Code 的代码审查协作提供了一个人工智能增强平台。
- Webex — Video meetings with a free plan offering 40 minutes per meeting with 100 attendees. Webex - 视频会议,免费计划为每次会议提供 40 分钟,可容纳 100 人参加。
- RingCentral — Video meetings with a free plan offering 50 minutes per meeting with 100 participants. RingCentral - 视频会议,免费计划为每次会议提供 50 分钟,可容纳 100 名与会者。
- GitBook — Platform for capturing and documenting technical knowledge — from product docs to internal knowledge bases and APIs. Free plan for individual developers. GitBook - 捕捉和记录技术知识的平台--从产品文档到内部知识库和 API。面向个人开发者的免费计划。
- acquia.com — Hosting for Drupal sites. Free tier for developers. Free development tools ( such as Acquia Dev Desktop) are also available. acquia.com - Drupal 网站托管。为开发人员提供免费层级。还提供免费开发工具(如 Acquia Dev Desktop)。
- Contentful — Headless CMS. Content management and delivery APIs in the cloud. Comes with one free Community space that includes five users, 25K records, 48 Content Types, 2 locales. Contentful - Headless CMS。云中的内容管理和交付 API。附带一个免费的社区空间,其中包括 5 个用户、25K 条记录、48 种内容类型和 2 种本地语言。
- Cosmic — Headless CMS and API toolkit. Free personal plans for developers. Cosmic - 无头 CMS 和 API 工具包。为开发人员提供免费的个人计划。
- Crystallize — Headless PIM with ecommerce support. Built-in GraphQL API. The free version includes unlimited users, 1000 catalog items, 5 GB/month bandwidth, and 25k/month API calls. Crystallize - 支持电子商务的无头 PIM。内置 GraphQL API。免费版本包括无限用户、1000 个目录项目、5 GB/月带宽和 25k/month API 调用。
- DatoCMS - Offers free tier for small projects. DatoCMS is a GraphQL-based CMS. On the lower tier, you have 100k/month calls. DatoCMS - 为小型项目提供免费层。DatoCMS 是基于 GraphQL 的 CMS。在较低的层级上,每月有 10 万次调用。
- Directus — Headless CMS. A completely free and open-source platform for managing assets and database content on-prem or in the Cloud. There are no limitations or paywalls. Directus - Headless CMS。一个完全免费的开源平台,用于管理内部或云端的资产和数据库内容。没有任何限制或付费墙。
- FrontAid — Headless CMS that stores JSON content directly in your Git repository. No restrictions. FrontAid - 直接在 Git 仓库中存储 JSON 内容的无头内容管理系统。无限制。
- kontent.ai - A Content-as-a-Service platform that gives you all the headless CMS benefits while empowering marketers at the same time. The developer plan provides two users with unlimited projects with two environments for each, 500 content items, two languages with Delivery and Management API, and Custom elements support. You can use more detailed plans to meet your needs. kontent.ai--内容即服务(Content-as-a-Service)平台,为您提供无头内容管理系统的所有优势,同时为营销人员赋能。开发者计划提供两个用户,每个用户拥有两个环境的无限项目、500 个内容项、两种语言(带交付和管理 API)以及自定义元素支持。您可以使用更详细的计划来满足您的需求。
- Prismic — Headless CMS. Content management interface with fully hosted and scalable API. The Community Plan provides unlimited API calls, documents, custom types, assets, and locales to one user. Everything that you need for your next project. Bigger free plans are available for Open Content/Open Source projects. Prismic - 无头内容管理系统。具有完全托管和可扩展 API 的内容管理界面。社区计划为一个用户提供无限制的 API 调用、文档、自定义类型、资产和本地。您下一个项目所需的一切。开放内容/开源项目可使用更大的免费计划。
- Sanity.io - Platform for structured content with an open-source editing environment and a real-time hosted data store. Unlimited projects. Unlimited admin users, three non-admin users, two datasets, 500K API CDN requests, 10GB bandwidth, and 5GB assets included for free per project. Sanity.io - 具有开源编辑环境和实时托管数据存储的结构化内容平台. 无限项目. 无限管理员用户,三位非管理员用户,两个数据集,500K API CDN 请求,10GB 带宽和 5GB 资产,每个项目免费。
- sensenet - API-first headless CMS providing enterprise-grade solutions for businesses of all sizes. The Developer plan provides three users, 500 content items, three built-in roles, 25+5 content types, fully accessible REST API, document preview generation, and Office Online editing. sensenet - API 优先的无头内容管理系统,为各种规模的企业提供企业级解决方案。开发者计划提供三个用户、500 个内容项、三个内置角色、25+5 种内容类型、完全可访问的 REST API、文档预览生成和 Office Online 编辑功能。
- TinaCMS — Replacing Forestry.io. Open source Git-backed headless CMS that supports Markdown, MDX, and JSON. The basic offer is free with two users available. TinaCMS - 取代 Forestry.io。开源 Git 支持的无头 CMS,支持 Markdown、MDX 和 JSON。基本服务免费,有两个用户可用。
- GatsbyjsCMS - Gatsby is the fast and flexible framework that makes building websites with any CMS, API, or database fun again. Build and deploy headless websites that drive more traffic, convert better, and earn more revenue! GatsbyjsCMS - Gatsby 是一个快速、灵活的框架,它让使用任何 CMS、API 或数据库构建网站再次变得有趣。构建和部署无头网站,从而带来更多流量、更好的转化率并获得更多收入!
- Hygraph - Offers free tier for small projects. GraphQL first API. Move away from legacy solutions to the GraphQL native Headless CMS - and deliver omnichannel content API first. Hygraph - 为小型项目提供免费层。GraphQL First API。从传统解决方案转向 GraphQL 原生无头 CMS,并首先提供全渠道内容 API。
- Squidex - Offers free tier for small projects. API / GraphQL first. Open source and based on event sourcing (versing every change automatically). Squidex - 为小型项目提供免费层级。首先提供 API / GraphQL。开源,基于事件源(自动处理每次更改)。
- InstaWP - Launch a WordPress site in a few seconds. A free tier with 5 Active Sites, 500 MB Space, 48 hrs Site Expiry. InstaWP - 在几秒钟内启动 WordPress 网站。免费提供 5 个活动网站、500 MB 空间、48 小时网站过期时间。
- Storyblok - A Headless CMS for developers and marketers that works with all modern frameworks. The Community (free) tier offers Management API, Visual Editor, ten sources, Custom Field Types, Internationalization (unlimited languages/locales), Asset Manager (up to 2500 assets), Image Optimizing Service, Search Query, Webhook + 250GB Traffic/month included. Storyblok - 面向开发人员和营销人员的无头内容管理系统,可与所有现代框架配合使用。社区(免费)层提供管理 API、可视化编辑器、10 个来源、自定义字段类型、国际化(不限语言/地区)、资产管理器(最多 2500 个资产)、图片优化服务、搜索查询、Webhook + 250GB 流量/月。
- WPJack - Set up WordPress on any cloud in less than 5 minutes! The free tier includes 1 server, 2 sites, free SSL certificates, and unlimited cron jobs. No time limits or expirations—your website, your way. WPJack - 5 分钟内即可在任何云上架设 WordPress!免费层级包括 1 台服务器、2 个网站、免费 SSL 证书和无限制的 cron 作业。没有时间限制或过期--您的网站,您做主。
Code Generation 代码生成
- Appinvento — AppInvento is a free No code app builder. In the automatically generated backend code, users have complete access to the source code and unlimited APIs and routes, allowing for extensive integration. The free plan includes three projects, five tables, and a Google add-on. Appinvento — AppInvento 是一个免费的无代码应用程序构建程序. 在自动生成的后端代码中,用户可以完全访问源代码和无限的 API 和路径,允许广泛的集成。
- Cody AI - Cody is a coding AI assistant that uses AI and a deep understanding of your codebase to help you write and understand code faster. Cody gives developers a choice of LLMs (including local inference), has support for various IDEs, supports all popular programming languages, and has a free plan. The free plan gives developers 20 chat messages (using Claude 3 Sonnet as the LLM) and 500 autocompletions (using the Starcoder 16b) each month. Cody AI - Cody 是一款人工智能编码助手,它利用人工智能和对代码库的深入理解,帮助你更快地编写和理解代码。Cody 为开发人员提供 LLMs 的选择(包括本地推理),支持各种集成开发环境,支持所有流行的编程语言,并提供免费计划。免费计划每月为开发人员提供 20 条聊天信息(使用 Claude 3 Sonnet 作为 LLM)和 500 条自动完成信息(使用 Starcoder 16b)。
- DhiWise — Seamlessly turn Figma designs into dynamic Flutter & React applications with DhiWise's innovative code generation technology, optimizing your workflow and helping you craft exceptional mobile and web experiences faster than ever before. DhiWise - 利用 DhiWise 的创新代码生成技术,无缝地将 Figma 设计转化为动态的 Flutter 和 React 应用程序,优化您的工作流程,帮助您以前所未有的速度打造卓越的移动和网络体验。
- Codeium — Codeium is a free AI-powered code completion tool. It supports over 20+ programming languages (Python, JavaScript, Java, TypeScript, PHP, C/C++, Go, etc.) and integrates with all significant standalone and web IDEs. Codeium - Codeium 是一款免费的人工智能代码自动补全工具。它支持 20 多种编程语言(Python、JavaScript、Java、TypeScript、PHP、C/C++、Go 等),并与所有重要的独立和网络集成开发环境集成。
- Metalama - Only for C#. Metalama generates the boilerplate of the code on the fly during compilation so that your source code remains clean. It is free for open-source projects, and its commercial-friendly free tier includes three aspects. Metalama - 仅适用于 C#。Metalama 可在编译过程中即时生成代码的模板,从而使源代码保持干净整洁。它对开源项目免费,其商业友好型免费层包括三个方面。
- tabnine.com — Tabnine helps developers create better software faster by providing insights learned from all the code in the world. Plugin available. tabnine.com - Tabnine 通过提供从世界上所有代码中学到的见解,帮助开发人员更快地创建更好的软件。提供插件。
- v0.dev — v0 uses AI models to generate code based on simple text prompts. It generates copy-and-paste friendly React code based on shadcn/ui and Tailwind CSS that people can use in their projects. Each generation takes at minimum 30 credits. You start up with 1200 credits, and get 200 free credits every month. v0.dev — v0 使用 AI 模型生成基于简单的文本提示的代码. 它生成基于 shadcn/ui 和 Tailwind CSS 的复制和粘贴友好的 React 代码,人们可以在他们的项目中使用。
Code Quality 代码质量
- beanstalkapp.com — A complete workflow to write, review, and deploy code), a free account for one user, and one repository with 100 MB of storage beanstalkapp.com - 用于编写、审查和部署代码的完整工作流程)、一个用户的免费账户和一个存储量为 100 MB 的存储库
- browserling.com — Live interactive cross-browser testing, free only 3 minutes sessions with MS IE 9 under Vista at 1024 x 768 resolution browserling.com - 实时交互式跨浏览器测试,在 1024 x 768 分辨率下使用 MS IE 9 在 Vista 下进行仅 3 分钟的免费会话
- codacy.com — Automated code reviews for PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, JavaScript, Scala, CSS, and CoffeeScript, free for unlimited public and private repositories codacy.com - 针对 PHP、Python、Ruby、Java、JavaScript、Scala、CSS 和 CoffeeScript 的自动代码审查,免费提供无限量的公共和私有软件源
- Codeac.io - Automated Infrastructure as Code review tool for DevOps integrates with GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab (even self-hosted). In addition to standard languages, it also analyzes Ansible, Terraform, CloudFormation, Kubernetes, and more. (open-source free) Codeac.io - 用于 DevOps 的自动化基础设施即代码审查工具,可与 GitHub、Bitbucket 和 GitLab(甚至自托管)集成。除标准语言外,它还能分析 Ansible、Terraform、CloudFormation、Kubernetes 等。(开源免费)
- CodeBeat — Automated Code Review Platform available for many languages. Free forever for public repositories with Slack and e-mail integration. CodeBeat - 适用于多种语言的自动代码审查平台。永久免费,适用于集成了 Slack 和电子邮件的公共仓库。
- codeclimate.com — Automated code review, free for Open Source and unlimited organisation-owned private repos (up to 4 collaborators). Also free for students and institutions. codeclimate.com - 自动代码审查,免费用于开源和无限量的组织自有私人 repos(最多 4 个协作者)。学生和机构也可免费使用。
- codecov.io — Code coverage tool (SaaS), free for Open Source and one free private repo codecov.io - 代码覆盖工具(SaaS),开源免费,有一个免费的私有 repo
- CodeFactor — Automated Code Review for Git. The free version includes unlimited users, public repositories, and one private repo. CodeFactor - Git 的自动代码审查。免费版本包括无限用户、公共版本库和一个私有版本库。
- codescene.io - CodeScene prioritizes technical debt based on how the developers work with the code and visualizes organizational factors like team coupling and system mastery. Free for Open Source. codescene.io - CodeScene 根据开发人员使用代码的方式对技术债务进行优先排序,并可视化团队耦合和系统掌握等组织因素。免费开源。
- CodSpeed - Automate performance tracking in your CI pipelines. Catch performance regressions before deployment, thanks to precise and consistent metrics. Free forever for Open Source projects. CodSpeed - 在您的 CI 管道中自动进行性能跟踪。借助精确一致的指标,在部署前捕捉性能回归。开源项目永久免费。
- coveralls.io — Display test coverage reports, free for Open Source coveralls.io - 显示测试覆盖率报告,免费开源
- dareboost - 5 free analysis reports for web performance, accessibility, and security each month dareboost - 每月 提 供5份免费分析报告,涵盖网页性能、可访问性和安全性
- deepcode.ai — DeepCode finds bugs, security vulnerabilities, performance and API issues based on AI. DeepCode's speed of analysis allows us to analyze your code in real time and deliver results when you hit the save button in your IDE. Supported languages are Java, C/C++, JavaScript, Python, and TypeScript. Integrations with GitHub, BitBucket, and GitLab. Free for open source and private repos and up to 30 developers. deepcode.ai - DeepCode 基于人工智能查找错误、安全漏洞、性能和 API 问题。DeepCode 的分析速度使我们能够实时分析您的代码,并在您点击集成开发环境中的保存按钮时提供结果。支持的语言包括 Java、C/C++、JavaScript、Python 和 TypeScript。与 GitHub、BitBucket 和 GitLab 集成。对开源和私有软件仓库以及多达 30 名开发人员免费。
- deepscan.io — Advanced static analysis for automatically finding runtime errors in JavaScript code, free for Open Source deepscan.io - 用于自动查找 JavaScript 代码运行时错误的高级静态分析,免费开源
- DeepSource - DeepSource continuously analyzes source code changes, finding and fixing issues categorized under security, performance, anti-patterns, bug-risks, documentation, and style. Native integration with GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket. DeepSource - DeepSource 可持续分析源代码变更,查找并修复安全、性能、反模式、错误风险、文档和风格等方面的问题。与 GitHub、GitLab 和 Bitbucket 原生集成。
- eversql.com — EverSQL - The #1 platform for database optimization. Gain critical insights into your database and SQL queries automatically. eversql.com - EverSQL - 数据库优化的第一平台。自动洞察你的数据库和 SQL 查询。
- gerrithub.io — Gerrit code review for GitHub repositories for free gerrithub.io - 免费为 GitHub 仓库进行 Gerrit 代码审查
- gocover.io — Code coverage for any Go package gocover.io - 适用于任何 Go 软件包的代码覆盖范围
- goreportcard.com — Code Quality for Go projects, free for Open Source goreportcard.com - Go 项目的代码质量,免费开源
- gtmetrix.com — Reports and thorough recommendations to optimize websites gtmetrix.com - 优化网站的报告和全面建议
- holistic.dev - The #1 static code analyzer for Postgresql optimization. Performance, security, and architect database issues automatic detection service holistic.dev - 用于 Postgresql 优化的第一静态代码分析器。性能、安全和架构数据库问题自动检测服务
- houndci.com — Comments on GitHub commits about code quality, free for Open Source houndci.com - 评论有关代码质量的 GitHub 提交,开源免费
- Moderne.io — Automatic source code refactoring. Moderne offers framework migrations, code analysis with remediation, and unrivaled code transformation at scale, so developers can spend their time building new things instead of maintaining the old. Free for Open Source. Moderne.io - 自动源代码重构.Moderne 提供框架迁移,代码分析与修复,并在规模上无与伦比的代码转换,因此开发人员可以花时间构建新的东西,而不是保持旧的。
- reviewable.io — Code review for GitHub repositories, free for public or personal repos. reviewable.io - GitHub 仓库的代码审查,免费用于公共或个人仓库。
- parsers.dev - Abstract syntax tree parsers and intermediate representation compilers as a service parsers.dev - 抽象语法树解析器和中间表示编译器服务
- scan.coverity.com — Static code analysis for Java, C/C++, C# and JavaScript, free for Open Source scan.coverity.com - 用于 Java、C/C++、C# 和 JavaScript 的静态代码分析,免费开源
- scrutinizer-ci.com — Continuous inspection platform, free for Open Source scrutinizer-ci.com - 持续检查平台,免费开源
- semanticdiff.com — Programming language aware diff for GitHub pull requests and commits, free for public repositories semanticdiff.com - 用于 GitHub 拉取请求和提交的编程语言感知差异,免费用于公共软件源
- shields.io — Quality metadata badges for open source projects shields.io - 开源项目的高质量元数据徽章
- sonarcloud.io — Automated source code analysis for Java, JavaScript, C/C++, C#, VB.NET, PHP, Objective-C, Swift, Python, Groovy and even more languages, free for Open Source sonarcloud.io - 自动源代码分析,适用于 Java、JavaScript、C/C++、C#、VB.NET、PHP、Objective-C、Swift、Python、Groovy 以及更多语言,免费开源
- SourceLevel — Automated Code Review and Team Analytics. Free for Open Source and organizations up to 5 collaborators. SourceLevel - 自动代码审查和团队分析。对开源组织和最多 5 名协作者免费。
- Viezly - Enhanced code review tool for easier code reading and navigation. Free for Open Source and free for personal usage. Viezly - 增强型代码审查工具,便于代码阅读和导航。开源免费,个人使用免费。
- webceo.com — SEO tools but with also code verifications and different types of devices webceo.com - SEO 工具,但也有代码验证和不同类型的设备
- zoompf.com — Fix the performance of your web sites, detailed analysis zoompf.com - 修复网站性能,详细分析
Code Search and Browsing 代码搜索和浏览
- libraries.io — Search and dependency update notifications for 32 different package managers, free for open source libraries.io - 32 种不同软件包管理器的搜索和依赖关系更新通知,免费开源
- Namae - Search various websites like GitHub, Gitlab, Heroku, Netlify, and many more for the availability of your project name. Namae - 搜索各种网站,如 GitHub,Gitlab,Heroku,Netlify,以及许多其他项目名称的可用性。
- searchcode.com — Comprehensive text-based code search, free for Open Source searchcode.com — 全面的基于文本的代码搜索,免费为开源
- tickgit.com — Surfaces
comments (and other markers) to identify areas of code worth returning to for improvement. tickgit.com - 浮现TODO
注释(和其他标记),以确定值得返回改进的代码区域。 - CodeKeep - Google Keep for Code Snippets. Organize, Discover, and share code snippets, featuring a powerful code screenshot tool with preset templates and a linking feature. CodeKeep - 用于代码片段的 Google Keep。组织、发现和共享代码片段,拥有功能强大的代码截图工具、预设模板和链接功能。
CI and CD CI 和 CD
- AccessLint — AccessLint brings automated web accessibility testing into your development workflow. It's free for open source and education purposes. AccessLint - AccessLint 将自动网络可访问性测试引入开发工作流程。它免费用于开源和教育目的。
- appcircle.io — An enterprise-grade mobile DevOps platform that automates the build, test, and publish store of mobile apps for faster, efficient release cycle. Free for 30 minutes max build time per build, 20 monthly builds and 1 concurrent build. appcircle.io - 企业级移动 DevOps 平台,可自动完成移动应用程序的构建、测试和发布存储,实现更快、更高效的发布周期。每次构建最多可免费使用 30 分钟,每月可构建 20 次,可同时构建 1 次。
- appveyor.com — CD service for Windows, free for Open Source appveyor.com - 适用于 Windows 的 CD 服务,开源免费
- Argonaut - Deploy apps and infrastructure on your cloud in minutes. Support for custom and third-party app deployments on Kubernetes and Lambda environments. The free tier allows unlimited apps and deployments for 5 domains and 2 users. Argonaut - 几分钟内即可在云上部署应用程序和基础设施。支持在 Kubernetes 和 Lambda 环境上部署自定义和第三方应用程序。免费层允许 5 个域和 2 个用户部署无限量的应用程序。
- bitrise.io — A CI/CD for mobile apps, native or hybrid. With 200 free builds/month 10 min build time and two team members. OSS projects get 45 min build time, +1 concurrency and unlimited team size. bitrise.io - 适用于移动应用程序(原生或混合)的 CI/CD。每月有 200 次免费构建机会,10 分钟构建时间和两名团队成员。开放源码软件项目可获得 45 分钟构建时间、+1 并发能力和无限团队规模。
- buddy.works — A CI/CD with five free projects and one concurrent run (120 executions/month) buddy.works — 一个 CI/CD,包含五个免费项目和一个同时运行( 每月1 20次执行)
- buddybuild.com — Build, deploy, and gather feedback for your iOS and Android apps in one seamless, iterative system buddybuild.com - 在一个无缝、迭代的系统中为您的 iOS 和 Android 应用程序构建、部署和收集反馈意见
- Buildkite
- Pipelines: Free developer tier includes unlimited concurrency, up to 3 users, 5k job minutes/month, and 30-day build retention, with more free inclusions for open source projects 管道:免费开发人员层级包括无限并发、最多 3 个用户、每月 5k 作业分钟和 30 天构建保留,并为开源项目提供更多免费内容
- Test Analytics — Get more out of your test suites, works with any CI platform. The free developer tier includes 100k test executions/month, with more free inclusions for open-source projects. 测试分析 - 从测试套件中获取更多信息,可与任何 CI 平台配合使用。免费的开发人员层级包括每月 100k 次测试执行,并为开源项目提供更多免费内容。
- bytebase.com — Database CI/CD and DevOps. Free under 20 users and ten database instances bytebase.com - 数据库 CI/CD 和 DevOps。20 个用户和 10 个数据库实例以下免费
- CircleCI — Comprehensive free plan with all features included in a hosted CI/CD service for GitHub, GitLab, and BitBucket repositories. Multiple resource classes, Docker, Windows, Mac OS, ARM executors, local runners, test splitting, Docker Layer Caching, and other advanced CI/CD features. Free for up to 6000 minutes/month execution time, unlimited collaborators, 30 parallel jobs in private projects, and up to 80,000 free build minutes for Open Source projects. CircleCI - 全面的免费计划,包含托管 CI/CD 服务的所有功能,适用于 GitHub、GitLab 和 BitBucket 存储库。多种资源类别、Docker、Windows、Mac OS、ARM 执行器、本地运行程序、测试拆分、Docker 层缓存以及其他高级 CI/CD 功能。免费提供多达 6000 分钟/月的执行时间、无限协作者、30 个私有项目并行作业,以及多达 80000 分钟的开源项目免费构建时间。
- cirrus-ci.org - Free for public GitHub repositories cirrus-ci.org - 免费公开 GitHub 存储库
- codefresh.io — Free-for-Life plan: 1 build, one environment, shared servers, unlimited public repos codefresh.io — 免费的生命计划: 1 个构建,一个环境,共享服务器,无限的公共存储
- codemagic.io - Free 500 build minutes/month codemagic.io - 每月免费 500 分钟构建时间
- codeship.com — 100 private builds/month, five private projects, unlimited for Open Source codeship.com - 每月 100 次私人构建,5 个私人项目,开源无限制
- deploybot.com — 1 repository with ten deployments, free for Open Source deploybot.com - 1 个资源库,包含 10 个部署,开源免费
- deployhq.com — 1 project with ten daily deployments (30 build minutes/month) deployhq.com - 1 个项目,每天部署 10 次(每月 30 分钟构建时间)
- drone - Drone Cloud enables developers to run Continuous Delivery pipelines across multiple architectures - including x86 and Arm (both 32-bit and 64-bit) - all in one place drone - Drone Cloud 使开发人员能够在一个地方跨多种架构(包括 x86 和 Arm(32 位和 64 位))运行持续交付管道
- LayerCI — CI for full stack projects. One full stack preview environment with 5GB memory & 3 CPUs. LayerCI - 用于全栈项目的 CI。一个全栈预览环境,配备 5GB 内存和 3 个 CPU。
- semaphoreci.com — Free for Open Source, 100 private builds per month semaphoreci.com — 免费开源, 每月1 00个私人构建
- Squash Labs — creates a VM for each branch and makes your app available from a unique URL, Unlimited public & private repos, Up to 2 GB VM Sizes. Squash Labs - 为每个分支创建一个虚拟机,并通过唯一的 URL 提供您的应用程序,无限制的公共和私有版本库,虚拟机大小最多为 2 GB。
- styleci.io — Public GitHub repositories only styleci.io - 仅公开 GitHub 存储库
- Mergify — workflow automation and merge queue for GitHub — Free for public GitHub repositories Mergify - GitHub 的工作流自动化和 merge 排队 - 免费用于公共 GitHub 存储库
- Make — The workflow automation tool lets you connect apps and automate workflows using UI. It supports many apps and the most popular APIs. Free for public GitHub repositories, and free tier with 100 Mb, 1000 Operations, and 15 minutes of minimum interval. Make - 工作流程自动化工具可让您使用用户界面连接应用程序并自动执行工作流程。它支持许多应用程序和最流行的 API。对公共 GitHub 存储库免费,免费层级为 100 Mb、1000 次操作和 15 分钟最小间隔。
- Spacelift - Management platform for Infrastructure as Code. Free plan features: IaC collaboration, Terraform module registry, ChatOps integration, Continuous resource compliance with Open Policy Agent, SSO with SAML 2.0, and access to public worker pools: up to 200 minutes/month Spacelift - 基础设施即代码的管理平台。免费计划的功能:IaC 协作、Terraform 模块注册表、ChatOps 集成、通过 Open Policy Agent 实现持续资源合规、通过 SAML 2.0 实现 SSO 以及访问公共 Worker 池:每月最多 200 分钟
- microtica.com - Startup environments with ready-made infrastructure components, deploy apps on AWS for free, and support your production workloads. The free tier includes 1 Environment (on your AWS account), 2 Kubernetes Services, 100 build minutes per month, and 20 monthly deployments. microtica.com - 利用现成的基础设施组件启动环境,在 AWS 上免费部署应用程序,并支持您的生产工作负载。免费层级包括 1 个环境(在您的 AWS 账户上)、2 个 Kubernetes 服务、每月 100 分钟构建时间和每月 20 次部署。
Testing 测试
- Applitools.com — Smart visual validation for web, native mobile and desktop apps. Integrates with almost all automation solutions (like Selenium and Karma) and remote runners (Sauce Labs, Browser Stack). free for open source. A free tier for a single user with limited checkpoints per week. Applitools.com - 网页、原生移动和桌面应用程序的智能可视化验证。与几乎所有自动化解决方案(如 Selenium 和 Karma)和远程运行程序(Sauce Labs、Browser Stack)集成。单用户免费,每周检查点有限。
- Appetize — Test your Android & iOS apps on this Cloud Based Android Phone / Tablets emulator and iPhone/iPad simulators directly in your browser. The free tier includes one concurrent session with 100 minutes of usage per month. No limit on app size. Appetize - 在这个基于云的 Android 手机 / 平板电脑模拟器和 iPhone / iPad 模拟器上测试您的 Android & iOS 应用程序,直接在您的浏览器中。
- Apptim — A mobile testing tool that enables people without performance engineering skills to evaluate an app's performance and user experience (UX). A desktop version using your own device is 100% FREE, with unlimited tests on both iOS and Android. Apptim - 一种移动测试工具,让没有性能工程技能的人也能评估应用程序的性能和用户体验(UX)。桌面版使用自己的设备,100% 免费,可在 iOS 和 Android 上进行无限次测试。
- Bencher - A continuous benchmarking tool suite to catch CI performance regressions. Free for all public projects. Bencher - 用于捕捉 CI 性能倒退的持续基准测试工具套件。对所有公共项目免费。
- BugBug - Lightweight test automation tool for web applications. It is easy to learn and doesn't require coding. You can run unlimited tests on your own computer for free. You also get cloud monitoring and CI/CD integration for an additional monthly fee. BugBug - 用于网络应用程序的轻量级测试自动化工具。它简单易学,无需编码。您可以在自己的电脑上免费运行无限量的测试。只需支付额外的月费,您还可以获得云监控和 CI/CD 集成。
- lambdatest.com — Manual, visual, screenshot, and automated browser testing on selenium and cypress, free for Open Source lambdatest.com - 基于硒和赛普拉斯的手动、可视化、屏幕截图和自动浏览器测试,免费开源
- browserstack.com — Manual and automated browser testing, free for Open Source browserstack.com - 人工和自动浏览器测试,免费开源
- checkbot.io — Browser extension that tests if your website follows 50+ SEO, speed and security best practices. Free tier for smaller websites. checkbot.io - 浏览器扩展,可测试网站是否遵循 50 多项搜索引擎优化、速度和安全最佳实践。为小型网站提供免费层级。
- checklyhq.com - Checkly is the API & E2E monitoring platform for the modern stack: programmable, flexible and loving JavaScript. Generous free tier for devs. Checklyhq.com - Checkly 是面向现代堆栈的 API 和 E2E 监控平台:可编程、灵活且热爱 JavaScript。为开发人员提供慷慨的免费层。
- crossbrowsertesting.com - Manual, Visual, and Selenium Browser Testing in the cloud - free for Open Source crossbrowsertesting.com - 云中的手动、可视化和 Selenium 浏览器测试 - 免费开源
- cypress.io - Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser. Cypress Test Runner is always free and open-source with no restrictions and limitations. Cypress Dashboard is free for open-source projects for up to 5 users. cypress.io - 对任何在浏览器中运行的程序进行快速、简单、可靠的测试。Cypress Test Runner 始终免费开源,没有任何限制。Cypress Dashboard 对开源项目免费,最多可容纳 5 名用户。
- Cypress Recorder by Preflight - Create AI-powered Cypress Tests/POM models on your browser. It's open-source, except for the AI part. It's free for five monthly test creations with Self-healing scripts, Email, and Visual testing. Cypress Recorder by Preflight - 在您的浏览器上创建人工智能驱动的 Cypress Tests / POM 模型. 它是开源的,除了人工智能部分。
- everystep-automation.com — Records and replays all steps made in a web browser and creates scripts, free with fewer options everystep-automation.com - 记录和重放在网络浏览器中执行的所有步骤,并创建脚本,免费但选项较少
- Gremlin — Gremlin's Chaos Engineering tools allow you to safely and securely inject failure into your systems to find weaknesses before they cause customer-facing issues. Gremlin Free provides access to Shutdown and CPU attacks on up to 5 hosts or containers. Gremlin - Gremlin 的混沌工程工具允许您安全可靠地向系统注入故障,以便在造成面向客户的问题之前找到弱点。Gremlin Free 最多可对 5 台主机或容器进行关机和 CPU 攻击。
- gridlastic.com — Selenium Grid testing with a free plan of up to 4 simultaneous selenium nodes/10 grid starts/4,000 test minutes/month gridlastic.com - Selenium 网格测试免费计划,最多可同时支持 4 个硒节点/10 个网格启动/4,000 测试分钟/月
- katalon.com - Provides a testing platform that can help teams of all sizes at different levels of testing maturity, including Katalon Studio, TestOps (+ Visual Testing free), TestCloud, and Katalon Recorder. katalon.com - 提供了一個測試平台,可以幫助各種規模的團隊在不同的測試成熟度水平,包括 Katalon Studio,TestOps (+ 視覺測試免費),TestCloud 和 Katalon Recorder。
- Keploy - Keploy is a functional testing toolkit for developers. Recording API calls generates E2E tests for APIs (KTests) and mocks or stubs(KMocks). It is free for Open Source projects. Keploy - Keploy 是一款面向开发人员的功能测试工具包。它能记录 API 调用,生成 API 的 E2E 测试(KTests)和模拟或存根(KMocks)。它对开源项目免费。
- loadmill.com - Automatically create API and load tests by analyzing network traffic. Simulate up to 50 concurrent users for up to 60 minutes for free monthly. loadmill.com - 通过分析网络流量自动创建 API 和负载测试。每月免费模拟多达 50 个并发用户,时间长达 60 分钟。
- octomind.dev - Auto-generated, run and maintained Playwright UI tests with AI-assisted test case generation octomind.dev - 利用人工智能辅助生成测试用例,自动生成、运行和维护 Playwright UI 测试
- preflight.com - No-code automated web testing. Record tests on your browser that are resilient to UI changes and run them on Windows machines. Could you integrate with your CI/CD? The free plan includes 50 monthly test runs with video, HTML sessions, and more. preflight.com - 无代码自动化网络测试。在浏览器上记录可适应用户界面变化的测试,并在 Windows 机器上运行。能否与您的 CI/CD 集成?免费计划包括每月 50 次测试运行,并提供视频、HTML 会话等。
- percy.io - Add visual testing to any web app, static site, style guide, or component library. Unlimited team members, Demo app, and unlimited projects, 5,000 snapshots/month. percy.io - 为任何网络应用程序、静态网站、样式指南或组件库添加可视化测试。无限团队成员、演示应用程序和无限项目,每月 5,000 次快照。
- lost-pixel.com - holistic visual regression testing for your Storybook, Ladle, Histoire stories and Web Apps. Unlimited team members, totally free for open-source, 7,000 snapshots/month. lost-pixel.com - 为您的 Storybook、Ladle、Histoire 故事和 Web 应用程序提供整体可视化回归测试。不限团队成员,完全免费开源,每月 7000 次快照。
- seotest.me — Free on-page SEO website tester. 10 free website crawls per day. Useful SEO learning resources and recommendations on how to improve the on-page SEO results for any website regardless of technology. seotest.me - 免费网页搜索引擎优化网站测试器。每天 10 次免费网站抓取。提供有用的搜索引擎优化学习资源和建议,帮助任何网站(无论采用何种技术)提高页面搜索引擎优化效果。
- snippets.uilicious.com - It's like CodePen but for cross-browser testing. UI-licious lets you write tests like user stories and offers a free platform - UI-licious Snippets - that allows you to run unlimited tests on Chrome with no sign-up required for up to 3 minutes per test run. Found a bug? You can copy the unique URL to your test to show your devs exactly how to reproduce the bug. snippets.uilicious.com - 它类似于 CodePen,但用于跨浏览器测试。UI-licious 可以让你像编写用户故事一样编写测试,并提供一个免费平台--UI-licious Snippets,让你在 Chrome 浏览器上无限制地运行测试,无需注册,每次测试最多运行 3 分钟。发现了一个错误?您可以将唯一 URL 复制到您的测试中,向您的开发人员准确展示如何重现错误。
- testingbot.com — Selenium Browser and Device Testing, free for Open Source testingbot.com - Selenium 浏览器和设备测试,免费开源
- Testspace.com - A Dashboard for publishing automated test results and a Framework for implementing manual tests as code using GitHub. The service is free for Open Source and accounts for 450 monthly results. Testspace.com - 用于发布自动测试结果的仪表板和使用 GitHub 以代码形式实施手动测试的框架。该服务对开源免费,每月可发布 450 条结果。
- tesults.com — Test results reporting and test case management. Integrates with popular test frameworks. Open Source software developers, individuals, educators, and small teams getting started can request discounted and free offerings beyond basic free projects. tesults.com - 测试结果报告和测试用例管理。与流行的测试框架集成。开放源代码软件开发人员、个人、教育工作者和刚起步的小型团队可以申请基本免费项目之外的折扣和免费产品。
- websitepulse.com — Various free network and server tools. websitepulse.com - 各种免费网络和服务器工具。
- qase.io - Test management system for Dev and QA teams. Manage test cases, compose test runs, perform tests, track defects, and measure impact. The free tier includes all core features, with 500MB available for attachments and up to 3 users. qase.io - 面向开发和质量保证团队的测试管理系统。管理测试用例、编写测试运行、执行测试、跟踪缺陷并衡量影响。免费层包含所有核心功能,500MB 可用于附件和最多 3 个用户。
- knapsackpro.com - Speed up your tests with optimal test suite parallelization on any CI provider. Split Ruby, JavaScript tests on parallel CI nodes to save time. Free plan for up to 10 minutes of test files and free unlimited plan for Open Source projects. knapsackpro.com - 在任何 CI 提供商上通过最佳测试套件并行化加快测试速度。在并行 CI 节点上拆分 Ruby、JavaScript 测试,节省时间。免费计划最多可提供 10 分钟的测试文件,开源项目可免费无限量使用。
- webhook.site - Verify webhooks, outbound HTTP requests, or emails with a custom URL. A temporary URL and email address are always free. webhook.site - 使用自定义 URL 验证网络钩子、向外 HTTP 请求或电子邮件。临时 URL 和电子邮件地址总是免费的。
- webhookbeam.com - Set up webhooks and monitor them via push notifications and emails. webhookbeam.com - 设置网络钩子,并通过推送通知和电子邮件对其进行监控。
- Vaadin — Build scalable UIs in Java or TypeScript, and use the integrated tooling, components, and design system to iterate faster, design better, and simplify the development process. Unlimited Projects with five years of free maintenance. Vaadin — 使用 Java 或 TypeScript 构建可扩展的用户界面,并使用集成的工具、组件和设计系统来更快地迭代,更好地设计,并简化开发过程。
- webhook-test.com - Debug and inspect webhooks and HTTP requests with a unique URL during integration. Completely free, you can create unlimited URLs and receive recommendations. webhook-test.com - 在集成过程中使用唯一 URL 调试和检查网络钩子和 HTTP 请求。完全免费,您可以创建无限量的 URL 并获得建议。
- welltested.ai - Generate unit and integration tests using AI for mobile languages like Flutter within minutes. Free forever for developers. welltested.ai - 使用人工智能在几分钟内为 Flutter 等移动语言生成单元和集成测试。对开发人员永久免费。
Security and PKI 安全和 PKI
- aikido.dev — All-in-one appsec platform covering SCA, SAST, CSPM, DAST, Secrets, IaC, Malware, Container scanning, EOL,... Free plan includes two users, scanning of 10 repos, 1 cloud, 2 containers & 1 domain. aikido.dev - 多合一应用程序安全平台,涵盖 SCA、SAST、CSPM、DAST、Secrets、IaC、恶意软件、容器扫描、EOL...免费计划包括两个用户,扫描 10 个软件仓库、1 个云、2 个容器和 1 个域。
- alienvault.com — Uncovers compromised systems in your network alienvault.com - 发现网络中被入侵的系统
- atomist.com — A quicker and more convenient way to automate various development tasks. Now in beta. atomist.com - 自动执行各种开发任务的更快捷、更方便的方法。现在处于测试阶段。
- Bridgecrew — Infrastructure as code (IaC) security powered by the open source tool - Checkov. The core Bridgecrew platform is free for up to 50 IaC resources. Bridgecrew - 由开源工具 Checkov 支持的基础设施即代码(IaC)安全。Bridgecrew 核心平台可免费提供多达 50 个 IaC 资源。
- cloudsploit.com — Amazon Web Services (AWS) security and compliance auditing and monitoring cloudsploit.com - 亚马逊网络服务 (AWS) 安全与合规性审计和监控
- Public Cloud Threat Intelligence — High confidence Indicator of Compromise( IOC) targeting public cloud infrastructure, A portion is available on github (https://github.com/unknownhad/AWSAttacks). Full list is available via API 公共云威胁情报 - 针对公共云基础设施的高信心威胁指标(IOC),部分可在 github 上找到( https://github.com/unknownhad/AWSAttacks)。
- CodeNotary.io — Open Source platform with indelible proof to notarize code, files, directories, or container CodeNotary.io - 开源平台,提供不可磨灭的证据,用于公证代码、文件、目录或容器
- crypteron.com — Cloud-first, developer-friendly security platform prevents data breaches in .NET and Java applications crypteron.com - 云优先、开发人员友好型安全平台可防止 .NET 和 Java 应用程序中的数据泄露
- CyberChef — A simple, intuitive web app for analyzing and decoding/encoding data without dealing with complex tools or programming languages. Like a Swiss army knife of cryptography & encryption. All features are free to use, with no limit. Open source if you wish to self-host. CyberChef - 一个简单、直观的网络应用程序,用于分析和解码/编码数据,无需使用复杂的工具或编程语言。就像一把密码学和加密的瑞士军刀。所有功能均可免费使用,无任何限制。如果您希望自行托管,可使用开放源代码。
- DAS — Styra DAS Free, Full lifecycle policy management to create, deploy and manage Open Policy Agent(OPA) authorization DAS - Styra DAS Free,全生命周期策略管理,用于创建、部署和管理开放策略代理(OPA)授权
- Datree — Open Source CLI tool to prevent Kubernetes misconfigurations by ensuring that manifests and Helm charts follow best practices as well as your organization’s policies Datree--开源 CLI 工具,通过确保清单和 Helm 图表遵循最佳实践和组织政策,防止 Kubernetes 配置错误
- Dependabot Automated dependency updates for Ruby, JavaScript, Python, PHP, Elixir, Rust, Java (Maven and Gradle), .NET, Go, Elm, Docker, Terraform, Git Submodules, and GitHub Actions. 用于 Ruby、JavaScript、Python、PHP、Elixir、Rust、Java(Maven 和 Gradle)、.NET、Go、Elm、Docker、Terraform、Git 子模块和 GitHub 操作的自动依赖更新。
- DJ Checkup — Scan your Django site for security flaws with this free, automated checkup tool. Forked from the Pony Checkup site. DJ Checkup - 利用这个免费的自动检查工具扫描 Django 网站的安全漏洞。源自 Pony Checkup 网站。
- Doppler — Universal Secrets Manager for application secrets and config, with support for syncing to various cloud providers. Free for five users with basic access controls. Doppler — 应用程序秘密和配置的通用秘密管理器,支持与各种云提供商同步。
- Dotenv — Sync your .env files, quickly & securely. Stop sharing your .env files over insecure channels like Slack and email, and never lose an important .env file again. Free for up to 3 teammates. Dotenv - 快速、安全地同步您的 .env 文件。不再通过 Slack 和电子邮件等不安全渠道共享 .env 文件,再也不会丢失重要的 .env 文件。最多可为 3 名队友提供免费服务。
- GitGuardian — Keep secrets out of your source code with automated secrets detection and remediation. Scan your git repos for 350+ types of secrets and sensitive files – Free for individuals and teams of 25 developers or less. GitGuardian — 通过自动秘密检测和修复,将秘密保留在源代码中。 扫描您的 git repos 以获取 350 多种类型的秘密和敏感文件 - 免费为 25 名开发人员或更少的个人和团队提供。
- Have I been pwned? — REST API for fetching the information on the breaches. 我被刺伤了吗? - REST API 用于获取有关侵权的信息。
- hostedscan.com — Online vulnerability scanner for web applications, servers, and networks. Ten free scans per month. hostedscan.com - 针对网络应用程序、服务器和网络的在线漏洞扫描仪。每月十次免费扫描。
- Infisical — Open source platform that lets you manage developer secrets across your team and infrastructure: everywhere from local development to staging/production 3rd-party services. Free for up to 5 developers. Infisical - 开源平台,可让您管理整个团队和基础架构中的开发人员秘密:从本地开发到分期/生产第三方服务。对最多 5 名开发人员免费。
- Internet.nl — Test for modern Internet Standards like IPv6, DNSSEC, HTTPS, DMARC, STARTTLS and DANE Internet.nl - 测试 IPv6、DNSSEC、HTTPS、DMARC、STARTTLS 和 DANE 等现代互联网标准
- keychest.net - SSL expiry management and cert purchase with an integrated CT database keychest.net - SSL 到期管理和证书购买,集成 CT 数据库
- letsencrypt.org — Free SSL Certificate Authority with certs trusted by all major browsers letsencrypt.org - 免费 SSL 证书颁发机构,其证书受到所有主要浏览器的信任
- meterian.io - Monitor Java, Javascript, .NET, Scala, Ruby, and NodeJS projects for security vulnerabilities in dependencies. Free for one private project, unlimited projects for open source. meterian.io - 监控 Java、Javascript、.NET、Scala、Ruby 和 NodeJS 项目,查找依赖关系中的安全漏洞。一个私有项目免费,开源项目不限数量。
- Mozilla Observatory — Find and fix security vulnerabilities in your site. Mozilla Observatory - 查找并修复网站的安全漏洞。
- opswat.com — Security Monitoring of computers, devices, applications, configurations, Free 25 users and 30 days history users. opswat.com - 计算机、设备、应用程序、配置的安全监控,免费提供 25 个用户和 30 天历史用户。
- openapi.security - Free tool to quickly check the security of any OpenAPI / Swagger-based API. You don't need to sign up. openapi.security - 用于快速检查任何 OpenAPI / 基于 Swagger 的 API 安全性的免费工具。无需注册。
- pixee.ai - Automated Product Security Engineer as a free GitHub bot that submits PRs to your Java code base to automatically resolve vulnerabilities. Other languages coming soon! pixee.ai - 自动产品安全工程师是一款免费的 GitHub 机器人,可向您的 Java 代码库提交 PR,自动解决漏洞问题。其他语言即将推出!
- pyup.io — Monitor Python dependencies for security vulnerabilities and update them automatically. Free for one private project, unlimited projects for open source. pyup.io - 监控 Python 依赖性以检测安全漏洞并自动更新它们. 免费为一个私人项目,无限项目为开源。
- qualys.com — Find web app vulnerabilities, audit for OWASP Risks qualys.com - 查找网络应用程序漏洞,审计 OWASP 风险
- report-uri.io — CSP and HPKP violation reporting report-uri.io - 报告 CSP 和 HPKP 违规行为
- ringcaptcha.com — Tools to use the phone number as id, available for free ringcaptcha.com - 使用电话号码作为 ID 的工具,免费提供
- seclookup.com - Seclookup APIs can enrich domain threat indicators in SIEM, provide comprehensive information on domain names, and improve threat detection & response. Get 50K lookups free here. seclookup.com - Seclookup API 可丰富 SIEM 中的域名威胁指标,提供全面的域名信息,并改进威胁检测和响应。在此免费获取 50K 查询。
- snyk.io — Can find and fix known security vulnerabilities in your open-source dependencies. Unlimited tests and remediation for open-source projects. Limited to 200 tests/month for your private projects. snyk.io — 可以在您的开源依赖中找到并修复已知的安全漏洞. 对开源项目不受限制的测试和修复。
- ssllabs.com — Intense analysis of the configuration of any SSL web server ssllabs.com - 对任何 SSL 网络服务器配置的深入分析
- SOOS - Free, unlimited SCA scans for open-source projects. Detect and fix security threats before release. Protect your projects with a simple and effective solution. SOOS - 开放源代码项目的免费无限 SCA 扫描,在发布前检测和修复安全威胁。
- StackHawk Automate application scanning throughout your pipeline to find and fix security bugs before they hit production. Unlimited scans and environments for a single app. StackHawk 自动扫描整个管道的应用程序,以查找和修复安全漏洞,然后在生产之前。
- Sucuri SiteCheck - Free website security check and malware scanner Sucuri SiteCheck - 免费网站安全检查和恶意软件扫描器
- Protectumus - Free website security check, site antivirus, and server firewall (WAF) for PHP. Email notifications for registered users in the free tier. Protectumus - 用于 PHP 的免费网站安全检查、网站防病毒和服务器防火墙 (WAF)。为免费层的注册用户提供电子邮件通知。
- TestTLS.com - Test an SSL/TLS service for secure server configuration, certificates, chains, etc. Not limited to HTTPS. TestTLS.com - 测试 SSL/TLS 服务的安全服务器配置、证书、链等。不限于 HTTPS。
- threatconnect.com — Threat intelligence: It is designed for individual researchers, analysts, and organizations starting to learn about cyber threat intelligence. Free up to 3 Users threatconnect.com - 威胁情报:它专为个人研究人员、分析师和开始学习网络威胁情报的组织而设计。最多可免费使用 3 个用户
- tinfoilsecurity.com — Automated vulnerability scanning. The free plan allows weekly XSS scans tinfoilsecurity.com - 自动漏洞扫描。免费计划允许每周进行 XSS 扫描
- Ubiq Security — Encrypt and decrypt data with three lines of code and automatic key management. Free for one application and up to 1,000,000 encryptions per month. Ubiq Security - 只需三行代码即可加密和解密数据,并自动管理密钥。一个应用程序免费,每月最多可加密 1,000,000 次。
- Virgil Security — Tools and services for implementing end-to-end encryption, database protection, IoT security, and more in your digital solution. Free for applications with up to 250 users. Virgil Security - 在数字解决方案中实施端到端加密、数据库保护、物联网安全等的工具和服务。对用户不超过 250 人的应用程序免费。
- Virushee — Privacy-oriented file/data scanning powered by hybrid heuristic and AI-assisted engine. It is possible to use internal dynamic sandbox analysis. Limited to 50MB per file upload Virushee - 由混合启发式和人工智能辅助引擎提供的面向隐私的文件/数据扫描。可使用内部动态沙箱分析。每个文件上传限制为 50MB
- Vulert - Vulert continuously monitors your open-source dependencies for new vulnerabilities, recommends fixes, without requiring installation or access to your codebase. Free for open-source projects. Vulert - Vulert 无需安装或访问您的代码库,即可持续监控您的开源依赖项是否存在新漏洞,并推荐修复方法。免费用于开源项目。
- Escape GraphQL Quickscan - One-click security scan of your GraphQL endpoints. Free, no login required. Escape GraphQL Quickscan - 对 GraphQL 端点进行一键式安全扫描。免费,无需登录。
- HasMySecretLeaked - Search across 20 million exposed secrets in public GitHub repositories, gists, issues,and comments for Free HasMySecretLeaked - 免费搜索 GitHub 公共软件源、要点、问题和评论中的 2,000 万个已曝光秘密
Authentication, Authorization, and User Management 验证、授权和用户管理
- Aserto - Fine-grained authorization as a service for applications and APIs. Free up to 1000 MAUs and 100 authorizer instances. Aserto - 针对应用程序和应用程序接口的细粒度授权服务。免费提供多达 1000 个 MAU 和 100 个授权器实例。
- asgardeo.io - Seamless Integration of SSO, MFA, passwordless auth and more. Includes SDKs for frontend and backend apps. Free up to 1000 MAUs and five identity providers. asgardeo.io - SSO、MFA、无密码认证等的无缝集成。包括用于前端和后端应用程序的 SDK。免费提供多达 1000 个 MAU 和五个身份提供商。
- Auth0 — Hosted SSO. Up to 7000 active users and two social identity providers. Auth0 - 托管 SSO。多达 7000 个活跃用户和两个社会身份供应商。
- Authgear - Bring Passwordless, OTPs, 2FA, SSO to your apps in minutes. All Front-end included. Free up to 5000 MAUs. Authgear - 在几分钟内为您的应用程序带来无密码、OTP、2FA、SSO。包含所有前端功能。多达 5000 个 MAUs 免费。
- Authress — Authentication login and access control, unlimited identity providers for any project. Facebook, Google, Twitter and more. The first 1000 API calls are free. Authress - 身份验证登录和访问控制,适用于任何项目的无限身份供应商。Facebook、Google、Twitter 等。前 1000 次 API 调用免费。
- Authy - Two-factor authentication (2FA) on multiple devices, with backups. Drop-in replacement for Google Authenticator. Free for up to 100 successful authentications. Authy - 多设备双因素身份验证(2FA),带备份。可直接替代 Google Authenticator。最多可免费成功验证 100 次。
- Clerk — User management, authentication, 2FA/MFA, prebuilt UI components for sign-in, sign-up, user profiles, and more. Free up to 10,000 monthly active users. Clerk - 用户管理、身份验证、2FA/MFA、用于登录、注册、用户配置文件等的预构建用户界面组件。月活跃用户最多可免费使用 10,000 个。
- Cloud-IAM — Keycloak Identity and Access Management as a Service. Free up to 100 users and one realm. Cloud-IAM — Keycloak 身份和访问管理作为一个服务. 免费,最多 100 个用户和一个领域。
- Corbado — Add passkey-first authentication to new or existing apps. Free for unlimited MAUs. Corbado - 为新的或现有的应用程序添加密钥优先身份验证功能。无限 MAUs 免费。
- Descope — Highly customizable AuthN flows, has both a no-code and API/SDK approach, Free 7,500 active users/month, 50 tenants (up to 5 SAML/SSO tenants). Descope - 高度可定制的 AuthN 流程,采用无代码和 API/SDK 两种方法,每月免费提供 7,500 个活跃用户,50 个租户(最多 5 个 SAML/SSO 租户)。
- duo.com — Two-factor authentication (2FA) for website or app. Free for ten users, all authentication methods, unlimited, integrations, hardware tokens. duo.com - 用于网站或应用程序的双因素身份验证 (2FA)。免费提供十个用户、所有验证方法、无限制、集成、硬件令牌。
- Jumpcloud — Provides directory as a service similar to Azure AD, user management, single sign-on, and RADIUS authentication. Free for up to 10 users. Jumpcloud - 提供类似于 Azure AD 的目录即服务、用户管理、单点登录和 RADIUS 身份验证。最多可免费使用 10 个用户。
- Kinde - Simple, robust authentication you can integrate with your product in minutes. Everything you need to get started with 7,500 free MAU. Kinde - 简单,强大的身份验证,您可以在几分钟内与您的产品集成。
- logintc.com — Two-factor authentication (2FA) by push notifications, free for ten users, VPN, Websites, and SSH logintc.com - 通过推送通知进行双因素身份验证 (2FA),10 位用户免费,支持 VPN、网站和 SSH
- MojoAuth - MojoAuth makes it easy to implement Passwordless authentication on your web, mobile, or any application in minutes. MojoAuth - MojoAuth 可让您在几分钟内轻松在网络、手机或任何应用程序上实现无密码身份验证。
- Okta — User management, authentication and authorization. Free for up to 100 monthly active users. Okta - 用户管理、身份验证和授权,最多可供 每月1 00名活跃用户免费使用。
- onelogin.com — Identity as a Service (IDaaS), Single Sign-On Identity Provider, Cloud SSO IdP, three company apps, and five personal apps, unlimited users onelogin.com - 身份即服务(IDaaS)、单点登录身份提供商、云 SSO IDP、三个公司应用程序和五个个人应用程序,用户数不限
- Ory - AuthN/AuthZ/OAuth2.0/Zero Trust managed security platform. Forever free developer accounts with all security features, unlimited team members, 200 daily active users, and 25k/mo permission checks. Ory - AuthN/AuthZ/OAuth2.0/Zero Trust 托管安全平台。永久免费的开发者账户,具有所有安全功能、无限团队成员、200 个日活跃用户和 25k/ 月权限检查。
- Stytch - Flexible authentication APIs and SDKs with reach-resistant passwords, passwordless login flows, MFA, SSO, and more. Email/SMS sending + failover and fraud protections built-in. Offers 5,000 Monthly Active Users free (B2C) or 1,000 Monthly Active Users and 25 Organizations free (B2B). Stytch - 灵活的身份验证 API 和 SDK,具有抗接触密码、无密码登录流、MFA、SSO 等功能。内置电子邮件/短信发送、故障转移和欺诈保护功能。免费提供 5,000 个月活跃用户(B2C)或 1,000 个月活跃用户和 25 个组织(B2B)。
- SuperTokens - Open source user authentication that natively integrates into your app - enabling you to get started quickly while controlling the user and developer experience. Free for up to 5000 MAUs. SuperTokens - 开源用户身份验证,自然集成到您的应用程序中 - 允许您快速启动,同时控制用户和开发人员的体验。
- Warrant — Hosted enterprise-grade authorization and access control service for your apps. The free tier includes 1 million monthly API requests and 1,000 authz rules. Warrant - 为您的应用程序提供托管的企业级授权和访问控制服务。免费层级包括每月 100 万个 API 请求和 1,000 个 authz 规则。
- ZITADEL Cloud — A turnkey user and access management that works for you and supports multi-tenant (B2B) use cases. Free for up to 25,000 authenticated requests, with all security features (no paywall for OTP, Passwordless, Policies, and so on). ZITADEL Cloud - 为您提供一站式用户和访问管理,支持多租户(B2B)使用案例。免费提供多达 25,000 个验证请求,并提供所有安全功能(OTP、无密码、策略等无付费墙)。
- PropelAuth — A Sell to companies of any size immediately with a few lines of code, free up to 200 users and 10k Transactional Emails (with a watermark branding: "Powered by PropelAuth"). PropelAuth - 向任何规模的公司销售,只需几行代码,最多可免费提供 200 个用户和 10k 封交易邮件(带水印品牌:"PropelAuth 提供")。
- Logto - Develop, secure, and manage user identities of your product - for both authentication and authorization. Free for up to 5,000 MAUs with open-source self-hosted option available. Logto - 开发、保护和管理您的产品的用户身份 - 用于身份验证和授权。 免费提供多达 5000 个 MAU,可提供开源自托选项。
- WorkOS - Free user management and authentication for up to 1 Million MAUs. Support email + password, social auth, Magic Auth, MFA, and more. WorkOS - 为多达 100 万个 MAU 提供免费的用户管理和身份验证。支持电子邮件 + 密码、社交认证、Magic Auth、MFA 等。
Mobile App Distribution and Feedback 移动应用程序的发布和反馈
- TestApp.io - Your go-to platform for ensuring your mobile apps work as they should. Free plan: one app, analytics, unlimited versions & installs, and feedback collection. TestApp.io - 你的行程平台,以确保你的移动应用程序的工作,因为他们应该. 免费计划:一个应用程序,分析,无限的版本和安装,和反馈收集。
- Diawi - Deploy iOS & Android apps directly to devices. Free plan: app uploads, password-protected links, 1-day expiration, ten installations. Diawi - 直接向设备部署 iOS 和 Android 应用程序。免费计划:上传应用程序、密码保护链接、1 天有效期、10 次安装。
- InstallOnAir - Distribute iOS & Android apps over the air. Free plan: unlimited uploads, private links, 2-day expiration for guests, 60 days for registered users. InstallOnAir - 空中分发 iOS 和 Android 应用程序。免费计划:无限制上传、私人链接、访客 2 天有效期、注册用户 60 天有效期。
- GetUpdraft - Distribute mobile apps for testing. The free plan includes one app project, three app versions, 500 MB storage, and 100 app installations per month. GetUpdraft - 发布用于测试的移动应用程序。免费计划包括一个应用程序项目、三个应用程序版本、500 MB 存储空间和每月 100 次应用程序安装。
- Appho.st - Mobile app hosting platform. The free plan includes five apps, 50 monthly downloads, and a maximum file size of 100 MB. Appho.st - 移动应用程序托管平台。免费计划包括 5 个应用程序、每月 50 次下载和最大 100 MB 的文件大小。
Management System 管理体系
- bitnami.com — Deploy prepared apps on IaaS. Management of 1 AWS micro instance free bitnami.com - 在 IaaS 上部署准备就绪的应用程序。免费管理 1 个 AWS 微型实例
- Esper — MDM and MAM for Android Devices with DevOps. One hundred devices free with one user license and 25 MB Application Storage. Esper - 适用于 Android 设备的 MDM 和 MAM,支持 DevOps。免费提供 100 台设备(含一个用户许可证和 25 MB 应用程序存储空间)。
- jamf.com — Device management for iPads, iPhones, and Macs, three devices free jamf.com - ipad、iPhone 和 Mac 的设备管理,三种设备免费
- Miradore — Device Management service. Stay up-to-date with your device fleet and secure unlimited devices for free. The free plan offers basic features. Miradore - 设备管理服务。随时了解设备群的最新情况,免费保护无限量设备的安全。免费计划提供基本功能。
- moss.sh - Help developers deploy and manage their web apps and servers. Free up to 25 git deployments per month moss.sh - 帮助开发人员部署和管理他们的网络应用程序和服务器。每月最多可免费部署 25 次 git
- runcloud.io - Server management focusing mainly on PHP projects. Free for up to 1 server. runcloud.io - 主要针对 PHP 项目的服务器管理。最多可免费使用 1 台服务器。
- ploi.io - Server management tool to easily manage and deploy your servers & sites. Free for one server. ploi.io - 服务器管理工具,可轻松管理和部署您的服务器和网站。一台服务器免费。
Messaging and Streaming 信息和流媒体
- Ably - Realtime messaging service with presence, persistence and guaranteed delivery. The free plan includes 3m messages per month, 100 peak connections, and 100 peak channels. Ably - 实时信息服务,具有存在性、持久性和保证发送功能。免费计划包括每月 300 万条信息、100 个峰值连接和 100 个峰值频道。
- cloudamqp.com — RabbitMQ as a Service. Little Lemur plan: max 1 million messages/month, max 20 concurrent connections, max 100 queues, max 10,000 queued messages, multiple nodes in different AZ's cloudamqp.com - RabbitMQ 即服务。小狐猴计划:每月最多 100 万条消息,最多 20 个并发连接,最多 100 个队列,最多 10,000 条队列消息,不同 AZ 中的多个节点
- connectycube.com - Unlimited chat messages, p2p voice & video calls, files attachments and push notifications. Free for apps up to 1000 users. connectycube.com - 无限聊天信息、P2P 语音和视频通话、文件附件和推送通知。用户不超过 1000 人的应用程序免费。
- courier.com — Single API for push, in-app, email, chat, SMS, and other messaging channels with template management and other features. The free plan includes 10,000 messages/mo. courier.com - 用于推送、应用程序内、电子邮件、聊天、短信和其他消息渠道的单一 API,具有模板管理和其他功能。免费计划包括每月 10,000 条信息。
- engagespot.co — Multi-channel notification infrastructure for developers with a prebuilt in-app inbox and no-code template editor. Free plan includes 10,000 messages/mo. engagespot.co - 面向开发人员的多渠道通知基础架构,预置应用内收件箱和无代码模板编辑器。免费计划包括 10,000 条信息/月。
- HiveMQ - Connect your MQTT devices to the Cloud Native IoT Messaging Broker. Free to connect up to 100 devices (no credit card required) forever. HiveMQ - 将您的 MQTT 设备连接到云原生物联网消息代理。可永久免费连接多达 100 台设备(无需信用卡)。
- knock.app – Notifications infrastructure for developers. Send to multiple channels like in-app, email, SMS, Slack, and push with a single API call. The free plan includes 10,000 messages/mo. knock.app - 面向开发人员的通知基础架构。只需调用一次 API,即可向应用程序内、电子邮件、短信、Slack 和推送等多个渠道发送通知。免费计划包括每月 10,000 条信息。
- NotificationAPI.com — Add user notifications to any software in 5 minutes. The free plan includes 10,000 notifications/month + 100 SMS and Automated Calls. NotificationAPI.com - 在 5 分钟内为任何软件添加用户通知。免费计划包括每月 10,000 次通知 + 100 条短信和自动呼叫。
- Novu.co — The open-source notification infrastructure for developers. Simple components and APIs for managing all communication channels in one place: Email, SMS, Direct, In-App and Push. The free plan includes 30,000 notifications/month with 90 days of retention. Novu.co - 面向开发人员的开源通知基础设施。简单的组件和应用程序接口可在一个地方管理所有通信渠道:电子邮件、短信、直达、应用内和推送。免费计划包括每月 30,000 次通知,可保留 90 天。
- pusher.com — Realtime messaging service. Free for up to 100 simultaneous connections and 200,000 messages/day pusher.com - 实时信息服务。免费,每天最多可同时连接 100 次并发送 200,000 条信息
- scaledrone.com — Realtime messaging service. Free for up to 20 simultaneous connections and 100,000 events/day scaledrone.com - 实时信息服务。免费,最多可同时连接 20 次,每天可处理 100,000 个事件
- synadia.com — NATS.io as a service. Global, AWS, GCP, and Azure. Free forever with 4k msg size, 50 active connections, and 5GB of data per month. synadia.com - NATS.io 即服务。全球、AWS、GCP 和 Azure。永久免费,每月 4k msg 大小、50 个活动连接和 5GB 数据。
- cloudkarafka.com - Free Shared Kafka cluster, up to 5 topics, 10MB data per topic and 28 days of data retention. cloudkarafka.com - 免费共享 Kafka 集群,最多 5 个主题,每个主题 10MB 数据,数据保留 28 天。
- pubnub.com - Swift, Kotlin, and React messaging at 1 million transactions each month. Transactions may contain multiple messages. pubnub.com - Swift、Kotlin 和 React 每月发送 1 百万个交易,交易可能包含多个消息。
- eyeson API - A video communication API service based on WebRTC (SFU, MCU) to build video platforms. Allows real-time data Injection, Video Layouts, Recordings, a fully featured hosted web UI ( quickstart) or packages for custom UIs. Has a free tier for developers with 1000 meeting minutes a month. eyeson API - 基于 WebRTC (SFU, MCU) 的视频通信 API 服务,用于构建视频平台. 允许实时数据注入,视频布局,记录,完全提供主机的 Web UI (快速启动) 或自定义 UI 的包。
- Upstash Kafka - Serverless Kafka Cloud offering with per-request-pricing. It has a free tier with a maximum of 10,000 messages per day. Upstash Kafka - 无服务器 Kafka 云服务,按请求定价。它有一个免费层,每天最多可提供 10,000 条信息。
- webpushr - Web Push Notifications - Free for upto 10k subscribers, unlimited push notifications, in-browser messaging webpushr - 网络推送通知 - 最多可免费为 10k 用户提供无限量推送通知,浏览器内消息传送
- Scramjet Cloud Platform Beta - An end-to-end stream processing platform in free beta and offering 15 petabyte-seconds of free compute after the beta ends. Scramjet 云平台测试版 - 端到端流处理平台免费测试版,测试版结束后可提供 15 PB 秒的免费计算时间。
- httpSMS - Send and receive text messages using your Android phone as an SMS Gateway. Free to send and receive up to 200 messages per month. httpSMS - 使用安卓手机作为短信网关收发短信。每月可免费收发多达 200 条短信。
- EMQX Serverless - Scalable and secure serverless MQTT broker you can get in seconds. 1M session minutes/month free forever (no credit card required). EMQX Serverless - 可扩展、安全的无服务器 MQTT 代理商,只需几秒钟即可获得。每月 100 万会话分钟永久免费(无需信用卡)。
Log Management 日志管理
- bugfender.com — Free up to 100k log lines/day with 24 hours retention bugfender.com - 每天免费提供多达 100k 行日志,保留 24 小时
- logentries.com — Free up to 5 GB/month with seven days retention logentries.com - 每月免费,最大 5 GB,保留七天
- loggly.com — Free for a single user, 200MB/day with seven days retention loggly.com - 单用户免费,每天 200MB,保留七天
- logz.io — Free up to 1 GB/day, one day retention logz.io - 免费,最高 1 GB/天,保留一天
- ManageEngine Log360 Cloud — Log Management service powered by Manage Engine. Free Plan offers 50 GB storage with 15 days Storage Retention and 7 days search. ManageEngine Log360 Cloud - 由 Manage Engine 提供的日志管理服务。免费计划提供 50 GB 存储空间、15 天存储保留和 7 天搜索。
- papertrailapp.com — 48 hours search, seven days archive, 50 MB/month papertrailapp.com - 48 小时搜索,7 天存档,50 MB/月
- sematext.com — Free up to 500 MB/day, seven days retention sematext.com - 免费,最高 500 MB/天,保留七天
- sumologic.com — Free up to 500 MB/day, seven days retention sumologic.com - 免费,每天最多 500MB,保留七天
- logflare.app — Free for up to 12,960,000 entries per app per month, 3 days retention logflare.app - 免费,每个应用程序每月最多 12,960,000 条,保留 3 天
- logtail.com — ClickHouse-based SQL-compatible log management. Free up to 1 GB per month, three days retention. logtail.com - 基于 ClickHouse 的 SQL 兼容型日志管理。每月免费,最高 1 GB,保留三天。
- logzab.com — Audit trail management system. Free 1,000 user activity logs per month, 1-month retention, for up to 5 projects. logzab.com - 审计跟踪管理系统。每月免费提供 1,000 份用户活动日志,保留期为 1 个月,最多可用于 5 个项目。
Translation Management 翻译管理
- crowdin.com — Unlimited projects, unlimited strings, and collaborators for Open Source crowdin.com - 无限项目、无限字符串和开源协作者
- gitlocalize.com - Free and unlimited for both private and public repositories gitlocalize.com - 免费且不受限制,适用于私有和公共仓库
- Lecto - Machine Translation API with Free tier (30 free requests, 1000 translated characters per request). Integrated with the Loco Translate Wordpress plugin. Lecto - 带免费层级的机器翻译 API(30 次免费请求,每次请求 1000 个翻译字符)。与 Loco Translate Wordpress 插件集成。
- lingohub.com — Free up to 3 users, always free for Open Source lingohub.com - 最多对 3 名用户免费,对开放源代码始终免费
- localazy.com - Free for 1000 source language strings, unlimited languages, unlimited contributors, startup and open source deals localazy.com - 免费提供 1000 个源语言字符串,不限语言,不限贡献者,初创企业和开源交易
- Localeum - Free up to 1000 strings, one user, unlimited languages, unlimited projects Localeum - 免费,最多 1000 个字符串,一个用户,不限语言,不限项目
- localizely.com — Free for Open Source localizely.com - 免费开源
- Loco — Free up to 2000 translations, Unlimited translators, ten languages/project, 1000 translatable assets/project Loco - 多达 2000 项翻译免费、无限制翻译、10 种语言/项目、1000 项可翻译资产/项目
- oneskyapp.com — Limited free edition for up to 5 users, free for Open Source oneskyapp.com - 限量免费版,最多 5 名用户,开源免费
- POEditor — Free up to 1000 strings POEditor - 免费提供多达 1000 条字符串
- SimpleLocalize - Free up to 100 translation keys, unlimited strings, unlimited languages, startup deals SimpleLocalize - 最多1 00个免费的翻译密钥,无限的字符串,无限的语言,初创交易
- Texterify - Free for a single user Texterify - 单用户免费
- Tolgee - Free SaaS offering with limited translations, forever-free self-hosted version Tolgee - 提供有限翻译的免费 SaaS,永久免费的自托管版本
- transifex.com — Free for Open Source transifex.com - 免费开放源代码
- Translation.io - Free for Open Source 翻译.io - 免费的开源
- Translized - Free up to 1000 strings, one user, unlimited languages, unlimited projects Translized - 最多免费提供 1000 条字符串,一个用户,不限语言,不限项目
- webtranslateit.com — Free up to 500 strings webtranslateit.com - 免费提供多达 500 个字符串
- weblate.org — It's free for libre projects with up to 10,000 string sources for the free tier and Unlimited Self-hosted on-premises. weblate.org — 它是免费的自由项目,最多 10,000 字符串源的免费层和无限的自助托管本地。
- Free PO editor — Free for everybody 免费 PO 编辑器 - 人人免费
Monitoring 监测
- Pingmeter.com - 5 uptime monitors with 10-minute interval. Monitor SSH, HTTP, HTTPS, and any custom TCP ports. Pingmeter.com - 5 个工作时间监控器,10 分钟间隔监控 SSH、HTTP、HTTPS 和任何自定义的 TCP 端口。
- appdynamics.com — Free for 24-hour metrics, application performance management agents limited to one Java, one .NET, one PHP, and one Node.js appdynamics.com - 免费提供 24 小时指标,应用程序性能管理代理仅限于一个 Java、一个 .NET、一个 PHP 和一个 Node.js 代理
- appneta.com — Free with 1-hour data retention appneta.com - 免费,可保留 1 小时数据
- appspector.com - Mission control for remote iOS/Android/Flutter debugging. Free for small traffic usage (64MB of logs). appspector.com - 用于远程 iOS/Android/Flutter 调试的任务控制。小流量使用免费(64MB 日志)。
- assertible.com — Automated API testing and monitoring. Free plans for teams and individuals. assertible.com - 自动 API 测试和监控。为团队和个人提供免费计划。
- bleemeo.com - Free for 3 servers, 5 uptime monitors, unlimited users, unlimited dashboards, unlimited alerting rules. bleemeo.com - 免费提供 3 个服务器、5 个正常运行时间监控器、无限用户、无限仪表盘、无限警报规则。
- checklyhq.com - Open source E2E / Synthetic monitoring and deep API monitoring for developers. Free plan with five users and 50k+ check runs. checklyhq.com - 面向开发人员的开源 E2E / 合成监控和深度 API 监控。免费计划包含五个用户和 50k+ 检查运行。
- circonus.com — Free for 20 metrics circonus.com - 20 个指标免费
- cloudsploit.com — AWS security and configuration monitoring. Free: unlimited on-demand scans, unlimited users, unlimited stored accounts. Subscription: automated scanning, API access, etc. cloudsploit.com - AWS 安全和配置监控。免费:无限制按需扫描、无限制用户、无限制存储账户。订阅:自动扫描、API 访问等。
- cronitor.io - Performance insights and uptime monitoring for cron jobs, websites, APIs and more. A free tier with five monitors. cronitor.io - cron 作业、网站、API 等的性能洞察和正常运行时间监控。免费层级有五个监控器。
- datadoghq.com — Free for up to 5 nodes datadoghq.com - 最多可免费使用 5 个节点
- deadmanssnitch.com — Monitoring for cron jobs. One free snitch (monitor), more if you refer others to sign up deadmanssnitch.com - 监控 cron 作业。免费提供一个告密者(监控器),如果您推荐他人注册,则可获得更多告密者(监控器)。
- downtimemonkey.com — 60 uptime monitors, 5-minute interval. Email, Slack alerts. downtimemonkey.com - 60 个正常运行时间监控器,间隔时间为 5 分钟。电子邮件、Slack 警报。
- economize.cloud — Economize helps demystify cloud infrastructure costs by organizing cloud resources to optimize and report the same. Free for up to $5,000 spent on Google Cloud Platform every month. economize.cloud - Economize 通过组织云资源来优化和报告云基础设施成本,从而揭开云基础设施成本的神秘面纱。每月在 Google Cloud Platform 上花费不超过 5,000 美元即可免费使用。
- elastic.co — Instant performance insights for JS developers. Free with 24-hour data retention elastic.co - 为 JS 开发人员提供即时性能洞察。免费,数据保留 24 小时
- freeboard.io — Free for public projects. Dashboards for your Internet of Things (IoT) projects freeboard.io - 公共项目免费。物联网(IoT)项目仪表板
- Grafana Cloud - Grafana Cloud is a composable observability platform that integrates metrics and logs with Grafana. Free: 3 users, ten dashboards, 100 alerts, metrics storage in Prometheus and Graphite (10,000 series, 14 days retention), logs storage in Loki (50 GB of logs, 14 days retention) Grafana 云 - Grafana 云是一个可复制的可观测平台,可与 Grafana 集成指标和日志. 免费: 3 用户, 10 台仪表板, 100 条警报, Prometheus 和 Graphite 中的指标存储 (10,000 系列, 14 天保留), Loki 中的日志存储 (50 GB 的日志, 14 天保留)
- healthchecks.io — Monitor your cron jobs and background tasks. Free for up to 20 checks. healthchecks.io - 监控您的 cron 作业和后台任务。最多可免费检查 20 次。
- inspector.dev - A complete Real-Time monitoring dashboard in less than one minute with a free forever tier. inspector.dev - 一分钟内即可完成完整的实时监控仪表板,永久免费。
- instrumentalapp.com - Beautiful and easy-to-use application and server monitoring with up to 500 metrics and 3 hours of data visibility for free instrumentalapp.com - 美观且易于使用的应用程序和服务器监控功能,可免费提供多达 500 个指标和 3 小时的数据可见性
- keychest.net/speedtest - Independent speed test and TLS handshake latency test against Digital Ocean keychest.net/speedtest - 针对 Digital Ocean 的独立速度测试和 TLS 握手延迟测试
- letsmonitor.org - SSL monitoring, free for up to 5 monitors letsmonitor.org - SSL 监控,多达 5 个监控器免费
- linkok.com - Online broken link checker, free for small websites up to 100 pages, completely free for open-source projects. linkok.com - 在线断链检查器,对不超过 100 页的小型网站免费,对开源项目完全免费。
- loader.io — Free load testing tools with limitations loader.io - 有限制的免费负载测试工具
- meercode.io — Meercode is the ultimate monitoring dashboard for your CI/CD builds. Free for open-source and one private repository. meercode.io - Meercode 是用于 CI/CD 构建的终极监控仪表板。开源免费,并有一个私有资源库。
- netdata.cloud — Netdata is an open-source tool to collect real-time metrics. It's a growing product and can also be found on GitHub! netdata.cloud - Netdata 是一款收集实时指标的开源工具。它是一个不断成长的产品,也可以在 GitHub 上找到!
- newrelic.com — New Relic observability platform built to help engineers create more perfect software. From monoliths to serverless, you can instrument everything and then analyze, troubleshoot, and optimize your entire software stack. The free tier offers 100GB/month of free data ingest, one free full-access user, and unlimited free primary users. newrelic.com - New Relic 可观察性平台旨在帮助工程师创建更完美的软件。从单体软件到无服务器软件,您可以对一切进行检测,然后对整个软件堆栈进行分析、故障排除和优化。免费层级提供每月 100GB 的免费数据摄取、一个免费全访问用户和无限个免费主用户。
- Middleware.io - Middleware observability platform provides complete visibility into your apps & stack, so you can monitor & diagnose issues at scale. They have a free forever plan for Dev community use that allows Log monitoring for up to 1M log events, Infrastructure monitoring & APM for up to 2 hosts. Middleware.io - 中间件可观察性平台为您的应用程序和堆栈提供全面的可视性,因此您可以大规模监控和诊断问题。他们为开发社区提供永久免费计划,允许监控多达 100 万条日志事件、多达 2 台主机的基础架构监控和 APM。
- nixstats.com - Free for one server. E-Mail Notifications, public status page, 60-second interval, and more. nixstats.com - 一台服务器免费。电子邮件通知、公共状态页面、60 秒间隔等。
- OnlineOrNot.com - OnlineOrNot provides uptime monitoring for websites and APIs, monitoring for cron jobs and scheduled tasks. Also provides status pages. The first five checks with a 3-minute interval are free. The free tier sends alerts via Slack, Discord, and Email. OnlineOrNot.com - OnlineOrNot 提供网站和 API 的正常运行时间监控、cron 作业和计划任务监控。还提供状态页面。前五次间隔为 3 分钟的检查是免费的。免费层通过 Slack、Discord 和电子邮件发送警报。
- opsgenie.com — Powerful alerting and on-call management for operating always-on services. Free up to 5 users. opsgenie.com - 用于运行始终在线服务的强大警报和待命管理功能。最多可免费使用 5 个用户。
- paessler.com — Powerful infrastructure and network monitoring solution, including alerting, strong visualization capabilities, and basic reporting. Free up to 100 sensors. paessler.com - 功能强大的基础设施和网络监控解决方案,包括警报、强大的可视化功能和基本报告。免费提供多达 100 个传感器。
- pagecrawl.io - Monitor website changes, free for up to 6 monitors with daily checks. pagecrawl.io - 监控网站的变化,免费为 多 达6个监视器,每天检查。
- syagent.com — Noncommercial free server monitoring service, alerts and metrics. syagent.com - 非商业性免费服务器监控服务、警报和指标。
- pagerly.io - Manage on-calls on Slack (integrates with Pagerduty, OpsGenie). Free up to 1 team (one team refers to one on call) pagerly.io - 在 Slack 上管理待命呼叫(与 Pagerduty、OpsGenie 集成)。最多可释放 1 个团队(1 个团队指 1 个待命人员)
- pagertree.com - Simple interface for alerting and on-call management. Free up to 5 users. pagertree.com - 简单的界面警报和呼叫管理. 免费最多 5 用户。
- pingbreak.com — Modern uptime monitoring service. Check unlimited URLs and get downtime notifications via Discord, Slack, or email. pingbreak.com - 现代正常运行时间监控服务。可检查不受限制的 URL,并通过 Discord、Slack 或电子邮件获取宕机通知。
- pingpong.one — Advanced status page platform with monitoring. The free tier includes one public customizable status page with an SSL subdomain. Pro plan is offered to open-source projects and non-profits free of charge. pingpong.one — 具有监控的先进状态页面平台. 免费级别包括一个公共可自定义状态页面和一个 SSL 子域. Pro 计划免费提供给开源项目和非营利组织。
- robusta.dev — Powerful Kubernetes monitoring based on Prometheus. Bring your own Prometheus or install the all-in-one bundle. The free tier includes up to 20 Kubernetes nodes. Alerts via Slack, Microsoft Teams, Discord, and more. Integrations with PagerDuty, OpsGenie, VictorOps, DataDog, and many other tools. robusta.dev - 基于 Prometheus 的强大 Kubernetes 监控。可自带 Prometheus 或安装一体化捆绑包。免费层最多可包含 20 个 Kubernetes 节点。通过 Slack、Microsoft Teams、Discord 等发出警报。与 PagerDuty、OpsGenie、VictorOps、DataDog 和许多其他工具集成。
- sematext.com — Free for 24-hour metrics, unlimited servers, ten custom metrics, 500,000 custom metrics data points, unlimited dashboards, users, etc. sematext.com - 免费提供 24 小时指标、不限服务器、10 个自定义指标、500,000 个自定义指标数据点、不限仪表盘和用户等。
- sitemonki.com — Website, domain, Cron & SSL monitoring, 5 monitors in each category for free sitemonki.com - 网站、域名、Cron 和 SSL 监控,每个类别免费提供 5 个监控器
- sitesure.net - Website and cron monitoring - 2 monitors free sitesure.net - 网站和 cron 监控 - 免费提供 2 个监控器
- skylight.io — Free for first 100,000 requests (Rails only) skylight.io - 前 100,000 次请求免费(仅限 Rails)
- speedchecker.xyz — Performance Monitoring API, checks Ping, DNS, etc. speedchecker.xyz - 性能监控 API,检查 Ping、DNS 等。
- stathat.com — Get started with ten stats for free, no expiration stathat.com - 免费开始使用十项统计,无过期限制
- statuscake.com — Website monitoring, unlimited tests free with limitations statuscake.com - 网站监控,无限制免费测试
- statusgator.com — Status page monitoring, 3 monitors free statusgator.com - 状态页面监控,免费提供 3 个监控器
- thousandeyes.com — Network and user experience monitoring. 3 locations and 20 data feeds of major web services free thousandeyes.com - 网络和用户体验监测。免费提供 3 个地点和 20 个主要网络服务数据源
- uptimerobot.com — Website monitoring, 50 monitors free uptimerobot.com - 网站监控,50 个免费监控器
- uptimetoolbox.com — Free monitoring for five websites, 60-second intervals, public statuspage. uptimetoolbox.com - 免费监测五个网站,间隔时间为 60 秒,公开状态页面。
- zenduty.com — End-to-end incident management, alerting, on-call management, and response orchestration platform for network operations, site reliability engineering, and DevOps teams. Free for up to 5 users. zenduty.com — 端到端事件管理、警报、呼叫管理和响应管制平台,用于网络操作、网站可靠性工程和 DevOps 团队。
- instatus.com - Get a beautiful status page in 10 seconds. Free forever with unlimited subs and unlimited teams. instatus.com - 在 10 秒内获得漂亮的状态页面。永久免费,无限订阅,无限团队。
- Squadcast.com - Squadcast is an end-to-end incident management software designed to help you promote SRE best practices. Free forever plan available for up to 10 users. Squadcast.com - Squadcast 是一款端到端事件管理软件,旨在帮助您推广 SRE 最佳实践。永久免费计划最多可供 10 名用户使用。
- RoboMiri.com - RoboMiri is a stable uptime monitor that offers a wide range of monitors: cronjob, keyword, website, port, ping. Twenty-five uptime checks with 3-minute interval checks for free. Alerts via Phone Call, SMS, Email, and Webhooks. RoboMiri.com - RoboMiri 是一款稳定的正常运行时间监控器,提供多种监控功能:cronjob、关键字、网站、端口、ping。免费提供 25 种正常运行时间检查,间隔时间为 3 分钟。通过电话、短信、电子邮件和 Webhooks 发出警报。
- Better Stack - Uptime monitoring, incident management, on-call scheduling/alerting, and status pages in a single product. The free plan includes ten monitors with 3-minute check frequency and status pages. Better Stack - 集正常运行时间监控、事故管理、待命安排/警报和状态页面于一体的产品。免费计划包括 10 个监控器,检查频率为 3 分钟,并提供状态页面。
- Pulsetic - 10 monitors, 6 Months of historical Uptime/Logs, unlimited status pages, and custom domains included! For infinite time and unlimited email alerts for free. You don't need a credit card. Pulsetic - 包括 10 个监控器、6 个月历史正常运行时间/日志、无限状态页面和自定义域!免费提供无限时间和无限电子邮件警报。无需信用卡。
- Wachete - monitor five pages, checks every 24 hours. 弯刀 - 监控五个页面,每 24 小时检查一次。
- Xitoring.com — Uptime monitoring: 20 free, Linux and Windows Server monitoring: 5 free, Status page: 1 free - Mobile app, multiple notification channel, and much more! Xitoring.com - 正常运行时间监控:20 项免费,Linux 和 Windows 服务器监控:5 个免费,状态页面:1 个免费 - 移动应用程序、多种通知渠道等!
Crash and Exception Handling 崩溃和异常处理
- CatchJS.com - JavaScript error tracking with screenshots and click trails. Free for open-source projects. CatchJS.com - 利用屏幕截图和点击轨迹进行 JavaScript 错误跟踪。免费用于开源项目。
- bugsnag.com — Free for up to 2,000 errors/month after the initial trial bugsnag.com — 在初始试用后,每月最多 发出20 00个错误
- elmah.io — Error logging and uptime monitoring for web developers. Free Small Business subscription for open-source projects. elmah.io - 面向网络开发人员的错误日志和正常运行时间监控。小型企业可免费订阅开源项目。
- Embrace — Mobile app monitoring. Free for small teams with up to 1 million user sessions per year. Embrace - 移动应用程序监控。免费提供给小型团队,每年用户会话不超过 100 万次。
- exceptionless — Real-time error, feature, log reporting, and more. Free for 3k events per month/1 user. Open source and easy to self-host for unlimited use. exceptionless - 实时错误、功能、日志报告等。每月免费为 3k 个事件/1 个用户提供服务。开放源代码,易于自行托管,使用不受限制。
- GlitchTip — Simple, open-source error tracking. Compatible with open-source Sentry SDKs. 1000 events per month for free, or can self-host with no limits GlitchTip - 简单、开源的错误跟踪。与开源 Sentry SDK 兼容。每月免费提供 1000 个事件,也可自行托管,无任何限制
- honeybadger.io - Exception, uptime, and cron monitoring. Free for small teams and open-source projects (12,000 errors/month). honeybadger.io - 异常、正常运行时间和 cron 监控。对小型团队和开源项目免费(每月 12,000 次错误)。
- memfault.com — Cloud device observability and debugging platform. 100 devices free for Nordic, NXP, and Laird devices. memfault.com - 云设备可观察性和调试平台。为 Nordic、NXP 和 Laird 设备免费提供 100 个设备。
- rollbar.com — Exception and error monitoring, free plan with 5,000 errors/month, unlimited users, 30 days retention rollbar.com - 异常和错误监控,每月 5,000 次错误的免费计划,不限用户,30 天保留期
- sentry.io — Sentry tracks app exceptions in real-time and has a small free plan. Free for 5k errors per month/ 1 user, unrestricted use if self-hosted sentry.io - Sentry 可实时跟踪应用程序异常,并提供小型免费计划。 每 月5千个错误 /1个用户免费,自托管时使用不受限制
- Axiom — Store up to 0.5 TB of logs with 30-day retention. Includes integrations with platforms like Vercel and advanced data querying with email/Discord notifiers. Axiom - 最多可存储 0.5 TB 的日志,保留 30 天。包括与 Vercel 等平台的集成,以及通过电子邮件/Discord 通知器进行高级数据查询。
- Semaphr — Free all-in-one kill switch for your mobile apps. Semaphr - 为您的移动应用程序提供免费的多合一开关。
Search 搜索
- algolia.com — Hosted search solution with typo-tolerance, relevance, and UI libraries to easily create search experiences. The free "Build" plan includes 1M documents and 10K searches/month. Also offers developer documentation search for free. algolia.com - 具有错字容忍度、相关性和用户界面库的托管搜索解决方案,可轻松创建搜索体验。免费的 "构建 "计划包括每月 100 万份文档和 1 万次搜索。还免费提供开发人员文档搜索。
- bonsai.io — Free 1 GB memory and 1 GB storage bonsai.io - 免费提供 1 GB 内存和 1 GB 存储空间
- CommandBar - Unified Search Bar as-a-service, web-based UI widget/plugin that allows your users to search contents, navigations, features, etc. within your product, which helps discoverability. Free for up to 1,000 Monthly Active Users, unlimited commands. CommandBar - 统一搜索栏服务(Unified Search Bar as-a-service),基于 Web 的用户界面小工具/插件,允许用户搜索产品中的内容、导航、功能等,从而提高产品的可发现性。每月活跃用户数量不超过 1,000 人,免费,命令无限制。
- Magny - SaaS service that helps implement command palettes (e.g. in-app search), which significantly decreases the time users find anything in an app, leveraging the user experience and efficiency. Magny - SaaS 服务,可帮助实施命令调色板(如应用内搜索),从而显著缩短用户在应用中查找任何内容的时间,提升用户体验和效率。
- searchly.com — Free 2 indices and 20 MB storage searchly.com - 免费提供 2 个索引和 20 MB 存储空间
- pagedart.com - AI search as a service the free tier includes 1,000 Documents and 50,000 searches. Larger free decks are possible for worthwhile projects. pagedart.com - AI 搜索作为一种服务,免费层级包括 1,000 个文档和 50,000 次搜索。对于有价值的项目,可提供更大的免费层级。
Education and Career Development 教育与职业发展
- FreeCodeCamp - Open-source platform offering free courses and certifications in Data Analysis, Information Security, Web Development, and more. FreeCodeCamp - 开源平台,提供数据分析、信息安全、网络开发等方面的免费课程和认证。
- The Odin Project - Free, open-source platform with a curriculum focused on JavaScript and Ruby for web development. Odin Project - 免费、开源平台,课程以 JavaScript 和 Ruby 网页开发为主。
- Free ATS Resume AI Solutions - Free platform with lots of GenAI Powered Resume Solutions helpful for Analyzing, Rewriting, Grooming and Shortlisting Resumes and help in Career Growth. 免费 ATS 简历 AI 解决方案 - 免费平台,提供大量 GenAI 支持的简历解决方案,有助于分析、改写、梳理和筛选简历,帮助实现职业发展。
- Free Professional Resume Templates & Edtior - Free platform with lots of Resume templates of Experienced Professionals, ready to clone and edit fully and download, ATS optimized. 免费专业简历模板和 Edtior - 拥有大量经验丰富的专业人士简历模板的免费平台,可完全克隆和编辑并下载,经过 ATS 优化。
Email 电子邮件
10minutemail - Free, temporary email for testing. 10minutemail - 用于测试的免费临时电子邮件。
AnonAddy - Open-source anonymous email forwarding, create unlimited email aliases for free AnonAddy - 开源匿名电子邮件转发,免费创建无限量电子邮件别名
Antideo — 10 API requests per hour for email verification, IP, and phone number validation in the free tier. No Credit Cards are required. Antideo - 每小时 10 次 API 请求,用于免费层中的电子邮件验证、IP 和电话号码验证。无需信用卡。
Brevo — 9,000 emails/month, 300 emails/day free Brevo - 每月 9,000 封电子邮件,每天免费 300 封电子邮件
Bump - Free 10 Bump email addresses, one custom domain Bump - 免费 10 Bump 电子邮件地址,一个自定义域
Burnermail – Free 5 Burner Email Addresses, 1 Mailbox, 7-day Mailbox History Burnermail - 免费提供 5 个刻录机电子邮件地址、1 个邮箱、7 天邮箱历史记录
Buttondown — Newsletter service. Up to 100 subscribers free Buttondown - 新闻通讯服务。最多可免费订阅 100 份
CloudMailin - Incoming email via HTTP POST and transactional outbound - 10,000 free emails/month CloudMailin - 通过 HTTP POST 和事务外发接收电子邮件 - 每月免费发送 10,000 封电子邮件
cloudmersive.com — Email validation and verification API for developers, 800 free API requests/month cloudmersive.com - 面向开发人员的电子邮件验证和核实 API,每月 800 次免费 API 请求
Contact.do — Contact form in a link (bitly for contact forms) Contact.do - 链接中的联系表单(用于联系表单的 bitly)
debugmail.io — Easy to use testing mail server for developers debugmail.io - 为开发人员提供易于使用的测试邮件服务器
DNSExit - Up to 2 Email addresses under your domain for free with 100MB of storage space. IMAP, POP3, SMTP, SPF/DKIM support. DNSExit - 在您的域名下最多可免费提供 2 个电子邮件地址,存储空间为 100MB。支持 IMAP、POP3、SMTP、SPF/DKIM。
emaildrop.io — Free disposable email provider. Email addresses can be created via GraphQL API. emaildrop.io — 免费的可用电子邮件提供商. 电子邮件地址可以通过 GraphQL API 创建。
EmailLabs.io — Send up to 9,000 Emails for free every month, up to 300 emails daily. EmailLabs.io - 每月免费发送多达 9,000 封电子邮件,每天发送多达 300 封电子邮件。
EmailOctopus - Up to 2,500 subscribers and 10,000 emails per month free EmailOctopus - 每月免费提供多达 2,500 个订阅者和 10,000 封电子邮件
EmailJS – This is not an entire email server; this is just an email client that you can use to send emails right from the client without exposing your credentials, the free tier has 200 monthly requests, 2 email templates, Requests up to 50Kb, Limited contacts history. EmailJS - 这不是一个完整的电子邮件服务器;这只是一个电子邮件客户端,您可以用它直接从客户端发送电子邮件,而无需暴露您的凭据,免费层每月有 200 个请求、2 个电子邮件模板、最多 50Kb 的请求、有限的联系人历史记录。
EtherealMail - Ethereal is a fake SMTP service, mainly aimed at Nodemailer and EmailEngine users (but not limited to). It's an entirely free anti-transactional email service where messages never get delivered. EtherealMail - Ethereal 是一种假冒的 SMTP 服务,主要针对 Nodemailer 和 EmailEngine 用户(但不限于此)。这是一种完全免费的反交易电子邮件服务,邮件永远无法送达。
Tempmailers - Generate unlimited temporary email addresses for free Tempmailers - 免费生成无限量的临时电子邮件地址
Emailvalidation.io - 100 free email verifications per month 电子邮件验证.io - 每月 100 次免费电子邮件验证
fakermail.com — Free, temporary email for testing with the last 100 email accounts stored. fakerail.com - 用于测试的免费临时电子邮件,可存储最近的 100 个电子邮件账户。
forwardemail.net — Free email forwarding for custom domains. Create and forward an unlimited amount of email addresses with your domain name (note: You must pay if you use .casa, .cf, .click, .email, .fit, .ga, .gdn, .gq, .lat, .loan, .london, .men, .ml, .pl, .rest, .ru, .tk, .top, .work TLDs due to spam) forwardemail.net - 为自定义域名提供免费电子邮件转发服务。使用您的域名创建和转发无限量的电子邮件地址(注:由于垃圾邮件的原因,如果您使用 .casa、.cf、.click、.email、.fit、.ga、.gdn、.gq、.lat、.loan、.london、.men、.ml、.pl、.rest、.ru、.tk、.top、.work TLDs,则必须付费)
HotTempMail - Unlimited, free, disposable temporary email addresses. Autoexpires in one day. HotTempMail - 无限,免费,可调用的临时电子邮件地址. 在一天内自动到期。
Imitate Email - Sandbox Email Server for testing email functionality across build/qa and ci/cd. Free accounts get 15 emails a day forever. Imitate Email - 沙盒电子邮件服务器,用于在 build/qa 和 ci/cd 中测试电子邮件功能。免费账户每天可永久获得 15 封电子邮件。
ImprovMX – Free email forwarding. ImprovMX - 免费电子邮件转发。
EForw – Free email forwarding for one domain. Receive and send emails from your domain. EForw - 一个域名的免费电子邮件转发。从您的域名接收和发送电子邮件。
inboxkitten.com - Free temporary/disposable email inbox, with up to 3-day email auto-deletes. Open source and can be self-hosted. inboxkitten.com - 免费的临时/一次性电子邮件收件箱,可在 3 天内自动删除电子邮件。开源,可自行托管。
mail-tester.com — Test if the email's DNS/SPF/DKIM/DMARC settings are correct, 20 free/month. mail-tester.com - 测试电子邮件的 DNS/SPF/DKIM/DMARC 设置是否正确,20 次/月免费。
dkimvalidator.com - Test if the email's DNS/SPF/DKIM/DMARC settings are correct, free service by roundsphere.com dkimvalidator.com - 测试电子邮件的 DNS/SPF/DKIM/DMARC 设置是否正确,由 roundsphere.com 提供的免费服务
mailcatcher.me — Catches mail and serves it through a web interface. mailcatcher.me - 通过网络界面抓取邮件并提供服务。
Mailcheck.ai - Prevent users to sign up with temporary email addresses, 120 requests/hour (~86,400 per month) Mailcheck.ai - 阻止用户使用临时电子邮件地址注册,每 小时1 20次请求(每 月约86,4 00次)
Mailchimp — 500 subscribers and 1,000 emails/month free. Mailchimp - 每月免费提供 500 个订阅者和 1,000 封电子邮件。
Maildroppa - Up to 100 subscribers and unlimited emails as well as automations for free. Maildroppa - 最多可免费提供 100 个订阅者和无限量电子邮件以及自动化功能。
MailerLite.com — 1,000 subscribers/month, 12,000 emails/month free MailerLite.com - 每月 1,000 个订阅者,每月免费发送 12,000 封电子邮件
MailerSend.com — Email API, SMTP, 3,000 emails/month free for transactional emails MailerSend.com - 电子邮件 API,SMTP,每月免费发送 3,000 封事务性电子邮件
mailinator.com — Free, public email system where you can use any inbox you want mailinator.com - 免费的公共电子邮件系统,您可以使用任何收件箱
Mailjet — 6,000 emails/month free (200 emails daily sending limit) Mailjet - 每月免费发送 6,000 封电子邮件(每天 200 封电子邮件的发送限制)
Mailnesia - Free temporary/disposable email, which auto visit registration link. Mailnesia - 免费的临时/一次性电子邮件,可自动访问注册链接。
mailsac.com - Free API for temporary email testing, free public email hosting, outbound capture, email-to-slack/websocket/webhook (1,500 monthly API limit) mailsac.com - 用于临时电子邮件测试的免费 API、免费公共电子邮件托管、外发捕获、电子邮件到 slack/websocket/webhook(每月 API 限制为 1,500 次)
Mailtie.com - Free Email Forwarding for Your Domain. You don't need to register. Free Forever. Mailtie.com - 为您的域名提供免费的电子邮件转发服务。无需注册。永久免费。
Mailtrap.io — Fake SMTP server for development, free plan with one inbox, 100 messages, no team member, two emails/second, no forward rules. Mailtrap.io — 虚假的 SMTP 服务器开发,一个收件箱的免费计划,100 条消息,没有团队成员,每秒两封电子邮件,没有前进规则。
Mailvalidator.io - Verify 300 emails/month for free, real-time API with bulk processing available. Mailvalidator.io - 每月免费验证 300 封电子邮件,提供实时 API 和批量处理功能。
Mail7.io — Free Temp Email Addresses for QA Developers. Create email addresses instantly using Web Interface or API. Mail7.io - QA 开发人员的免费 Temp 电子邮件地址. 使用 Web 接口或 API 立即创建电子邮件地址。
Mutant Mail – Free 10 Email IDs, 1 Domain, 1 Mailbox. Single Mailbox for All Email IDs. Mutant Mail - 免费 10 个电子邮件 ID, 1 个域, 1 个邮箱. 单个邮箱为所有电子邮件 ID。
Outlook.com - Free personal email and calendar. Outlook.com - 免费个人电子邮件和日历。
Parsio.io — Free email parser (Forward email, extract the data, send it to your server) Parsio.io - 免费电子邮件解析器(转发电子邮件、提取数据、发送至您的服务器)
pepipost.com — 30k emails free for the first month, then the first 100 emails/day free. pepipost.com - 首月免费发送 30k 封电子邮件,之后每天免费发送 100 封电子邮件。
Postmark - 100 emails/month free, unlimited DMARC weekly digests. Postmark - 每月免费发送 100 封电子邮件,每周无限制发送 DMARC 摘要。
Proton Mail - Free secure email account service provider with built-in end-to-end encryption. Free 1GB storage. Proton Mail - 内置端到端加密功能的免费安全电子邮件帐户服务提供商。免费提供 1GB 存储空间。
Queuemail.dev — Reliable email delivery API. Free tier (10,000 emails/per month). Send asynchronously. Use several SMTP servers. Blocklists, Logging, Tracking, Webhooks, and more. Queuemail.dev - 可靠的电子邮件发送 API。免费层级(每月 10,000 封电子邮件)。异步发送。使用多个 SMTP 服务器。屏蔽列表、日志、跟踪、Webhooks 等功能。
QuickEmailVerification — Verify 100 emails daily for free on a free tier along with other free APIs like DEA Detector, DNS Lookup, SPF Detector, and more. QuickEmailVerification - 每天免费验证 100 封电子邮件,以及其他免费 API,如 DEA Detector、DNS Lookup、SPF Detector 等。
Resend - Transactional emails API for developers. 3,000 emails/month, 100 emails/day free, one custom domain. Resend - 面向开发人员的事务性电子邮件 API。每月 3,000 封电子邮件,每天 100 封免费邮件,一个自定义域。
Sender Up to 15,000 emails/month, up to 2,500 subscribers 发送方 每月最多 15,000 封电子邮件,最多 2,500 个订阅者
SendGrid — 100 emails/day and 2,000 contacts free SendGrid - 每天 100 封电子邮件,免费提供 2,000 个联系人
Sendpulse — 500 subscribers/month, 15,000 emails/month free Sendpulse - 每月 500 个订阅者,每月免费发送 15,000 封电子邮件
SimpleLogin – Open source, self-hostable email alias/forwarding solution. Free 5 Aliases, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited reply/send. Free for educational staff (student, researcher, etc.). SimpleLogin - 开源、可自行托管的电子邮件别名/转发解决方案。免费提供 5 个别名、无限带宽、无限回复/发送。免费提供给教育工作者(学生、研究人员等)。
Substack — Unlimited free newsletter service. Start paying when you charge for it. Substack - 无限量免费时事通讯服务。收费后开始付费。
Sweego - European transactional emails API for developers. 500 emails/day free. Sweego - 面向开发人员的欧洲交易电子邮件 API。每天免费发送 500 封电子邮件。
Tempmailo - Unlimited free temp email addresses. Autoexpire in two days. Tempmailo - 无限量免费临时电子邮件地址。两天后自动过期。
Takeout - A constantly updated email service that makes sending emails easy. Five hundred transactional emails/month free. Takeout - 不断更新的电子邮件服务,让发送电子邮件变得简单。每月免费发送 500 封交易电子邮件。
temp-mail.io — Free disposable temporary email service with multiple emails at once and forwarding temp-mail.io - 免费一次性临时电子邮件服务,可同时发送多封邮件并可转发
tinyletter.com — 5,000 subscribers/month free tinyletter.com - 每月免费订阅 5,000 个用户
trashmail.com - Free disposable email addresses with forwarding and automatic address expiration trashmail.com - 带转发和地址自动过期功能的免费一次性电子邮件地址
Tutanota - Free secure email account service provider with built-in end-to-end encryption, no ads, no tracking. Free 1GB storage. Which is also partially open source, so you can self-host. Tutanota - 内置端到端加密、无广告、无跟踪的免费安全电子邮件帐户服务提供商。免费提供 1GB 存储空间。它还部分开放源代码,因此您可以自行托管。
validemail.io - Free Tier with 10,000 validations per month & 10 requests per second. validemail.io - 免费层级,每月 10,000 次验证,每秒 10 次请求。
Verifalia — Real-time email verification API with mailbox confirmation and disposable email address detector; 25 free email verifications/day. Verifalia - 带有邮箱确认和一次性电子邮件地址检测器的实时电子邮件验证 API;每天 25 次免费电子邮件验证。
verimail.io — Bulk and API email verification service. 100 free verifications/month verimail.io — 批量和 API 电子邮件验证服务. 100 免费验证/月
— Started as an e-mail provider but now provides a suite of services, some of which have free plans. List of services having free plans :
Zoho - 作为电子邮件提供商开始,但现在提供一套服务,其中一些有免费计划。
- Email Free for 5 users. 5GB/user & 25 MB attachment limit, one domain. 为 5 位用户提供免费电子邮件。每个用户 5GB 和 25 MB 附件限制,一个域。
- Sprints Free for 5 users,5 Projects & 500MB storage. Sprints 免费提供 5 个用户、5 个项目和 500MB 存储空间。
- Docs — Free for 5 users with 1 GB upload limit & 5GB storage. Zoho Office Suite (Writer, Sheets & Show) comes bundled. Docs - 5 位用户免费,上传限制为 1 GB,存储容量为 5GB。捆绑 Zoho Office Suite(Writer、Sheet 和 Show)。
- Projects — Free for 3 users, 2 projects & 10 MB attachment limit. The same plan applies to Bugtracker. 项目 - 3 个用户、2 个项目和 10 MB 附件限制,免费。该计划同样适用于 Bugtracker。
- Connect — Team Collaboration free for 25 users with three groups, three custom apps, 3 Boards, 3 Manuals, and 10 Integrations along with channels, events & forums. Connect - 团队协作功能,免费为 25 名用户提供 3 个组、3 个自定义应用程序、3 个板块、3 本手册和 10 个集成以及频道、活动和论坛。
- Meeting — Meetings with upto 3 meeting participants & 10 Webinar attendees. 会议 - 最多 3 人参加的会议和 10 人参加的网络研讨会。
- Vault — Password Management is accessible for Individuals. Vault - 个人可访问密码管理。
- Showtime — Yet another Meeting software for training for a remote session of up to 5 attendees. Showtime - 另一款用于远程培训的会议软件,最多可容纳 5 名与会者。
- Notebook — A free alternative to Evernote. Notebook - Evernote 的免费替代品。
- Wiki — Free for three users with 50 MB storage, unlimited pages, zip backups, RSS & Atom feed, access controls & customizable CSS. Wiki - 三名用户免费,提供 50 MB 存储空间、无限页面、zip 备份、RSS 和 Atom 源、访问控制和可定制 CSS。
- Subscriptions — Recurring Billing management free for 20 customers/subscriptions & 1 user with all the payment hosting done by Zoho. The last 40 subscription metrics are stored 订阅 - 为 20 个客户/订阅和 1 个用户免费提供续订账单管理,所有付款托管均由 Zoho 完成。存储最近 40 个订阅指标
- Checkout — Product Billing management with 3 pages & up to 50 payments. 结账 - 产品账单管理,有 3 个页面和多达 50 种付款方式。
- Desk — Customer Support management with three agents, private knowledge base, and email tickets. Integrates with Assist for one remote technician & 5 unattended computers. Desk - 通过三个代理、私人知识库和电子邮件票单进行客户支持管理。与 Assist 集成,可支持一名远程技术人员和 5 台无人值守计算机。
- Cliq — Team chat software with 100 GB storage, unlimited users, 100 users per channel & SSO. Cliq — 团队聊天软件与 100 GB 的存储空间,无限的用户,每频道 100 用户和 SSO。
- Campaigns 活动
- Forms 表格
- Sign 标志
- Surveys 调查
- Bookings 预订
- Analytics 分析
Feature Toggles Management Platforms 功能切换管理平台
- ConfigCat - ConfigCat is a developer-centric feature flag service with unlimited team size, excellent support, and a reasonable price tag. Free plan up to 10 flags, two environments, 1 product, and 5 Million requests per month. ConfigCat - ConfigCat 是一项以开发人员为中心的功能标志服务,团队规模不受限制,支持卓越,价格合理。免费计划每月最多可提供 10 个标志、两个环境、1 个产品和 500 万个请求。
- Flagsmith - Release features with confidence; manage feature flags across web, mobile, and server-side applications. Use our hosted API, deploy to your own private cloud, or run on-premise. Flagsmith - 自信地发布功能;跨网络、移动和服务器端应用程序管理功能标志。使用我们的托管 API、部署到您自己的私有云或在内部运行。
- GrowthBook - Open source feature flag and A/B testing provider with built-in Bayesian statistical analysis engine. Free for up to 3 users, unlimited feature flags and experiments. GrowthBook - 开放源代码功能旗帜和 A/B 测试提供商,内置 Bayesian 统计分析引擎,最多可供 3 名用户免费使用,无限的功能旗帜和实验。
- Molasses - Powerful feature flags and A/B testing. Free up to 3 environments with five feature flags each. Molasses - 强大的功能旗和 A / B 测试. 免费最多 3 个环境,每个都有 5 个功能旗。
- Toggled.dev - Enterprise-ready, scalable multi-regional feature toggles management platform. Free plan up to 10 flags, two environments, unlimited requests. SDK, analytics dashboard, release calendar, Slack notifications, and all other features are included in the endless free plan. Toggled.dev - 企业就绪、可扩展的多区域功能切换管理平台。免费计划最多 10 个标志、两个环境、无限请求。SDK、分析仪表板、发布日历、Slack 通知以及所有其他功能均包含在无尽的免费计划中。
Font 字体
- dafont - The fonts presented on this website are their authors' property and are either freeware, shareware, demo versions, or public domain. dafont - 本网站上提供的字体属于其作者的财产,是免费软件、共享软件、演示版本或公共领域的产品。
- Everything Fonts - Offers multiple tools; @font-face, Units Converter, Font Hinter and Font Submitter. Everything Fonts - 提供多种工具:@font-face、单位转换器、字体显示和字体提交器。
- Font Squirrel - Freeware fonts licensed for commercial work. Hand-selected these typefaces and presented them in an easy-to-use format. Font Squirrel - 授权用于商业用途的免费字体。手工挑选这些字体,并以易于使用的格式呈现。
- Google Fonts - Many free fonts are easy and quick to install on a website via a download or a link to Google's CDN. 谷歌字体 - 许多免费字体都可以通过下载或谷歌 CDN 链接方便快捷地安装到网站上。
- FontGet - Has a variety of fonts available to download and sorted neatly with tags. FontGet - 提供各种字体供下载,并按标签整齐分类。
- Fontshare - is a free fonts service. It’s a growing collection of professional-grade fonts, 100% free for personal and commercial use. Fontshare - 是一项免费字体服务。它收集了越来越多的专业级字体,100% 免费供个人和商业使用。
- Befonts - Provides several unique fonts for personal or commercial use. Befonts - 为个人或商业用途提供多种独特字体。
- Font of web - Identify all the fonts used on a website and how they are used. 网页字体 - 识别网站上使用的所有字体及其使用方式。
- Bunny 兔子
- Bunny Fonts - All the Google Fonts with Google Fonts drop-in compatible API. Privacy oriented! Bunny Fonts - 使用与 Google Fonts drop-in 兼容的 API 的所有 Google 字体。注重隐私!
- Bunny DNS - DNS hosting, 20 million free queries Bunny DNS - DNS 托管,2000 万次免费查询
- FontsKey - Provides free and commercial paid fonts for personal use and can enter text for quick filtering. FontsKey - 提供供个人使用的免费和商业付费字体,并可输入文本进行快速筛选。
Forms 表格
- Form2Channel - Send form submissions to Google Sheets, Email, Email, Slack, Telegram or Webhooks. Unlimited and free. Features include multiple recipients, custom thank-you pages, file uploads, and more. Form2Channel - 将提交的表单发送到 Google Sheets、电子邮件、Email、Slack、Telegram 或 Webhooks。无限制且免费。功能包括多个收件人、自定义感谢页面、文件上传等。
- Feathery - Powerful, developer-friendly form builder. Build signup & login, user onboarding, payment flows, complex financial applications, and more. The free plan allows up to 250 submissions/month and five active forms. Feathery - 强大的,开发者友好的表单构建器. 构建注册和登录,用户登录,付款流程,复杂的财务应用程序等。
- Form-Data - No-code forms backend. Spam filter, email notification and auto-respond, webhooks, zapier, redirects, AJAX or POST, and more. The free plan offers unlimited forms, 20 submissions/month, and an additional 2000 submissions with Form-Data badge. Form-Data - 无代码表单后台。垃圾邮件过滤、电子邮件通知和自动回复、webhooks、zapier、重定向、AJAX 或 POST 等功能。免费计划提供无限量表单,每月 20 次提交,使用 Form-Data 徽章可额外提交 2000 次表单。
- FabForm - Form backend platform for intelligent developers. The free plan allows 250 form submissions per month. Friendly modern GUI. Integrates with Google Sheets, Airtable, Slack, Email, and others. FabForm - 面向智能开发人员的表单后台平台。免费计划允许每月提交 250 份表单。友好的现代图形用户界面。与 Google Sheets、Airtable、Slack、电子邮件等集成。
- Form.taxi — Endpoint for HTML forms submissions. With notifications, spam blockers, and GDPR-compliant data processing. Free plan for basic usage. Form.taxi - HTML 表单提交的终端。具有通知、垃圾邮件拦截器和符合 GDPR 的数据处理功能。基本使用计划免费。
- Formcake.com - Form backend for devs, free plan allows unlimited forms, 100 submissions, Zapier integration. No libraries or dependencies are required. Formcake.com - 面向开发人员的表单后台,免费计划允许无限量表单、100 次提交和 Zapier 集成。无需任何库或依赖关系。
- Formcarry.com - HTTP POST Form endpoint, Free plan allows 100 monthly submissions. Formcarry.com - HTTP POST 表单终端,免费计划允许每月 100 个提交。
- formingo.co- Easy HTML forms for static websites. You can start for free without registering an account. The free plan allows 500 monthly submissions and a customizable reply-to email address. formingo.co- 适用于静态网站的简易 HTML 表单。您无需注册账户即可免费使用。免费计划允许每月提交 500 个表单,并可自定义回复电子邮件地址。
- FormKeep.com - Unlimited forms with 50 monthly submissions, spam protection, email notification, and a drag-and-drop designer that can export HTML. Additional features include custom field rules, teams, and integrations to Google Sheets, Slack, ActiveCampaign, and Zapier. FormKeep.com - 无限的表单,每月 50 次提交,垃圾邮件保护,电子邮件通知,以及可以导出 HTML 的拖放设计器。
- formlets.com — Online forms, unlimited single page forms/month, 100 submissions/month, email notifications. formlets.com - 在线表格,每月不限单页表格数量,每月 100 次提交,电子邮件通知。
- formspark.io - Form to Email service, free plan allows unlimited forms, 250 submissions per month, support by Customer assistance team. formspark.io - 表单到电子邮件服务,免费计划允许无限量表单,每月 250 次提交,由客户援助团队提供支持。
- Formspree.io — Send email using an HTTP POST request. The free tier limits to 50 submissions per form per month. Formspree.io - 使用 HTTP POST 请求发送电子邮件。免费层限制为每月每个表单 50 次提交。
- Formsubmit.co — Easy form endpoints for your HTML forms. Free Forever. No registration is required. Formsubmit.co - 用于 HTML 表单的简易表单端点。永久免费。无需注册。
- getform.io - Form backend platform for designers and developers, 1 form, 50 submissions, Single file upload, 100MB file storage. getform.io - 面向设计人员和开发人员的表单后台平台,1 个表单,50 次提交,单个文件上传,100MB 文件存储。
- HeroTofu.com - Forms backend with bot detection and encrypted archive. Forward submissions via UI to email, Slack, or Zapier. Use your own front end. No server code is required. The free plan gives unlimited forms and 100 submissions per month. HeroTofu.com - 用机器人检测和加密档案的窗体后端. 通过用户界面向电子邮件,Slack 或 Zapier 提交提交。 使用自己的前端. 无需服务器代码。 免费计划提供无限的表单和每月 100 个提交。
- HeyForm.net - Drag and drop online form builder. The free tier lets you create unlimited forms and collect unlimited submissions. Comes with pre-built templates, anti-spam, and 100MB file storage. HeyForm.net - 拖放式在线表单生成器。免费层可让您创建无限量的表单并收集无限量的提交。提供预建模板、反垃圾邮件和 100MB 文件存储空间。
- Tally.so - 99% of all the features are free. The free tier lets you have: unlimited forms, unlimited submissions, email notifications, form logic, collect payments, file upload, custom thank you page, and many more. Tally.so - 99% 的功能都是免费的。免费层让您拥有:无限表单、无限提交、电子邮件通知、表单逻辑、收款、文件上传、自定义感谢页面等。
- Hyperforms.app — Create a form to email and more in seconds and without backend code. The Personal account gives you up to 50 monthly form submissions for free. Hyperforms.app--无需后台代码,只需几秒钟即可创建表单,并通过电子邮件发送。个人账户每月最多可免费提交 50 份表单。
- Kwes.io - Feature rich form endpoint. Works great with static sites. The free plan includes up to 1 website with up to 50 monthly submissions. Kwes.io - 功能丰富的表单端点。非常适合静态网站。免费计划最多包含 1 个网站,每月最多可提交 50 个表单。
- Pageclip - The free plan allows one site, one form, and 1,000 monthly submissions. Pageclip - 免费计划允许一个网站、一个表单和每月 1,000 次提交。
- Qualtrics Survey — Create professional forms & survey using this first class tool. 50+ expert-designed survey templates. Free Account has a limit of 1 active survey, 100 responses/survey & 8 response types. Qualtrics 调查 - 使用此一流工具创建专业表格和调查。50+ 专家设计的调查问卷模板。免费账户仅限 1 个活动调查表、100 个回复/调查表和 8 种回复类型。
- Screeb - In-app surveys and product analytics for decoding user behavior. Forever free plan allows 500 monthly active users, unlimited responses and events, many integrations, export, and periodic reports. Screeb - 用于解码用户行为的应用内调查和产品分析。永久免费计划允许每月 500 个活跃用户、无限量的回复和事件、多种集成、导出和定期报告。
- smartforms.dev - Powerful and easy form backend for your website, forever free plan allows 50 submissions per month, 250MB file storage, Zapier integration, CSV/JSON export, custom redirect, custom response page, Telegram & Slack bot, single email notifications. smartforms.dev - 强大而简单的形式支持您的网站,永久免费计划允许每月 50 个提交,250MB 的文件存储空间,Zapier 集成,CSV/JSON 出口,定制重定向,定制响应页面,Telegram & Slack 机器人,单个电子邮件通知。
- staticforms.xyz - Integrate HTML forms easily without any server-side code for free. After the user submits the form, an email with the form content will be sent to your registered address. staticforms.xyz - 无需任何服务器端代码,即可免费轻松整合 HTML 表单。用户提交表单后,包含表单内容的电子邮件将发送到您的注册地址。
- stepFORM.io - Quiz and Form Builder. The free plan has five forms, up to 3 steps per form, and 50 monthly responses. stepFORM.io - 测验和表单生成器。免费计划有 5 个表单,每个表单最多 3 个步骤,每月 50 个回复。
- Tapform.com — Includes unlimited forms, unlimited fields, and unlimited submissions for free. Forms can either be displayed in a standard or a chat format. Tapform.com - 免费提供无限表格、无限字段和无限提交。表单可以以标准格式或聊天格式显示。
- Typeform.com — Include beautifully designed forms on websites. The free plan allows only ten fields per form and 100 monthly responses. Typeform.com - 在网站上包含设计精美的表单。免费计划只允许每个表单填写 10 个字段,每月回复 100 次。
- WaiverStevie.com - Electronic Signature platform with a REST API. You can receive notifications with webhooks. Free plan watermarks signed documents but allow unlimited envelopes + signatures. WaiverStevie.com - 具有 REST API 的电子签名平台。您可以通过网络钩子接收通知。免费计划可在已签署的文件上打水印,但允许无限量的信封和签名。
- Web3Forms - Contact forms for Static & JAMStack Websites without writing backend code. The free plan allows Unlimited Forms, Unlimited Domains & 250 Submissions per month. Web3Forms - Static 和 JAMStack 网站的联系表格不写后端代码. 免费计划允许每月无限表单,无限域名和 250 个提交。
- WebAsk - Survey and Form Builder. The free plan has three surveys per account, 100 monthly responses, and ten elements per survey. WebAsk - 调查表和表格生成器。免费计划每个账户有三个调查问卷,每月有 100 个回复,每个调查问卷有 10 个元素。
- Wufoo - Quick forms to use on websites. The free plan has a limit of 100 submissions each month. Wufoo - 用于网站的快速表单。免费计划每月限制提交 100 个表单。
- formpost.app - Free, unlimited Form to Email service. Set up custom redirects, auto-response, webhooks, etc. for free. formpost.app - 免费、无限制的表单转电子邮件服务。免费设置自定义重定向、自动回复、网络钩子等。
- Formester.com - Share and embed unique-looking forms on your website—no limits on the number of forms created or features restricted by the plan. Get up to 100 submissions every month for free. Formester.com - 在您的网站上共享和嵌入外观独特的表单,不受创建表单数量的限制,也不受计划功能的限制。每月可免费提交多达 100 个表单。
- SimplePDF.eu - Embed a PDF editor on your website and turn any PDF into a fillable form. The free plan allows unlimited PDFs with three submissions per PDF. SimplePDF.eu - 在您的网站上嵌入 PDF 编辑器,将任何 PDF 转变为可填写的表格。免费计划允许无限量的 PDF,每个 PDF 可提交三次。
- forms.app — Create online forms with powerful features like conditional logic, automatic score calculator, and AI. Collect up to 100 responses with a free plan, embed your forms on a website, or use them with a link. forms.app - 利用条件逻辑、自动分数计算器和人工智能等强大功能创建在线表单。使用免费计划可收集多达 100 个回复,将表单嵌入网站或通过链接使用。
- Qualli - In App Surveys, designed for mobile. Use Qualli AI to craft the perfect questions. You can try it out on our free plan, up to 500 MAU, create unlimited forms and triggers. Qualli--专为移动设备设计的应用内调查。使用 Qualli AI 设计完美的问题。您可以在我们的免费计划中试用它,最高 500 MAU,创建无限的表单和触发器。
- Sprig - 1 In-Product Survey or Survey with Replay per month, with GPT-powered AI Analysis. Sprig - 每月 1 次产品内调查或带重放的调查,由 GPT 提供人工智能分析。
- feedback.fish - Free plan allows collecting 25 total feedback submissions. Easy to integrate with React and Vue components provided. feedback.fish - 免费计划可收集 25 条反馈意见。提供 React 和 Vue 组件,易于集成。
Generative AI 生成式人工智能
- Portkey - Control panel for Gen AI apps featuring an observability suite & an AI gateway. Send & log up to 10,000 requests for free every month. Portkey - Gen AI 应用程序的控制面板,具有可观察性套件和 AI 网关。每月免费发送和记录多达 10,000 个请求。
- OpenPipe - Fully managed fine-tuning for developers. Free plan lets you fine-tune one model with upto 2,000 rows per dataset. OpenPipe - 面向开发人员的全面管理微调。免费计划可让您微调一个模型,每个数据集最多可微调 2,000 行。
- Braintrust - Evals, prompt playground, and data management for Gen AI. Free plan gives upto 1,000 private eval rows/week. Braintrust - 用于 Gen AI 的评估、提示操场和数据管理。免费计划每周提供多达 1,000 行私人评估。
- Findr - Universal search that lets you search all your apps, at once. Search assistant that lets you answer questions using your information. Free plan offers unlimited unified search and 5 co daily co pilot queries. Findr - 万能搜索,让你一次搜索所有应用程序。搜索助手可让你使用信息回答问题。免费计划提供无限制的统一搜索和 5 个每日共同试点查询。
- ReportGPT - AI Powered Writing Assistant. The entire platform is free as long as you bring your own API key. ReportGPT - 人工智能写作助手。只要您拥有自己的 API 密钥,整个平台都是免费的。
CDN and Protection CDN 和保护
- bootstrapcdn.com — CDN for bootstrap, bootswatch and fontawesome.io bootstrapcdn.com - bootstrap、bootswatch 和 fontawesome.io 的 CDN
- cdnjs.com — Simple. Fast. Reliable. Content delivery at its finest. cdnjs is a free and open-source CDN service trusted by over 11% of all websites, powered by Cloudflare. cdnjs.com - 简单。快速。可靠。cdnjs 是由 Cloudflare 提供的免费开源 CDN 服务,受到超过 11% 网站的信赖。
- developers.google.com — The Google Hosted Libraries is a content distribution network for the most popular Open Source JavaScript libraries developers.google.com - 谷歌托管库是最流行的开源 JavaScript 库的内容分发网络。
- Stellate - Stellate is a blazing-fast, reliable CDN for your GraphQL API and free for two services. Stellate - Stellate 是一款针对 GraphQL API 的超快、可靠的 CDN,免费提供两项服务。
- jsdelivr.com — A free, fast, and reliable open-source CDN. Supports npm, GitHub, WordPress, Deno, and more. jsdelivr.com - 免费、快速、可靠的开源 CDN。支持 npm、GitHub、WordPress、Deno 等。
- Microsoft Ajax — The Microsoft Ajax CDN hosts popular third-party JavaScript libraries such as jQuery and enables you to easily add them to your Web application 微软 Ajax - 微软 Ajax CDN 托管流行的第三方 JavaScript 库,如 jQuery,并允许您轻松地将其添加到您的 Web 应用程序
- ovh.ie — Free DDoS protection and SSL certificate ovh.ie - 免费 DDoS 保护和 SSL 证书
- Skypack — The 100% Native ES Module JavaScript CDN. Free for 1 million requests per domain per month. Skypack - 100% 原生 ES 模块 JavaScript CDN。每个域每月免费提供 100 万次请求。
- raw.githack.com — A modern replacement of rawgit.com which simply hosts file using Cloudflare raw.githack.com - rawgit.com 的现代替代版本,只需使用 Cloudflare 托管文件。
- section.io — A simple way to spin up and manage a complete Varnish Cache solution. Supposedly free forever for one site section.io — 一个简单的方法来旋转和管理一个完整的 Varnish 缓存解决方案。
- statically.io — CDN for Git repos (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket), WordPress-related assets, and images statically.io - Git 仓库(GitHub、GitLab、Bitbucket)、WordPress 相关资产和图片的 CDN
- toranproxy.com — Proxy for Packagist and GitHub. Never fail CD. Free for personal use, one developer, no support toranproxy.com - Packagist 和 GitHub 的代理。永不失效的 CD。免费供个人使用,只有一个开发者,无支持
- UNPKG — CDN for everything on npm UNPKG - npm 上所有内容的 CDN
- weserv — An image cache & resize service. Manipulate images on the fly with a worldwide cache. weserv - 一种图像缓存和大小调整服务。通过全球范围的缓存,即时处理图片。
- Namecheap Supersonic — Free DDoS protection Namecheap Supersonic - 免费 DDoS 保护
- Gcore 核心
- CDN — Global content delivery network, 1 TB and 1 million requests per month free. CDN - 全球内容交付网络,每月免费提供 1 TB 和 100 万次请求。
- DNS Hosting — Free DNS hosting. DNS 托管 - 免费 DNS 托管。
- LightCDN - Free 100GB CDN with eight international Pop. Unlimited HTTP(S) requests. LightCDN - 免费提供 100GB CDN,有 8 个国际 Pop。无限 HTTP(S) 请求。
- CacheFly - Up to 5 TB per month of Free CDN traffic, 19 Core PoPs , 1 Domain and Universal SSL. CacheFly - 每月高达 5 TB 的免费 CDN 流量、19 个核心 PoPs、1 个域名和通用 SSL。
PaaS 平安
- anvil.works - Web app development with nothing but Python. Free tier with unlimited apps and 30-second timeouts. anvil.works - 仅使用 Python 开发 Web 应用程序。免费层级提供无限应用程序和 30 秒超时。
- appwrite - Unlimited projects with no project pausing (supports websockets) and authentication service. 1 Database, 3 Buckets, 5 Functions per project in free tier. appwrite - 无限项目,无项目暂停(支持 websockets)和身份验证服务。免费层每个项目 1 个数据库、3 个存储桶、5 个函数。
- configure.it — Mobile app development platform, free for two projects, limited features but no resource limits configure.it - 移动应用程序开发平台,两个项目免费,功能有限,但无资源限制
- codenameone.com — Open source, cross-platform, mobile app development toolchain for Java/Kotlin developers. Free for commercial use with an unlimited number of projects codenameone.com - 面向 Java/Kotlin 开发人员的开源、跨平台移动应用程序开发工具链。免费用于商业用途,项目数量不限
- Cosmonic - Feature-rich WebAssembly PaaS and SDKs for low boilerplate, flexible, and secure by default microservices. Always free tier includes a managed host, 25 microservices, and capabilities like a robust key-value store, load-balanced public HTTP endpoints, and more. Cosmonic - 功能丰富的 WebAssembly PaaS 和 SDK,适用于低模板、灵活和安全的默认微服务。始终免费的层级包括托管主机、25 个微服务以及强大的键值存储、负载平衡公共 HTTP 端点等功能。
- Cyclic - Fullstack app hosting - Push to GitHub to build and deploy Javascript/Node.js apps. Includes: Authentication, Cron jobs, Custom Domains, Database, Storage, and Streaming logs. Paid plans include branch-based environments, multi-regional deployments, and increased limits. Cyclic - 全栈应用程序托管 - 推送至 GitHub 以构建和部署 Javascript/Node.js 应用程序。包括身份验证、Cron 作业、自定义域、数据库、存储和流日志。付费计划包括基于分支的环境、多区域部署和更多限制。
- deco.cx - Edge-native frontend platform with a visual CMS auto-generated from TypeScript code. Built-in A/B testing, content segmentation, and real-time analytics. Perfect for content-heavy and Enterprise e-commerce websites. Free up to 5k pageviews/month or open-source/personal projects. deco.cx - 边缘原生前端平台,具有由 TypeScript 代码自动生成的视觉 CMS。内置的 A/B 测试、内容分区和实时分析。 适合内容重量级和企业电子商务网站。 免费高达 5k 页视图/月或开源/个人项目。
- Deno Deploy - Distributed system that runs JavaScript, TypeScript, and WebAssembly at the edge worldwide. The free tier includes 100,000 requests per day and 100 GiB data transfers per month. Deno Deploy - 在全球边缘运行 JavaScript、TypeScript 和 WebAssembly 的分布式系统。免费层包括每天 100,000 次请求和每月 100 GiB 数据传输。
- domcloud.co – Linux hosting service that provides CI/CD with GitHub, SSH, and MariaDB/Postgres database. The free version has 1 GB storage and 1 GB network/month limit and is limited to a free domain. domcloud.co - Linux 托管服务,提供带有 GitHub、SSH 和 MariaDB/Postgres 数据库的 CI/CD 服务。免费版本每月限制 1 GB 存储空间和 1 GB 网络空间,仅限于一个免费域。
- encore.dev — Backend framework using static analysis to provide automatic infrastructure, boilerplate-free code, and more. Includes free cloud hosting for hobby projects. encore.dev - 利用静态分析提供自动基础架构、无模板代码等功能的后端框架。包括为业余爱好项目提供的免费云托管服务。
- flightcontrol.dev - Deploy web services, databases, and more on your own AWS account with a Git push style workflow. Free tier for users with 1 developer on personal GitHub repos. AWS costs are billed through AWS, but you can use credits and the AWS free tier. flightcontrol.dev - 使用 Git 推送式工作流在自己的 AWS 账户上部署网络服务、数据库等。免费层级适用于在个人 GitHub 仓库中有 1 名开发人员的用户。AWS 费用通过 AWS 结算,但您可以使用信用额度和 AWS 免费层级。
- gigalixir.com - Gigalixir provides one free instance that never sleeps and a free-tier PostgreSQL database limited to 2 connections, 10, 000 rows and no backups for Elixir/Phoenix apps. gigalixir.com - Gigalixir 为 Elixir/Phoenix 应用程序提供一个永不休眠的免费实例和一个仅限 2 个连接、10,000 行且无备份的自由层 PostgreSQL 数据库。
- Glitch — Free public hosting with code sharing and real-time collaboration features. The free plan has a 1000-hours/month limit. Glitch - 免费公共主机,具有代码共享和实时协作功能。免费计划有每月 1000 小时的限制。
- Hop — Web services hosting platform without configs. Free tier with 1x Shared CPU, 512MB RAM and 3GB Storage. Hop - 无需配置的网络服务托管平台。免费层提供 1x 共享 CPU、512MB 内存和 3GB 存储空间。
- Mendix — Rapid Application Development for Enterprises, unlimited accessible sandbox environments supporting total users, 0.5 GB storage and 1 GB RAM per app. Also, Studio and Studio Pro IDEs are allowed in the free tier. Mendix - 企业快速应用开发,无限可访问的沙盒环境支持总用户, 0.5 GB 存储空间和 1 GB RAM 每个应用程序。
- m3o.com - A cloud platform for API services development. M3O is a fully managed Micro as a Service offering focusing on Go microservices development in the Cloud. The free tier provides enough to run five services and collaborate with others. m3o.com - API 服务开发云平台。M3O 是一个完全托管的微服务(Micro as a Service)产品,专注于在云中进行 Go 微服务开发。免费层足以运行五个服务并与他人协作。
- pipedream.com - An integration platform built for developers. Develop any workflow based on any trigger. Workflows are code you can run for free. No server or cloud resources to manage. pipedream.com - 专为开发人员打造的集成平台。基于任何触发器开发任何工作流。工作流是可以免费运行的代码。无需管理服务器或云资源。
- pythonanywhere.com — Cloud Python app hosting. Beginner account is free, 1 Python web application at your-username.pythonanywhere.com domain, 512 MB private file storage, one MySQL database pythonanywhere.com - 云 Python 应用程序托管。初级账户免费,在 your-username.pythonanywhere.com 域名下托管 1 个 Python 网络应用程序,512 MB 私有文件存储空间,1 个 MySQL 数据库。
- Serverless Cloud - Serverless Cloud lets you build Serverless APIs, DBs, and Storage by using infrastructure from the code approach(no YAML, no infrastructure configuration). Serverless Inc. provides the product and it is currently under public preview. 无服务器云(Serverless Cloud)--Serverless Cloud 可让您通过代码方法(无需 YAML、无需基础架构配置)使用基础架构构建无服务器 API、数据库和存储。Serverless Inc. 提供该产品,目前正在公开预览阶段。
- Divio - A platform to manage cloud applications deploying only using Docker. Available free subscription for development projects. Requires card and no custom domain support. Divio - 一个仅使用 Docker 部署云应用程序的管理平台。开发项目可免费订阅。需要网卡,不支持自定义域。
- Koyeb - Koyeb is a developer-friendly serverless platform to deploy apps globally. Seamlessly run Docker containers, web apps, and APIs with git-based deployment, native autoscaling, a global edge network, and built-in service mesh and discovery. Free Instance lets you deploy a web service in Frankfurt, Germany or Washington, D.C., US. Free Managed Postgres database available in Frankfurt (Germany), Washington, D.C. (US), and Singapore. 1GB memory, 1GB storage, and 0.25 CPU. No credit card is required to get started. Koyeb - Koyeb 是一个对开发人员友好的无服务器平台,可在全球范围内部署应用程序。通过基于 git 的部署、本地自动扩展、全球边缘网络以及内置的服务网格和发现功能,无缝运行 Docker 容器、Web 应用程序和 API。免费实例可让您在德国法兰克福或美国华盛顿特区部署网络服务。在法兰克福(德国)、华盛顿特区(美国)和新加坡提供免费托管 Postgres 数据库。1GB 内存、1GB 存储空间和 0.25 CPU。无需信用卡即可开始使用。
- Napkin - FaaS with 500Mb of memory, a default timeout of 15 seconds, and 5,000 free API calls/month rate-limited to 5 calls/second. Napkin - FaaS,内存为 500Mb,默认超时 15 秒,免费 API 调用次数为 5,000 次/月,速率限制为 5 次/秒。
- Meteor Cloud — Galaxy hosting. Meteor's platform-as-a-service for Meteor apps includes free MongoDB Shared Hosting and automatic SSL. Meteor Cloud - 银河主机。Meteor 的 Meteor 应用程序平台即服务(platform-as-a-service)包括免费 MongoDB 共享主机和自动 SSL。
- Northflank — Build and deploy microservices, jobs, and managed databases with a powerful UI, API & CLI. Seamlessly scale containers from version control and external Docker registries. The free tier includes two services, two cron jobs and 1 database. Northflank - 利用强大的 UI、API 和 CLI 构建和部署微服务、作业和托管数据库。从版本控制和外部 Docker 注册表无缝扩展容器。免费层包括两个服务、两个 cron 作业和一个数据库。
- Platformatic Cloud - Platformatic offers many open-source packages to wrap and deploy your Fastify application in the Platformatic Cloud. Built-in CD with a GitHub Action. Free plan for hobbyists with a simple GitHub login. Platformatic Cloud - Platformatic 提供许多开源软件包,用于在 Platformatic Cloud 中包装和部署您的 Fastify 应用程序。内置 CD 与 GitHub 操作。针对业余爱好者的免费计划,只需登录 GitHub 即可使用。
- YepCode - All-in-one platform to connect APIs and services in a serverless environment. It brings all the agility and benefits of NoCode tools but with all the power of using programming languages. The free tier includes 1.000 yeps. YepCode - 全在一的平台,可在无服务器环境中连接 API 和服务,它带来了 NoCode 工具的所有灵活性和好处,但具有使用编程语言的所有力量。
- WunderGraph - An open-source platform that allows you to quickly build, ship and manage modern APIs. Built-in CI/CD, GitHub integration, and automatic HTTPS. Up to 3 projects, 1GB egress, 300 minutes of build time per month on the free plan WunderGraph - 一个开源平台,允许您快速构建,发送和管理现代化 API。内置的 CI/CD,GitHub 集成和自动 HTTPS。最多 3 个项目,1GB 进度,每月 300 分钟的构建时间在免费计划中
- Doprax Cloud — Cloud hosting for your Apps, Websites and APIs. Free for one app, with 4 256MB RAM and 2 GB of disk. You must have at least $3 in your account credit balance to create an app space. Doprax Cloud - 为您的应用程序、网站和 API 提供云托管服务。一个应用程序可免费使用 4 256MB 内存和 2 GB 磁盘。您的账户余额必须至 少 有3美元才能创建应用程序空间。
- Zeabur - Deploy your services with one click. Free for three services, with US$ 5 free credits per month. Zeabur - 一键部署您的服务。免费提供三项服务,每月赠送 5 美元点数。
- mogenius - Easily build, deploy, and run services on Kubernetes. The free tier supports connecting a local Kubernetes with mogenius, enabling individual developers to create a production-like test environment on their machine. mogenius - 在 Kubernetes 上轻松构建、部署和运行服务。免费层支持将本地 Kubernetes 与 mogenius 相连,使个人开发者能够在自己的机器上创建类似生产的测试环境。
- Activepieces - Build automation flows to connect several apps together in your app's backend. For example, send a Slack message or add a Google Sheet row when an event fires in your app. Free up to 5,000 tasks per month. Activepieces - 构建自动化流程,在应用程序后台将多个应用程序连接在一起。例如,在应用程序中触发事件时,发送 Slack 消息或添加 Google Sheet 行。每月最多可免费完成 5,000 个任务。
- back4app.com - Back4App is an easy-to-use, flexible and scalable backend based on Parse Platform. back4app.com - Back4App 是基于 Parse 平台的易于使用、灵活和可扩展的后端。
- backendless.com — Mobile and Web Baas, with 1 GB file storage free, push notifications of 50,000/month, and 1000 data objects in the table. backendless.com - 移动和 Web Baas,免费提供 1 GB 文件存储空间,每月推送通知 50,000 次,表格中包含 1000 个数据对象。
- BMC Developer Program — The BMC Developer Program provides documentation and resources to build and deploy digital innovations for your enterprise. Access to a comprehensive, personal sandbox that includes the platform, SDK, and a library of components that can be used to build and tailor apps. BMC 开发人员计划 - BMC 开发人员计划提供文档和资源,以便为您的企业构建和部署数字创新。访问全面的个人沙盒,其中包括平台、SDK 和可用于构建和定制应用程序的组件库。
- convex.dev - Reactive backend as a service, hosting your data (documents with relationships & serializable ACID transactions), serverless functions, and WebSockets to stream updates to various clients. Free for small projects - up to 1M records, 5M monthly function calls. convex.dev - 作为服务的反应式后端,托管您的数据(具有关系和可序列化 ACID 事务的文档)、无服务器函数和 WebSockets,以便将更新流式传输到各种客户端。小型项目免费--最多 100 万条记录,每月 500 万次函数调用。
- darklang.com - Hosted language combined with editor and infrastructure. Accessible during the beta, a generous free tier is planned after beta. darklang.com - 结合编辑器和基础设施的托管语言。测试期间可访问,测试后计划推出慷慨的免费层。
- Firebase — Firebase helps you build and run successful apps. Free Spark Plan offers Authentication, Hosting, Firebase ML, Realtime Database, Cloud Storage, Testlab. A/B Testing, Analytics, App Distribution, App Indexing, Cloud Messaging (FCM), Crashlytics, Dynamic Links, In-App Messaging, Performance Monitoring, Predictions, and Remote Config are always free. Firebase - Firebase 可帮助您构建和运行成功的应用程序。免费 Spark 计划提供身份验证、托管、Firebase ML、实时数据库、云存储、Testlab。A/B 测试、分析、应用分发、应用索引、云消息(FCM)、Crashlytics、动态链接、应用内消息、性能监控、预测和远程配置始终免费。
- Flutter Flow — Build your Flutter App UI without writing a single line of code. Also has a Firebase integration. The free plan includes full access to UI Builder and Free templates. Flutter Flow - 无需编写任何代码即可构建 Flutter 应用程序用户界面。还集成了 Firebase。免费计划包括对 UI 生成器和免费模板的完全访问权限。
- getstream.io — Build scalable In-App Chat, Messaging, Video and audio, and Feeds in a few hours instead of weeks getstream.io - 无需数周时间,只需数小时即可构建可扩展的应用内聊天、消息、视频和音频以及信息源
- hasura.io — Hasura extends your existing databases wherever it is hosted and provides an instant GraphQL API that can be securely accessed for web, mobile, and data integration workloads. Free for 1GB/month of data pass-through. hasura.io - Hasura 可扩展您现有的数据库,无论其托管在何处,并提供即时 GraphQL API,可安全地访问网络、移动和数据集成工作负载。每月免费提供 1GB 数据传输。
- iron.io — Async task processing (like AWS Lambda) with free tier and 1-month free trial iron.io - 异步任务处理(类似 AWS Lambda),提供免费层级和 1 个月免费试用期
- nhost.io - Serverless backend for web and mobile apps. The free plan includes PostgreSQL, GraphQL (Hasura), Authentication, Storage, and Serverless Functions. nhost.io - 用于网络和移动应用程序的无服务器后端。免费计划包括 PostgreSQL、GraphQL(Hasura)、身份验证、存储和无服务器功能。
- nudge-hook.net — Job Scheduling API (with swagger/openapi client). Allows you to schedule as many ad-hoc/cron/periodic webhook deliveries as possible. Free for everyone (no signup required), but infinite schedules are limited to 500 'nudges' max. Accepts donations. nudge-hook.net - Job Scheduling API(使用 swagger/openapi 客户端)。允许您安排尽可能多的临时/实时/定期网络钩子交付。所有人都可免费使用(无需注册),但无限调度最多限制为 500 个 "nudges"。接受捐赠。
- onesignal.com — Unlimited free push notifications. 10,000 email sends per month, with unlimited contacts and access to Auto Warm Up. onesignal.com - 无限量免费推送通知。每月发送 10,000 封电子邮件,联系人不受限制,并可使用自动预热功能。
- paraio.com — Backend service API with flexible authentication, full-text search and caching. Free for one app, 1GB of app data. paraio.com - 具有灵活验证、全文搜索和缓存功能的后台服务 API。一个应用程序免费,应用程序数据 1GB。
- progress.com — Mobile backend, starter plan has unlimited requests/second, with 1 GB of data storage. Enterprise application support progress.com - 移动后台,入门计划每秒请求次数不限,数据存储量为 1 GB。企业应用支持
- pubnub.com — Free push notifications for up to 1 million messages/month and 100 active daily devices pubnub.com - 为每月多达 100 万条信息和每日 100 台活跃设备提供免费推送通知服务
- pushbots.com — Push notification service. Free for up to 1.5 million pushes/month pushbots.com - 推送通知服务。每月免费推送达 150 万次
- pushcrew.com — Push notification service. Unlimited notifications for up to 2,000 Subscribers pushcrew.com - 推送通知服务。为多达 2,000 个订阅者提供无限量通知
- pusher.com — Free, unlimited push notifications for 2000 monthly active users. A single API for iOS and Android devices. pusher.com - 为每月 2000 名活跃用户提供免费、无限制的推送通知。适用于 iOS 和 Android 设备的单一 API。
- quickblox.com — A communication backend for instant messaging, video, and voice calling, and push notifications quickblox.com - 用于即时消息、视频和语音通话以及推送通知的通信后台
- restspace.io - Configure a server with services for auth, data, files, email API, templates, and more, then compose into pipelines and transform data. restspace.io - 为认证、数据、文件、电子邮件 API、模板等服务配置服务器,然后组成管道并转换数据。
- Salesforce Developer Program — Build apps Lightning fast with drag-and-drop tools. Customize your data model with clicks. Go further with Apex code. Integrate with anything using powerful APIs. Stay protected with enterprise-grade security. Customize UI with clicks or any leading-edge web framework. Free Developer Program gives access to the full Lightning Platform. Salesforce 开发人员计划 - 使用拖放工具快速构建应用程序。通过点击自定义数据模型。使用 Apex 代码更进一步。使用强大的 API 与任何内容集成。使用企业级安全保护。利用点击或任何先进的网络框架自定义用户界面。免费开发人员计划可访问完整的 Lightning 平台。
- ServiceNow Developer Program — Rapidly build, test, and deploy applications that make work better for your organization. Free Instance & access to early previews. ServiceNow 开发人员计划 - 快速构建、测试和部署应用程序,使您的组织工作得更好。免费实例和早期预览访问权限。
- simperium.com — Move data everywhere instantly and automatically, multi-platform, unlimited sending and storage of structured data, max. 2,500 users/month simperium.com - 即时、自动地将数据移动到任何地方,多平台,无限制发送和存储结构化数据,最大。每月 2,500 个用户
- Singlebase.cloud — SinglebaseCloud is an AI-powered all-in-one backend platform to accelerate app development. It offers tools like Vector DB, Relational Document DB, Auth, Search, and Storage, aiming to simplify backend development. Free/Starter Plan offers Relational Document DB, Auth, Search, Storage. Singlebase.cloud - SinglebaseCloud 是一个人工智能驱动的一体化后端平台,可加速应用程序的开发。它提供矢量数据库、关系型文档数据库、身份验证、搜索和存储等工具,旨在简化后端开发。免费/入门计划提供关系型文档数据库、认证、搜索和存储。
- stackstorm.com — Event-driven automation for apps, services, and workflows, free without flow, access control, LDAP stackstorm.com — 用于应用程序、服务和工作流程的事件驱动的自动化,无流量,访问控制,LDAP
- streamdata.io — Turns any REST API into an event-driven streaming API. Free plan up to 1 million messages and ten concurrent connections. streamdata.io - 将任何 REST API 转化为事件驱动的流式 API。免费计划最多可支持 100 万条消息和 10 个并发连接。
- Supabase — The Open Source Firebase Alternative to build backends. Free Plan offers Authentication, Realtime Database & Object Storage. Supabase - 用于构建后台的开源 Firebase 替代方案。免费计划提供身份验证、实时数据库和对象存储。
- tyk.io — API management with authentication, quotas, monitoring and analytics. Free cloud offering tyk.io - 具有认证、配额、监控和分析功能的 API 管理。免费云服务
- zapier.com — Connect the apps you use to automate tasks. Five zaps every 15 minutes and 100 tasks/month zapier.com - 连接您用于自动执行任务的应用程序。每 15 分钟 5 次斩波,每月 100 项任务
- IFTTT — Automate your favorite apps and devices. Free 2 Applets IFTTT - 自动运行您最喜爱的应用程序和设备。免费 2 个小程序
- Integrately — Automate tedious tasks with a single click. Free 100 Tasks, 15 Minute Update Time, five active automations, webhooks. Integrately - 只需单击即可自动执行繁琐的任务。免费提供 100 项任务、15 分钟更新时间、5 个活动自动化、网络钩子。
- LeanCloud — Mobile backend. 1GB of data storage, 256MB instance, 3K API requests/day, and 10K pushes/day are free. (API is very similar to Parse Platform) LeanCloud - 移动后台。免费提供 1GB 数据存储、256MB 实例、3K API 请求/天和 10K 推送/天。(API 与 Parse Platform 非常相似)
Low-code Platform 低代码平台
- Basedash — Low-code platform for building internal admin panels and dashboards. Supports SQL databases and REST APIs. Basedash - 用于构建内部管理面板和仪表盘的低代码平台。支持 SQL 数据库和 REST API。
- BudiBase — Budibase is an open-source low-code platform for creating internal apps in minutes. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, MSSQL, MongoDB, Rest API, Docker, K8s BudiBase - Budibase 是一个开源低代码平台,可在几分钟内创建内部应用程序。支持 PostgreSQL、MySQL、MSSQL、MongoDB、Rest API、Docker、K8s
- appsmith — Low code project to build admin panels, internal tools, and dashboards. Integrates with 15+ databases and any API. appsmith - 用于构建管理面板、内部工具和仪表盘的低代码项目。可与 15+ 个数据库和任何 API 集成。
- ToolJet — Extensible low-code framework for building business applications. Connect to databases, cloud storages, GraphQL, API endpoints, Airtable, etc., and build apps using drag-and-drop application builder. ToolJet - 用于构建业务应用程序的可扩展低代码框架。可连接数据库、云存储、GraphQL、API 端点、Airtable 等,并使用拖放式应用程序生成器构建应用程序。
- ReTool — Low-code platform for building internal applications. Retool is highly hackable. If you can write it with JavaScript and an API, you can make it in Retool. The free tier allows up to five users per month, unlimited apps and API connections. ReTool - 用于构建内部应用程序的低代码平台。Retool 具有很强的可破解性。只要你能用 JavaScript 和 API 编写应用程序,你就能在 Retool 中实现它。免费层每月最多允许 5 个用户使用,应用程序和 API 连接不受限制。
- DronaHQ — DronaHQ - a low code platform that helps engineering teams and product managers to build internal tools, custom user journeys, digital experiences, automation, custom admin panels, operational apps 10X faster. DronaHQ - DronaHQ - 一个低代码平台,可帮助工程团队和产品经理以 10 倍的速度构建内部工具、自定义用户旅程、数字体验、自动化、自定义管理面板和操作应用程序。
- ILLA Cloud — ILLA Cloud - A robust open-source low-code platform for developers to build internal tools. By using ILLA's library of Components and Actions, developers can save massive amounts of time on building tools. Free for 5 team members. ILLA 云 - ILLA 云 - 一个强大的开源低代码平台,开发人员可以构建内部工具. 通过使用 ILLA 的组件和操作库,开发人员可以节省大量的时间来构建工具. 免费为 5 名团队成员。
- outsystems.com — Enterprise web development PaaS for on-premise or cloud, free " personal environment" offering allows for unlimited code and up to 1 GB database outsystems.com - 企业网站开发 PaaS,用于内部部署或云计算,提供免费的 "个人环境",允许无限代码和高达 1 GB 的数据库。
- UI Bakery — Low-code platform that enables faster building of custom web applications. Supports building UI using drag and drop with a high level of customization through JavaScript, Python, and SQL. Available as both cloud and self-hosted solutions. Free for up to 5 users. UI Bakery - 低代码平台,可更快地构建自定义网络应用程序。通过 JavaScript、Python 和 SQL,支持使用拖放方式构建用户界面,并可进行高度定制。提供云和自托管解决方案。最多可免费使用 5 个用户。
Web Hosting 网络托管
- Alwaysdata — 100 MB free web hosting with support for MySQL, PostgreSQL, CouchDB, MongoDB, PHP, Python, Ruby, Node.js, Elixir, Java, Deno, custom web servers, access via FTP, WebDAV and SSH; mailbox, mailing list and app installer included. Alwaysdata - 100 MB 免费虚拟主机,支持 MySQL、PostgreSQL、CouchDB、MongoDB、PHP、Python、Ruby、Node.js、Elixir、Java、Deno、自定义 Web 服务器,可通过 FTP、WebDAV 和 SSH 访问;包括邮箱、邮件列表和应用程序安装程序。
- Awardspace.com — Free web hosting + a free short domain, PHP, MySQL, App Installer, Email Sending & No Ads. Awardspace.com - 免费虚拟主机+免费短域名、PHP、MySQL、应用程序安装程序、电子邮件发送和无广告。
- Bohr — Free for non commercial projects + Developer-First Deployment and Development Platform that minimizes infrastructure hassle and speed up setup. Bohr - 非商业项目免费 + 开发人员优先的部署和开发平台,可最大限度地减少基础架构的麻烦并加快设置速度。
- Bubble — Visual programming to build web and mobile apps without code, free with Bubble branding. Bubble - 可视化编程,无需代码即可构建网络和移动应用程序,免费提供 Bubble 品牌。
- dAppling Network - Decentralized web hosting platform for Web3 frontends focusing on increasing uptime and security and providing an additional access point for users. dAppling Network - 用于 Web3 前端的去中心化网络托管平台,侧重于增加正常运行时间和安全性,并为用户提供额外的接入点。
- DigitalOcean - Build and deploy three static sites for free on the App Platform Starter tier. DigitalOcean - 在 App Platform Starter 层免费构建和部署三个静态网站。
- Drive To Web — Host directly to the web from Google Drive & OneDrive. Static sites only. Free forever. One site per Google/Microsoft account. Drive To Web - 从 Google Drive 和 OneDrive 直接托管到网络。仅限静态网站。永久免费。每个 Google/Microsoft 帐户只能托管一个网站。
- Fenix Web Server - A developer desktop app for hosting sites locally and sharing them publically (in real-time). Work however you like, using its beautiful user interface, API, and/or CLI. Fenix Web Server - 一个开发人员的桌面应用程序,用于本地托管网站并公开共享它们(实时)。
- Free Hosting — Free Hosting With PHP 5, Perl, CGI, MySQL, FTP, File Manager, POP E-Mail, free sub-domains, free domain hosting, DNS Zone Editor, Web Site Statistics, FREE Online Support and many more features not offered by other free hosts. 免费主机 - 免费主机,包含 PHP 5、Perl、CGI、MySQL、FTP、文件管理器、POP 电子邮件、免费子域、免费域名主机、DNS 区域编辑器、网站统计、免费在线支持以及其他免费主机不具备的更多功能。
- Freehostia — FreeHostia offers free hosting services incl. an industry-best Control Panel & a 1-click installation of 50+ free apps. Instant setup. No forced ads. Freehostia — FreeHostia 提供免费的托管服务,包括行业最佳的控制面板和 50 多个免费应用程序的 1 点击安装。
- HelioHost — Non-profit free web hosting with Plesk control panel, PHP, Node.js, Python, Django, Flask, .NET, Perl, CGI, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, IMAP/POP3/SMTP email, unlimited bandwidth, free subdomains, 1000 MB storage for free with the option to upgrade. HelioHost - 非营利性免费虚拟主机,提供 Plesk 控制面板、PHP、Node.js、Python、Django、Flask、.NET、Perl、CGI、MySQL、PostgreSQL、SQLite、IMAP/POP3/SMTP 电子邮件、无限带宽、免费子域、1000 MB 免费存储空间(可选择升级)。
- Kinsta Static Site Hosting — Deploy up to 100 static sites for free, custom domains with SSL, 100 GB monthly bandwidth, 260+ Cloudflare CDN locations. Kinsta 静态网站托管 — 免费部署 100 个静态网站,使用 SSL 定制域名,每月带宽 100 GB,超过 260 个 Cloudflare CDN 位置。
- Lecturify - Web hosting with SFPT access for file upload and download, php available. Lecturify - 提供文件上传和下载的 SFPT 访问权限的虚拟主机,可使用 php。
- Neocities — Static, 1 GB free storage with 200 GB Bandwidth. Neocities - 静态,1 GB 免费存储空间,200 GB 带宽。
- Netlify — Builds, deploys and hosts static site/app free for 100 GB data and 100 GB/month bandwidth. Netlify - 建立、部署和托管静态网站/应用程序,免费提供 100 GB 数据和每月 100 GB 带宽。
- pantheon.io — Drupal and WordPress hosting, automated DevOps, and scalable infrastructure. Free for developers and agencies. No custom domain. pantheon.io - Drupal 和 WordPress 托管、自动 DevOps 和可扩展基础设施。免费提供给开发人员和机构。无需自定义域名。
- readthedocs.org — Free documentation hosting with versioning, PDF generation, and more readthedocs.org - 具有版本管理、PDF 生成等功能的免费文档托管服务
- render.com — Unified cloud to build and run apps and sites with free SSL, a global CDN, private networks, auto-deploys from Git, and completely free plans for web services, databases, and static web pages. render.com - 用于构建和运行应用程序和网站的统一云,提供免费 SSL、全球 CDN、专用网络、Git 自动部署,以及完全免费的网络服务、数据库和静态网页计划。
- SourceForge — Find, Create, and Publish Open Source software for free SourceForge - 免费查找、创建和发布开源软件
- surge.sh — Static web publishing for Front-End developers. Unlimited sites with custom domain support surge.sh - 面向前端开发人员的静态网页发布。支持自定义域名的无限站点
- telegra.ph Easily create web page using Quill telegra.ph 使用 Quill 轻松创建网页
- tilda.cc — One site, 50 pages, 50 MB storage, only the main pre-defined blocks among 170+ available, no fonts, no favicon, and no custom domain tilda.cc - 一个网站,50 个页面,50 MB 存储空间,在 170 多个可用区块中仅有主要的预定义区块,无字体、无 favicon、无自定义域
- Vercel — Build, deploy, and host web apps with free SSL, global CDN, and unique Preview URLs each time you
git push
. Perfect for Next.js and other Static Site Generators. Vercel - 利用免费 SSL、全球 CDN 和每次git push
时唯一的预览 URL 构建、部署和托管网络应用程序。非常适合 Next.js 和其他静态网站生成器。 - Versoly — SaaS-focused website builder - unlimited websites, 70+ blocks, five templates, custom CSS, favicon, SEO and forms. No custom domain. Versoly - 以 SaaS 为重点的网站建设工具 - 无限制网站、70 多个区块、五种模板、自定义 CSS、favicon、搜索引擎优化和表单。无自定义域名。
- Qoddi - PaaS service similar to Heroku with a developer-centric approach and all-inclusive features. Free tier for static assets, staging, and developer apps. Qoddi - PaaS 服务,类似于 Heroku,以开发人员为中心,功能包罗万象。免费层适用于静态资产、暂存和开发人员应用程序。
- FreeFlarum - Community-powered free Flarum hosting for up to 250 users (donate to remove the watermark from the footer). FreeFlarum - 由社区支持的免费 Flarum 托管服务,最多可容纳 250 名用户(捐款可移除页脚的水印)。
- fleek.co - Build modern sites and apps on the Open Web and its protocols seamlessly free for unlimited websites and 50 GB/month bandwidth. fleek.co--在开放网络及其协议上构建现代网站和应用程序,无缝免费,网站数量不限,带宽 50 GB/月。
- MDB GO - Free hosting for one project with two weeks Container TTL, 500 MB RAM per project, SFTP - 1G disk space. MDB GO - 一个项目的免费托管,两周 Container TTL,每个项目 500 MB RAM,SFTP - 1G 磁盘空间。
- Patr Cloud — An easy-to-use cloud platform, among its paid services it offers to host three static sites for free. Patr Cloud - 一个易于使用的云平台,其付费服务包括免费托管三个静态网站。
- Serv00.com — 3 GB of free web hosting with daily backups (7 days). Support: Crontab jobs, SSH access, repositories (GIT, SVN, and Mercurial), support: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, PHP, Node.js, Python, Ruby, Java, Perl, TCL/TK, Lua, Erlang, Rust, Pascal, C, C++, D, R, and many more. Serv00.com - 3 GB 免费虚拟主机,每日备份(7 天)。支持支持 Crontab 作业、SSH 访问、版本库(GIT、SVN 和 Mercurial):MySQL、PostgreSQL、MongoDB、PHP、Node.js、Python、Ruby、Java、Perl、TCL/TK、Lua、Erlang、Rust、Pascal、C、C++、D、R 等。
- - Free public DNS Resolver, which is fast and secure (encrypt your DNS query), provided by Cloudflare. Useful to bypass your internet provider's DNS blocking, prevent DNS query spying, and to block adult & malware content. It can also be used via API. Note: Just a DNS resolver, not a DNS hoster. - 免费的公共 DNS 解决方案,它是快速和安全的(加密您的 DNS 查询),由 Cloudflare 提供。有用来绕过您的互联网提供商的 DNS 阻止,防止 DNS 查询间谍,并阻止成人和恶意软件的内容。它也可以通过 API 使用。 注意:只是一个 DNS 解决方案,而不是一个 DNS 主机。
- 1984.is — Free DNS service with API and lots of other free DNS features included. 1984.is - 免费 DNS 服务,包含 API 和大量其他免费 DNS 功能。
- cloudns.net — Free DNS hosting up to 1 domain with 50 records cloudns.net - 最多为 1 个域名提供 50 条记录的免费 DNS 托管服务
- deSEC - Free DNS hosting with API support, designed with security in mind. Runs on open-source software and is supported by SSE. deSEC - 支持 API 的免费 DNS 主机,设计时考虑到了安全性。在开源软件上运行,并得到 SSE 的支持。
- dns.he.net — Free DNS hosting service with Dynamic DNS Support dns.he.net - 支持动态 DNS 的免费 DNS 托管服务
- Zonomi — Free DNS hosting service with instant DNS propagation. Free plan: 1 DNS zone (domain name) with up to 10 DNS records. Zonomi - 具有即时 DNS 传播功能的免费 DNS 托管服务。免费计划:1 个 DNS 区域(域名),最多 10 个 DNS 记录。
- dnspod.com — Free DNS hosting. dnspod.com — 免费的 DNS 托管。
- duckdns.org — Free DDNS with up to 5 domains on the free tier. With configuration guides for various setups. duckdns.org - 免费 DDNS,免费层最多可支持 5 个域。提供各种设置的配置指南。
- freedns.afraid.org — Free DNS hosting. Also, provide free subdomains based on numerous public user contributed domains. Get free subdomains from the " Subdomains" menu after signing up. freedns.afraid.org - 免费 DNS 托管。此外,还提供基于众多公共用户贡献域名的免费子域。注册后可从 "子域 "菜单中获取免费子域。
- luadns.com — Free DNS hosting, three domains, all features with reasonable limits luadns.com - 免费 DNS 托管,三个域名,所有功能均有合理限制
- namecheap.com — Free DNS. No limit on the number of domains namecheap.com - 免费 DNS。不限域名数量
- nextdns.io - DNS-based firewall, 300K free queries monthly nextdns.io - 基于 DNS 的防火墙,每月 30 万次免费查询
- noip — a dynamic DNS service that allows up to 3 hostnames free with confirmation every 30 days noip - 动态 DNS 服务,最多可免费使用 3 个主机名,每 30 天确认一次。
- sslip.io — Free DNS service that when queried with a hostname with an embedded IP address returns that IP address. sslip.io - 免费的 DNS 服务,当与嵌入式 IP 地址的主机名称进行查询时返回该 IP 地址。
- zilore.com — Free DNS hosting for 5 domains. zilore.com - 5 个域名的免费 DNS 托管。
- zoneedit.com — Free DNS hosting with Dynamic DNS Support. zoneedit.com - 支持动态 DNS 的免费 DNS 托管。
- zonewatcher.com — Automatic backups and DNS change monitoring. One domain free zonewatcher.com - 自动备份和 DNS 变更监控。免费提供一个域名
- huaweicloud.com – Free DNS hosting by Huawei huaweicloud.com - 华为免费 DNS 托管
- Hetzner – Free DNS hosting from Hetzner with API support. Hetzner - 免费的 DNS 托管从 Hetzner 与 API 支持。
- Glauca – Free DNS hosting for up to 3 domains and DNSSEC support Glauca - 最多为 3 个域名提供免费 DNS 托管服务,支持 DNSSEC
Domain 域名
- eu.org — Free eu.org domain. The request is usually approved in 14 days. eu.org - 免费 eu.org 域名。申请通常在 14 天内获得批准。
- pp.ua — Free pp.ua subdomains. pp.ua - 免费 pp.ua 子域。
- 4EVERLAND — Compatible with AWS S3 - APIs, interface operations, CLI, and other upload methods, upload and store files from the IPFS and Arweave networks in a safe, convenient, and efficient manner. Registered users can get 6 GB of IPFS storage and 300MB of Arweave storage for free. Any Arweave file uploads smaller than 150 KB are free. 4EVERLAND - 兼容 AWS S3 - API、接口操作、CLI 和其他上传方法,以安全、便捷、高效的方式从 IPFS 和 Arweave 网络上传和存储文件。注册用户可免费获得 6 GB 的 IPFS 存储空间和 300MB 的 Arweave 存储空间。任何小于 150 KB 的 Arweave 文件上传都是免费的。
- backblaze.com — Backblaze B2 cloud storage. Free 10 GB (Amazon S3-like) object storage for unlimited time backblaze.com - Backblaze B2 云存储。无限时免费提供 10 GB(类似亚马逊 S3)对象存储空间
- filebase.com - S3 Compatible Object Storage Powered by Blockchain. 5 GB free storage for an unlimited duration. filebase.com - S3 兼容的对象存储由区块链提供。
- Storj — Decentralised Private Cloud Storage for Apps and Developers. The free plan provides 1 Project, 25 GB storage, and 25 GB monthly bandwidth. Storj - 面向应用程序和开发人员的去中心化私有云存储。免费计划提供 1 个项目、25 GB 存储空间和每月 25 GB 带宽。
- Tebi - S3 compatibility object storage.Free 25 GB storage and 250GB outbound transfer. Tebi - 兼容 S3 对象存储. 免费 25 GB 存储和 250 GB 输出传输。
- Idrive e2 - S3 compatibility object storage. 10 GB free storage and 10 GB download bandwidth per month. Idrive e2 - S3 兼容物体存储.每月 10 GB 免费存储和 10 GB 下载带宽。
- C2 Object Storage - S3 compatibility object storage. 15 GB free storage and 15 GB downloads per month. C2 对象存储 - S3 兼容性对象存储。每月提供 15 GB 免费存储空间和 15 GB 下载空间。
- Spheron — From Decentralised Cloud Storage and web Hosting to Decentralised Compute for Apps and developers under one platform, the Free plan provides 5GB Storage, 100GB Bandwidth, Unlimited Domain and projects, $5 worth of Compute resources (Worth $50 w.r.t AWS). Spheron - 从分散的云存储和网页托管到分散的应用程序和开发人员的分散计算在一个平台下,免费计划提供 5GB 的存储,100GB 的带宽,无限的域和项目,价值 5 美元的计算资源(价值 50 美元的 AWS)。
Managed Data Services 数据管理服务
- Aiven - Aiven offers free PostgreSQL, MySQL and Redis plans on its open-source data platform. Single node, 1 CPU, 1GB RAM, and for PostgreSQL and MySQL, 5GB storage. Easy migration to more extensive plans or across clouds. Aiven - Aiven 在其开源数据平台上提供免费的 PostgreSQL、MySQL 和 Redis 计划。单节点、1 个 CPU、1GB 内存,PostgreSQL 和 MySQL 的存储空间为 5GB。可轻松迁移到更广泛的计划或跨云。
- airtable.com — Looks like a spreadsheet, but it's a relational database unlimited bases, 1,200 rows/base, and 1,000 API requests/month airtable.com - 看起来像电子表格,但它是一个关系数据库,无限基数,1,200 行/基数,每月 1,000 次 API 请求。
- Astra — Cloud Native Cassandra as a Service with 80GB free tier Astra - 云本地 Cassandra 即服务,80GB 免费级别
- codehooks.io — JavaScript serverless API/backend and database service with functions, Mongdb-ish queries, key/value lookups, a job system, and a message queue. One instance free per project, 5000 records, 5000 calls/month free, three developers included. No credit-card required. codehooks.io - JavaScript 无服务器 API/后端和数据库服务,包含函数、类似 Mongdb 的查询、键/值查找、作业系统和消息队列。每个项目免费提供一个实例,5000 条记录,每月免费调用 5000 次,包括三名开发人员。无需信用卡。
- CrateDB - Distributed Open Source SQL database for real-time analytics. Free Tier CRFREE: One-node with 2 CPUs, 2 GiB of memory, 8 GiB of storage. One cluster per organization, no payment method needed. CrateDB - 用于实时分析的分布式开源 SQL 数据库. 免费 Tier CRFREE: 一个节点有 2 个 CPU,2GB 的内存,8GB 的存储空间。
- FaunaDB — Serverless cloud database with native GraphQL, multi-model access, and daily free tiers up to 100 MB FaunaDB - 无服务器云数据库,具有本机 GraphQL、多模型访问和每日最高 100 MB 的免费层级
- Upstash — Serverless Redis with free tier up to 10,000 requests per day, 256MB max database size, and 20 concurrent connections Upstash - 无服务器 Redis,免费层级每天最多 10,000 个请求,最大数据库大小 256MB,20 个并发连接
- MongoDB Atlas — free tier gives 512 MB MongoDB Atlas - 免费层提供 512 MB
- redsmin.com — Online real-time monitoring and administration service for Redis, Monitoring for 1 Redis instance free redsmin.com - Redis 的在线实时监控和管理服务,免费监控 1 个 Redis 实例
- redislabs - Free 30MB redis instance redislabs - 免费的 30MB redis 实例
- MemCachier — Managed Memcache service. Free for up to 25MB, 1 Proxy Server, and basic analytics MemCachier - Memcache 托管服务。免费提供高达 25MB、1 个代理服务器和基本分析功能
- scalingo.com — Primarily a PaaS but offers a 128MB to 192MB free tier of MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB scalingo.com - 主要是 PaaS,但提供 128MB 至 192MB 的 MySQL、PostgreSQL 或 MongoDB 免费层级。
- SeaTable — Flexible, Spreadsheet-like Database built by the Seafile team. unlimited tables, 2,000 lines, 1-month versioning, up to 25 team members. SeaTable - 由 Seafile 团队建立的灵活、类似电子表格的数据库。无限制表格、2,000 行、1 个月版本、最多 25 名团队成员。
- skyvia.com — Cloud Data Platform offers a free tier and all plans are completely free while in beta skyvia.com - 云数据平台提供免费层级,所有计划在测试阶段均完全免费
- StackBy — One tool that combines spreadsheets' flexibility, databases' power, and built-in integrations with your favorite business apps. The free plan includes unlimited users, ten stacks, and a 2GB attachment per stack. StackBy - 集电子表格的灵活性、数据库的强大功能以及与您最喜爱的业务应用程序的内置集成于一体的工具。免费计划包括无限用户、10 个堆栈和每个堆栈 2GB 的附件。
- TiDB Cloud — TiDB is an open-source MySQL-compatible distributed HTAP RDBMS. TiDB Serverless provides 5GB of row storage, 5GB of column storage, and 50 million Request Units (RUs) for free each month. TiDB Cloud - TiDB 是与 MySQL 兼容的开源分布式 HTAP RDBMS。TiDB Serverless 每月免费提供 5GB 行存储、5GB 列存储和 5000 万个请求单元(RU)。
- Turso by ChiselStrike - Turso is SQLite Developer Experience in an Edge Database. Turso provides a Free Forever starter plan, 8 GB of total storage, Up to 3 databases, Up to 3 locations, 1 billion row reads per month, and Local development support with SQLite. Turso by ChiselStrike - Turso 是边缘数据库中的 SQLite 开发体验。Turso 提供永久免费的启动计划、8 GB 的总存储空间、最多 3 个数据库、最多 3 个地点、每月 10 亿次行读取,以及本地 SQLite 开发支持。
- InfluxDB — Timeseries database, free up to 3MB/5 minutes writes, 30MB/5 minutes reads and 10,000 cardinalities series InfluxDB - 时间序列数据库,最大免费容量为 3MB/5 分钟写入量、30MB/5 分钟读取量和 10,000 个心数序列
- restdb.io - a fast and straightforward NoSQL cloud database service. With restdb.io you get schema, relations, automatic REST API (with MongoDB-like queries), and an efficient multi-user admin UI for working with data. The free plan allows 3 users, 2500 records, and 1 API request per second. restdb.io - 一种快速、简单的 NoSQL 云数据库服务。通过 restdb.io,您可以获得模式、关系、自动 REST API(具有类似 MongoDB 的查询功能)以及高效的多用户管理用户界面,以便处理数据。免费计划允许 3 个用户、2500 条记录和每秒 1 次 API 请求。
- cockroachlabs.com — Free CockroachDB up to 5GB and 1vCPU ( limited request units) cockroachlabs.com - 高达 5GB 和 1vCPU 的免费 CockroachDB(申请单位有限)
- Neo4j Aura — Managed native Graph DBMS / analytics platform with a Cypher query language and a REST API. Limits on graph size (50k nodes, 175k relationships). Neo4j Aura - 采用 Cypher 查询语言和 REST API 管理的本地图形数据库管理系统/分析平台。限制图的大小(50k 节点,175k 关系)。
- Neon — Managed PostgreSQL, 0.5 GB of storage (total), 1 Project ,10 branches, Unlimited Databases, always-available primary branch ( Auto suspend after 5 minutes), 20 hours of Active time per month (total) for non-primary branch compute. Neon - PostgreSQL 托管,0.5 GB(总)存储空间,1 个项目,10 个分支,无限数据库,主分支始终可用(5 分钟后自动暂停),非主分支计算每月 20 小时(总)活动时间。
- Dgraph Cloud — Managed native Graph DBMS with a GraphQL API. Limited to 1 MB data transfer per day. Dgraph Cloud - 带有 GraphQL API 的托管本机图形 DBMS。每天仅限传输 1 MB 数据。
- Tinybird - A serverless managed ClickHouse with connection-less data ingest over HTTP and lets you publish SQL queries as managed HTTP APIs. There is no time limit on free-tier, 10GB storage + 1000 API requests per day. Tinybird - 无服务器管理的 ClickHouse,可通过 HTTP 进行无连接数据摄取,并可将 SQL 查询作为受管理的 HTTP API 发布。免费层没有时间限制,每天提供 10GB 存储空间 + 1000 次 API 请求。
- TigerGraph Cloud — Managed native Graph DBMS / analytics platform with a SQL-like graph query language and a REST API. One free instance with two vCPU, 8GB Memory, and 50GB storage that sleeps after 1 hour of inactivity. TigerGraph Cloud - 受管理的本地图形数据库管理系统/分析平台,具有类似 SQL 的图形查询语言和 REST API。一个免费实例有两个 vCPU、8GB 内存和 50GB 存储空间,不活动 1 小时后会休眠。
- TerminusCMS — Managed free service for TerminusDB, a document and graph database written in Prolog and Rust. Free for dev, paid service for enterprise deployments and support. TerminusCMS - 用 Prolog 和 Rust 编写的文档和图形数据库 TerminusDB 的免费托管服务。开发免费,企业部署和支持付费。
- YugabyteDB - YugabyteDB is a distributed SQL database compatible with PostgreSQL. The cloud-free tier includes two vCPU, 4GB RAM, and 10GB Disk. YugabyteDB - YugabyteDB 是与 PostgreSQL 兼容的分布式 SQL 数据库。免云计算层包括两个 vCPU、4GB 内存和 10GB 磁盘。
- filess.io - filess.io is a platform where you can create one database of the following DBMS for free: MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL. filess.io - filess.io 是一个平台,在这里您可以免费创建以下数据库管理系统中的一个数据库:MySQL、MariaDB、MongoDB 和 PostgreSQL。
- xata.io - Xata is a serverless database with built-in powerful search and analytics. One API, multiple type-safe client libraries, and optimized for your development workflow. The free-forever tier is sufficient for hobby developers which comes with three units of Xata, please refer to the website for unit definition. xata.io - Xata 是一个无服务器的数据库,内置强大的搜索和分析。一个 API,多种类型安全的客户端库,并优化为您的开发工作流程。
- 8base.com - 8base is a full-stack low-code development platform built for JavaScript developers built on top of MySQL and GraphQL and serverless backend-as-a-service. It allows you to start building web applications quickly using a UI app builder and scale quickly, The Free tier includes rows: 2,500, Storage: 500, Serverless computing: 1Gb/h, and client app users: 5. 8base.com - 8base 是专为 JavaScript 开发人员打造的全栈式低代码开发平台,构建于 MySQL 和 GraphQL 以及无服务器后端即服务(serverless backend-as-a-service)之上。它允许您使用 UI 应用程序生成器快速开始构建网络应用程序,并快速扩展:500、无服务器计算:1Gb/h 和客户端应用程序用户:5.
Tunneling, WebRTC, Web Socket Servers and Other Routers 隧道、WebRTC、Web Socket 服务器和其他路由器
Pinggy — Public URLs for localhost with a single command, no downloads required. HTTPS / TCP / TLS tunnels. The free plan has 60 minutes tunnel lifetime. Pinggy - 只需一条命令即可公开本地主机的 URL,无需下载。HTTPS / TCP / TLS 隧道。免费计划的隧道寿命为 60 分钟。
conveyor.cloud — Visual Studio extension to expose IIS Express to the local network or over a tunnel to a public URL. conveyor.cloud — Visual Studio 扩展程序,可将 IIS Express 曝光到本地网络或隧道到公共 URL。
Hamachi — LogMeIn Hamachi is a hosted VPN service that lets you securely extend LAN-like networks to distributed teams with a free plan that allows unlimited networks with up to 5 people Hamachi - LogMeIn Hamachi 是一款托管 VPN 服务,可让您安全地将类似局域网的网络扩展到分布式团队,其免费计划允许最多 5 人的无限网络。
Mirna Sockets - Free Socket as a Service Platform that gives you a wss:// URL when deploying your Web Socket Server code and also allows you to monitor its performance. Mirna Sockets - 免费的套接字即服务平台,在部署网络套接字服务器代码时提供一个 wss:// URL,并允许您监控其性能。
localhost.run — Expose locally running servers over a tunnel to a public URL. localhost.run — 将本地运行的服务器在隧道上曝光给公共 URL。
localtunnel — Expose locally running servers over a tunnel to a public URL. Free hosted version, and open source. localtunnel - 通过隧道将本地运行的服务器公开到公共 URL。免费托管版本,开源。
ngrok.com — Expose locally running servers over a tunnel to a public URL. ngrok.com - 通过隧道将本地运行的服务器公开到公共 URL。
serveo — Expose local servers to the internet. No installation, no signup. Free subdomain, no limits. serveo - 将本地服务器接入互联网。无需安装,无需注册。免费子域,无限制。
Radmin VPN — Connect multiple computers together via a VPN-enabling LAN-like network. Unlimited peers. (Hamachi alternative) Radmin VPN - 通过类似局域网的 VPN 网络连接多台计算机。无限对等。(Hamachi 替代方案)
segment.com — Hub to translate and route events to other third-party services. 100,000 events/month free segment.com - 将事件翻译和路由到其他第三方服务的枢纽。每月免费提供 100,000 个事件
— Session Traversal of User Datagram Protocol [UDP] Through Network Address Translators [NATs])
STUN - 通过网络地址转换器(NAT)实现用户数据报协议(UDP)的会话遍历)。
- Google STUN — stun:stun.l.google.com:19302 谷歌 STUN - stun:stun.l.google.com:19302
- Twilio STUN — stun:global.stun.twilio.com:3478?transport=udp Twilio STUN - stun:global.stun.twilio.com:3478?transport=udp
Tailscale — Zero config VPN, using the open-source WireGuard protocol. Installs on MacOS, iOS, Windows, Linux, and Android devices. Free plan for personal use with 100 devices and three users. Tailscale - 零配置 VPN,使用开源 WireGuard 协议。可安装在 MacOS、iOS、Windows、Linux 和 Android 设备上。免费计划供 100 台设备和 3 名用户个人使用。
webhookrelay.com — Manage, debug, fan-out, and proxy all your webhooks to public or internal (i.e. localhost) destinations. Also, expose servers running in a private network over a tunnel by getting a public HTTP endpoint (
https://yoursubdomain.webrelay.io <----> http://localhost:8080
). webhookrelay.com - 管理、调试、扇出和代理所有网络钩子到公共或内部(即 localhost)目的地。此外,还可通过获取公共 HTTP 端点(https://yoursubdomain.webrelay.io <----> http://localhost:8080
),在隧道中暴露运行在专用网络中的服务器。Hookdeck — Develop, test, and monitor your webhooks from anywhere. 100K requests and 100K attempts per month with three days retention. Hookdeck - 从任何地方开发,测试和监控您的 webhooks 100K 请求和每月 100K 尝试,保留三天。
Xirsys — Unlimited STUN usage + 500 MB monthly TURN bandwidth, capped bandwidth, single geographic region. Xirsys - 无限 STUN 用量 + 每月 500 MB TURN 带宽,带宽上限,单一地理区域。
ZeroTier — FOSS managed virtual Ethernet as a service. Unlimited end-to-end encrypted networks of 25 clients on the free plan. Clients for desktop/mobile/NA; web interface for configuration of custom routing rules and approval of new client nodes on private networks ZeroTier — FOSS 管理虚拟以太网作为服务. 免费计划中包含 25 个客户端的无限端到端加密网络. 桌面/移动/NA 客户端; 网页接口用于定制自定义路由规则和批准私人网络上的新客户端节点
LocalXpose — Reverse proxy that enables you to expose your localhost servers to the internet. The free plan has 15 minutes tunnel lifetime. LocalXpose - 反向代理,可让您将本地服务器接入互联网。免费计划有 15 分钟的隧道寿命。
Traefik-Hub - Publish locally, running services over a tunnel to a public custom URL and secure them with access control. Free for 5 services in one cluster. Traefik-Hub - 通过隧道向公共自定义 URL 发布本地运行的服务,并通过访问控制确保服务安全。一个集群可免费提供 5 项服务。
Expose - Expose local sites via secure tunnels. The free plan includes an EU Server, Random subdomains, and Single users. 公开 - 通过安全隧道公开本地网站。免费计划包括欧盟服务器、随机子域和单用户。
Metered — Free TURN server with 50GB included monthly TURN usage. 计费 - 免费 TURN 服务器,每月包含 50GB 的 TURN 使用量。
btunnel — Expose localhost and local tcp server to the internet. Free plan includes file server, custom http request and response headers, basic auth protection and 1 hour tunnel timeout. btunnel - 将本地主机和本地 tcp 服务器接入互联网。免费计划包括文件服务器、自定义 http 请求和响应头、基本认证保护和 1 小时隧道超时。
Issue Tracking and Project Management 问题跟踪和项目管理
- acunote.com — Free project management and SCRUM software for up to 5 team members acunote.com - 最多可容纳 5 名团队成员的免费项目管理和 SCRUM 软件
- asana.com — Free for private project with collaborators asana.com - 免费用于有合作者的私人项目
- Backlog — Everything your team needs to release great projects in one platform. The free plan offers 1 Project with ten users & 100MB of storage. Backlog - 您的团队在一个平台上发布优秀项目所需的一切。免费计划提供 1 个项目、10 个用户和 100MB 的存储空间。
- Basecamp - To-do lists, milestone management, forum-like messaging, file sharing, and time tracking. Up to 3 projects, 20 users, and 1GB of storage space. Basecamp - 任务列表,里程碑管理,论坛类型的消息,文件共享和时间跟踪. 最多 3 个项目, 20 个用户和 1 GB 的存储空间。
- bitrix24.com — Intranet and project management tool. The free plan has 5GB for unlimited users. bitrix24.com - 内联网和项目管理工具。免费计划为无限用户提供 5GB 容量。
- cacoo.com — Online real-time diagrams: flowchart, UML, network. Free max. 15 users/diagram, 25 sheets cacoo.com - 在线实时图表:流程图、UML、网络。最大免费。15 用户/图,25 张
- Chpokify — Teams-based Planning Poker that saves time on sprint estimation. Free up to 5 users, free Jira integrations, unlimited video calls, unlimited teams, unlimited sessions. Chpokify - 基于团队的计划扑克,可节省冲刺估算时间。最多可免费使用 5 名用户、免费 Jira 集成、不限视频通话、不限团队、不限会话。
- clickup.com — Project management. Free, premium version with cloud storage. Mobile applications and Git integrations are available. clickup.com - 项目管理。免费,高级版本带云存储。提供移动应用程序和 Git 集成。
- Clockify - Time tracker and timesheet app that lets you track work hours across projects. Unlimited users, free forever. Clockify - 时间跟踪器和时间表应用程序,让您跟踪各个项目的工作时间。无限用户,永久免费。
- Cloudcraft — Design a professional architecture diagram in minutes with the Cloudcraft visual designer, optimized for AWS with intelligent components that show live data too. Free plan has unlimited private diagrams for single user. Cloudcraft — 使用 Cloudcraft 视觉设计器在几分钟内设计一个专业的架构图表,为 AWS 优化,具有显示实时数据的智能组件。
- Codegiant — Project Management with Repository hosting & CI/CD. Free Plan Offers Unlimited Repositories, Projects & Documents with 5 Team Members. 500 CI/CD minutes per month. 30000 Serverless Code Run minutes per month 1GB repository storage. Codegiant - 具有版本库托管和 CI/CD 功能的项目管理。免费计划为 5 名团队成员提供无限制的资源库、项目和文档。每月 500 CI/CD 分钟。每月 30000 分钟无服务器代码运行时间 1GB 存储库存储空间。
- Confluence - Atlassian's content collaboration tool is used to help teams collaborate and share knowledge efficiently. Free plan for up to 10 users. Confluence - Atlassian 的内容协作工具,用于帮助团队高效协作和共享知识。多达 10 个用户的免费计划。
- contriber.com — Customizable project management platform, free starter plan, five workspaces contriber.com - 可定制的项目管理平台,免费入门计划,五个工作区
- diagrams.net — Online diagrams stored locally in Google Drive, OneDrive, or Dropbox. Free for all features and storage levels diagrams.net — 在 Google 驱动器、OneDrive 或 Dropbox 中本地存储的在线图表。
- freedcamp.com - tasks, discussions, milestones, time tracking, calendar, files and password manager. Free plan with unlimited projects, users, and file storage. freedcamp.com - 任务、讨论、里程碑、时间跟踪、日历、文件和密码管理器。免费计划提供无限项目、用户和文件存储空间。
- easyretro.io — Simple and intuitive sprint retrospective tool. The free plan has three public boards and one survey per board per month. easyretro.io - 简单直观的冲刺回顾工具。免费计划有三个公共板块,每个板块每月有一次调查。
- GForge — Project Management and issue Tracking toolset for complex projects with self-premises and SaaS options. SaaS free plan offers the first five users free & free for Open Source Projects. GForge - 适用于复杂项目的项目管理和问题跟踪工具集,提供自建和 SaaS 两种选择。SaaS 免费计划提供前五名免费用户,开源项目免费。
- gleek.io — Free description-to-diagrams tool for developers. Create informal UML class, object, or entity-relationship diagrams using your keyword. gleek.io - 面向开发人员的免费从描述到图表的工具。使用关键字创建非正式的 UML 类、对象或实体关系图。
- GraphQL Inspector - GraphQL Inspector outputs a list of changes between two GraphQL schemas. Every difference is precisely explained and marked as breaking, non-breaking, or dangerous. GraphQL Inspector - GraphQL Inspector 输出两个 GraphQL 模式之间的变化列表。每个差异都有精确的解释,并标记为破坏性、非破坏性或危险性。
- huboard.com — Instant project management for your GitHub issues, free for Open Source huboard.com — 即时项目管理您的 GitHub 问题,免费为开源
- Hygger — Project management platform. The free plan offers unlimited users, projects & boards with 100 MB of Storage. Hygger - 项目管理平台。免费计划提供无限用户、项目和板块以及 100 MB 的存储空间。
- Instabug — A comprehensive bug reporting and in-app feedback SDK for mobile apps. Free plan up to 1 app and one member. Instabug - 适用于移动应用程序的全面错误报告和应用程序内反馈 SDK。免费计划最多支持 1 个应用程序和 1 名成员。
- WishKit — Collect in-app user feedback for your iOS/macOS app and prioritize features based on user votes. Free plan up to 1 app. WishKit - 为您的 iOS/macOS 应用程序收集应用程序内的用户反馈,并根据用户投票确定功能的优先级。免费计划最多支持 1 个应用程序。
- Ilograph — interactive diagrams that allow users to see their infrastructure from multiple perspectives and levels of detail. Charts can be expressed in code. The free tier has unlimited private diagrams with up to 3 viewers. Ilograph - 交互式图表,允许用户从多个角度和详细程度查看其基础设施。图表可以用代码表示。免费层拥有无限量的私人图表,最多可容纳 3 名查看者。
- Jira — Advanced software development project management tool used in many corporate environments. Free plan for up to 10 users. Jira - 先进的软件开发项目管理工具,用于许多企业环境. 最多 10 个用户的免费计划。
- kanbanflow.com — Board-based project management. Free, premium version with more options kanbanflow.com - 基于看板的项目管理。免费,高级版本有更多选项
- kanbantool.com — Kanban board-based project management. The free plan has two boards and two users, without attachments or files. kanbantool.com - 基于看板的项目管理。免费计划有两个看板和两个用户,不含附件或文件。
- Kitemaker.co - Collaborate through all phases of the product development process and keep track of work across Slack, Discord, Figma, and Github. Unlimited users, unlimited spaces. Free plan up to 250 work items. Kitemaker.co - 在产品开发过程的各个阶段开展协作,并通过 Slack、Discord、Figma 和 Github 跟踪工作情况。无限用户,无限空间。免费计划最多 250 个工作项目。
- Kiter.app - Let anyone organize their job search and track interviews, opportunities, and connections. Powerful web app and Chrome extension. Completely free. Kiter.app - 让任何人都能组织自己的求职活动,跟踪面试、机会和人脉。功能强大的网络应用程序和 Chrome 浏览器扩展。完全免费。
- Kumu.io — Relationship maps with animation, decorations, filters, clustering, spreadsheet imports, etc. The free tier allows unlimited public projects. Graph size unlimited. Free private projects for students. Sandbox mode is available if you prefer not to leave your file publicly online (upload, edit, download, discard). Kumu.io - 带有动画、装饰、过滤器、聚类、电子表格导入等功能的关系图。免费层允许无限量的公共项目。图表大小不限。为学生提供免费的私人项目。如果您不想将文件公开在线(上传、编辑、下载、丢弃),可使用沙盒模式。
- Linear — Issue tracker with a streamlined interface. Free for unlimited members, up to 10MB file upload size, 250 issues (excluding Archive) Linear - 具有精简界面的问题跟踪器。对无限量会员免费,上传文件大小不超过 10MB,250 期(不包括存档)
- Lucidchart - An online diagram tool with collaboration features. Free plan with three editable documents, 100 professional templates, and basic collaboration features. Lucidchart - 具有协作功能的在线图表工具。免费计划包括三个可编辑文档、100 个专业模板和基本协作功能。
- MeisterTask — Online task management for teams. Free up to 3 projects and unlimited project members. MeisterTask - 团队在线任务管理。免费提供多达 3 个项目和无限项目成员。
- MeuScrum - Free online scrum tool with kanban board MeuScrum - 带有看板的免费在线 scrum 工具
- nTask — Project management software that enables your teams to collaborate, plan, analyze, and manage everyday tasks. The essential plan is free forever with 100 MB storage and five users/teams. Unlimited workspaces, meetings, assignments, timesheets, and issue tracking. nTask - 项目管理软件,让您的团队能够协作、计划、分析和管理日常任务。基本计划永久免费,拥有 100 MB 存储空间和五个用户/团队。无限制的工作空间、会议、任务、时间表和问题跟踪。
- Ora - Agile task management & team collaboration. Free for up to 3 users and files are limited to 10 MB. Ora - 敏捷任务管理与团队协作。最多对 3 名用户免费,文件限制在 10 MB。
- pivotaltracker.com — Free for unlimited public projects and two private projects with three total active users (read-write) and unlimited passive users (read-only). pivotaltracker.com - 免费提供无限量的公共项目和两个私人项目,共有三个活跃用户(读写)和无限量的被动用户(只读)。
- plan.io — Project Management with Repository Hosting and more options. Free for two users with ten customers and 500MB Storage plan.io - 具有资源库托管和更多选项的项目管理。免费为两名用户提供 10 个客户和 500MB 存储空间
- Plane - Plane is a simple, extensible, open-source project and product management tool. Free for unlimited members, up to 5MB file upload size, 1000 issues. Plane - Plane 是一款简单、可扩展的开源项目和产品管理工具。对无限会员免费,上传文件大小不超过 5MB,可发布 1000 个问题。
- planitpoker.com — Free online planning poker (estimation tool) planitpoker.com - 免费在线规划扑克(估算工具)
- point.poker - Online Planning Poker (consensus-based estimation tool). Free for unlimited users, teams, sessions, rounds, and votes. You don't need to register. point.poker - 在线规划扑克(基于共识的估算工具)。对无限用户、团队、会话、回合和投票免费。您无需注册。
- ScrumFast - Scrum board with a very intuitive interface, free up to 5 users. ScrumFast - 具有非常直观界面的 Scrum 板,最多可免费供 5 名用户使用。
- Shake - In-app bug reporting and feedback tool for mobile apps. Free plan, ten bug reports per app/month. Shake - 移动应用程序的应用程序内错误报告和反馈工具。免费计划,每个应用程序每月十次错误报告。
- Shortcut - Project management platform. Free for up to 10 users forever. Shortcut - 项目管理平台。最多 10 名用户永久免费。
- SpeedBoard - Board for Agile and Scrum retrospectives - Free. SpeedBoard - 用于敏捷和 Scrum 回顾的 Board - 免费。
- SuperPM - Versatile project management platform. Free for up to 3 projects, unlimited users, 1 GB storage. SuperPM - 多功能项目管理平台。可免费使用多达 3 个项目、无限用户、1 GB 存储空间。
- Tadum - Meeting agenda and minutes app designed for recurring meetings, free for teams of up to 10 Tadum - 会议议程和会议记录应用程序,专为重复性会议而设计,免费适用于最多 10 人的团队
- taiga.io — Project management platform for startups and agile developers, free for Open Source taiga.io - 初创公司和敏捷开发人员的项目管理平台,免费为开源
- Tara AI — Simple sprint management service. The free plan has unlimited tasks, sprints, and workspaces without user limits. Tara AI — 简单的 sprint 管理服务. 免费计划有无限的任务, sprints 和工作空间,没有用户限制。
- targetprocess.com — Visual project management, from Kanban and Scrum to almost any operational process. Free for unlimited users, up to 1,000 data entities {more details} targetprocess.com - 可视化项目管理,从 Kanban 和 Scrum 到几乎所有操作流程。对无限用户免费,最多可容纳 1,000 个数据实体 { 更多详情}
- taskade.com — Real-time collaborative task lists and team outlines. The free plan has one workspace with unlimited tasks and projects; 1GB file storage; 1-week project history; and five attendees per video meeting. taskade.com - 实时协作任务列表和团队大纲。免费计划有一个工作区,任务和项目不受限制;1GB 文件存储空间;1 周项目历史记录;每次视频会议有 5 名与会者。
- taskulu.com — Role based project management. Free up to 5 users. Integration with GitHub/Trello/Dropbox/Google Drive taskulu.com - 基于角色的项目管理。最多可免费使用 5 个用户。与 GitHub/Trello/Dropbox/Google Drive 集成
- Teaminal - Standup, retro, and sprint planning tool for remote teams. Free for up to 15 users. Teaminal - 适用于远程团队的 Standup、复古和冲刺计划工具。多达 15 名用户可免费使用。
- teamwork.com — Project management & Team Chat. Free for five users and two projects. Premium plans are available. teamwork.com - 项目管理和团队聊天。免费提供五个用户和两个项目。提供高级计划。
- teleretro.com — Simple and fun retrospective tool with icebreakers, gifs and emojis. The free plan includes three retros and unlimited members. teleretro.com - 简单有趣的回顾工具,提供破冰游戏、gif 和表情符号。免费计划包括三次回顾和无限会员。
- testlio.com — Issue tracking, test management and beta testing platform. Free for private use testlio.com - 问题跟踪、测试管理和 beta 测试平台。免费供个人使用
- terrastruct.com — Online diagram maker specifically for software architecture. Free tier up to 4 layers per diagram. terrastruct.com — 专门用于软件架构的在线图表制作程序. 每张图表最多可 提 供4层的免费层次。
- todoist.com — Collaborative and individual task management. The free plan has: 5 active projects, five users in the project, file uploading up to 5MB, three filters, and one week of activity history. todoist.com - 协作和个人任务管理。免费计划 包括5 个活动项目、项目中的 5 个用户、最大 5MB 的文件上传、3 个过滤器和一周的活动历史。
- trello.com — Board-based project management. Unlimited Personal Boards, 10 Team Boards. trello.com - 基于板块的项目管理。无限制的个人 Board 和 10 个团队 Board。
- Tweek — Simple Weekly To-Do Calendar & Task Management. Tweek - 简单的每周待办事项日历和任务管理。
- ubertesters.com — Test platform, integration and crowd testers, 2 projects, five members ubertesters.com - 测试平台、集成和人群测试人员,2 个项目,5 名成员
- vabotu - A collaborative tool for project management. Free and other plans are available. The Freelance plan is for ten users and includes messaging, task boards, 5GB online storage, workspaces, and export data. vabotu - 用于项目管理的协作工具。提供免费计划和其他计划。Freelance 计划可供 10 名用户使用,包括消息传递、任务板、5GB 在线存储空间、工作区和导出数据。
- Wikifactory — Product designing Service with Projects, VCS & Issues. The free plan offers unlimited projects & collaborators and 3GB storage. Wikifactory - 具有项目、VCS 和问题的产品设计服务。免费计划提供无限项目和协作者以及 3GB 存储空间。
- Yodiz — Agile development and issue tracking. Free up to 3 users, unlimited projects. Yodiz - 敏捷开发和问题跟踪。免费,最多 3 个用户,不限项目。
- YouTrack — Free hosted YouTrack (InCloud) for FOSS projects and private projects (free for three users). Includes time tracking and agile boards YouTrack - 面向自由和开放源码软件项目和私人项目的免费托管 YouTrack(云)(三个用户免费)。包括时间跟踪和敏捷板
- zenhub.com — The only project management solution inside GitHub. Free for public repos, OSS, and nonprofit organizations zenhub.com - GitHub 内部唯一的项目管理解决方案。免费用于公共仓库、开放源码软件和非营利组织
- zenkit.com — Project management and collaboration tool. Free for up to 5 members, 5 GB attachments. zenkit.com - 项目管理与协作工具。多达 5 名成员免费,5 GB 附件。
- Zube — Project management with free plan for 4 Projects & 4 users. GitHub integration is available. Zube - 项目管理,为 4 个项目和 4 个用户提供免费计划。可与 GitHub 集成。
- Toggl — Provides two free productivity tools. Toggl Track for time management and tracking app with a free plan provides seamless time tracking and reporting designed with freelancers in mind. It has unlimited tracking records, projects, clients, tags, reporting, and more. And Toggl Plan for task planning with a free plan for solo developers with unlimited tasks, milestones, and timelines. Toggl — 提供两个免费的生产力工具. Toggl Track 用于时间管理和跟踪应用程序,具有免费计划,提供无缝的时间跟踪和报告,专为自由职业者设计,具有无限的跟踪记录,项目,客户端,标签,报告等。
- Sflow — sflow.io is a project management tool built for agile software development, marketing, sales, and customer support, especially for outsourcing and cross-organization collaboration projects. Free plan up to 3 projects and five members. Sflow - sflow.io 是一款项目管理工具,适用于敏捷软件开发、市场营销、销售和客户支持,尤其适用于外包和跨组织协作项目。免费计划最多支持 3 个项目和 5 名成员。
- Pulse.red — Free Minimalistic Time Tracker and Timesheet app for projects. Pulse.red - 适用于项目的免费极简时间跟踪器和时间表应用程序。
Storage and Media Processing 存储和媒体处理
- AndroidFileHost - Free file-sharing platform with unlimited speed, bandwidth, file count, download count, etc. It is mainly aimed for Android dev-related files like APK build, custom ROM & modifications, etc. But seems to accept any other files as well. AndroidFileHost - 免费文件共享平台,速度、带宽、文件数、下载数等均不受限制。它主要针对与安卓开发相关的文件,如 APK 构建、自定义 ROM 和修改等。但似乎也接受任何其他文件。
- borgbase.com — Simple and secure offsite backup hosting for Borg Backup. 10 GB free backup space and two repositories. borgbase.com - Borg Backup 简单安全的异地备份主机。10 GB 免费备份空间和两个存储库。
- icedrive.net - Simple cloud storage service. 10 GB free storage icedrive.net - 简单的云存储服务. 10 GB 免费存储
- sync.com - End-to-End cloud storage service. 5 GB of free storage sync.com - 端到端云存储服务。5 GB 免费存储空间
- pcloud.com - Cloud storage service. Up to 10 GB of free storage pcloud.com - 云存储服务. 最多 10 GB 免费存储
- sirv.com — Smart Image CDN with on-the-fly image optimization and resizing. The free tier includes 500 MB of storage and 2 GB of bandwidth. sirv.com - 智能图像 CDN,可即时优化和调整图像大小。免费层级包括 500 MB 的存储空间和 2 GB 的带宽。
- cloudimage.io — Full image optimization and CDN service with 1500+ Points of Presence around the world. A variety of image resizing, compression, and watermarking functions. Open source plugins for responsive images, 360 image making and image editing. Free monthly plan with 25GB of CDN traffic 25GB of cache storage and unlimited transformations. cloudimage.io - 全面的图像优化和 CDN 服务,在全球拥有 1500 多个存在点。各种图像大小调整、压缩和水印功能。用于响应式图像、360 图像制作和图像编辑的开源插件。免费包月计划提供 25GB CDN 流量、25GB 缓存存储和无限量转换。
- cloudinary.com — Image upload, powerful manipulations, storage, and delivery for sites and apps, with Ruby, Python, Java, PHP, Objective-C, and more libraries. The free tier includes 25 monthly credits. One credit equals 1,000 image transformations, 1 GB of storage, or 1 GB of CDN usage. cloudinary.com - 利用 Ruby、Python、Java、PHP、Objective-C 和更多库为网站和应用程序上传图片、进行强大的操作、存储和交付。免费层包括 25 个月信用点数。一个信用点等于 1,000 次图像转换、1 GB 存储空间或 1 GB CDN 使用量。
- embed.ly — Provides APIs for embedding media in a webpage, responsive image scaling, and extracting elements from a webpage. Free for up to 5,000 URLs/month at 15 requests/second embed.ly - 为在网页中嵌入媒体、响应式图像缩放以及从网页中提取元素提供 API。每月免费提供多达 5,000 个 URL,请求次数为 15 次/秒
- filestack.com — File picker, transform, and deliver, free for 250 files, 500 transformations, and 3 GB bandwidth filestack.com - 文件拾取器、转换和交付,免费提供 250 个文件、500 次转换和 3 GB 带宽
- file.io - 2 GB storage of files. A file is auto-deleted after one download. REST API to interact with the storage. Rate limit one request/minute. file.io - 2 GB 的文件存储空间。文件下载一次后自动删除。REST API 可与存储进行交互。速率限制为一个请求/分钟。
- freetools.site — Free online tools. Convert or edit documents, images, audio, video, and more. freetools.site - 免费在线工具。转换或编辑文档、图像、音频、视频等。
- GoFile.io - Free file sharing and storage platform can be used via web-based UI & also API. unlimited file size, bandwidth, download count, etc. But it will be deleted when a file becomes inactive (no download for more than ten days). GoFile.io - 免费文件共享和存储平台,可通过基于 Web 的用户界面和 API 使用。文件大小、带宽、下载次数等不受限制。但如果文件不活动(超过十天未下载),则会被删除。
- gumlet.com — Image and video hosting, processing and streaming via CDN. Provides generous free tier of 250 GB / month for videos and 30 GB / month for images. gumlet.com — 图像和视频托管,处理和流媒体通过 CDN. 提供大量的免费水平 250 GB / 月视频和 30 GB / 月图像。
- image-charts.com — Unlimited image chart generation with a watermark image-charts.com - 无限制生成带水印的图像图表
- Imgbot — Imgbot is a friendly robot that optimizes your images and saves you time. Optimized images mean smaller file sizes without sacrificing quality. It's free for open source. Imgbot - Imgbot 是一款友好的机器人,可优化图片并节省您的时间。优化后的图片意味着文件尺寸更小,同时不影响质量。它是免费的开源软件。
- imgen - Free unlimited social cover image generation API, no watermark imgen - 免费、无限制的社交封面图像生成 API,无水印
- kraken.io — Image optimization for website performance as a service, free plan up to 1 MB file size kraken.io - 网站性能图像优化服务,文件大小不超过 1 MB 的免费计划
- kvstore.io — Key-value storage service. The free tier allows 100 keys, 1KB/key, 100 calls/hour kvstore.io - 键值存储服务。免费层允许 100 个密钥、1KB/密钥、100 次调用/小时
- npoint.io — JSON store with collaborative schema editing npoint.io - 具有协作模式编辑功能的 JSON 存储器
- nitropack.io - Accelerate your site's speed on autopilot with complete front-end optimization (caching, images and code optimization, CDN). Free for up to 5,000 pageviews/month nitropack.io - 通过完整的前端优化(缓存、图片和代码优化、CDN)自动加快网站速度。免费,每月页面浏览量不超过 5,000 次
- otixo.com — Encrypt, share, copy, and move all your cloud storage files from one place. The basic plan provides unlimited file transfer with 250 MB max. file size and allows five encrypted files otixo.com - 从一个地方加密、共享、复制和移动所有云存储文件。基本计划提供无限制文件传输,最大文件大小为 250 MB,允许传输五个加密文件
- packagecloud.io — Hosted Package Repositories for YUM, APT, RubyGem and PyPI. Limited free plans and open-source plans are available via request packagecloud.io - YUM、APT、RubyGem 和 PyPI 的托管软件包仓库。可通过请求提供有限的免费计划和开源计划
- getpantry.cloud — A simple JSON data storage API perfect for personal projects, hackathons, and mobile apps! getpantry.cloud - 一个简单的 JSON 数据存储 API,非常适合个人项目、黑客马拉松和移动应用程序!
- piio.co — Responsive image optimization and delivery for every website. Free plan for developers and personal websites. Includes free CDN, WebP, and Lazy Loading out of the box. piio.co - 为每个网站提供响应式图像优化和交付。为开发人员和个人网站提供免费计划。包括免费 CDN、WebP 和开箱即用的懒加载功能。
- Pinata IPFS — Pinata is the simplest way to upload and manage files on IPFS. Our friendly user interface and IPFS API make Pinata the easiest IPFS pinning service for platforms, creators, and collectors. 1 GB storage free, along with access to API. Pinata IPFS - Pinata 是在 IPFS 上上传和管理文件的最简单方法。我们友好的用户界面和 IPFS API 使 Pinata 成为平台、创建者和收集者最简单的 IPFS 钉钉服务。免费提供 1 GB 存储空间,并可访问 API。
- placekitten.com — A quick and simple service for getting pictures of kittens for use as placeholders placekitten.com — 一种快速而简单的服务来获取猫咪的照片,以便作为座位持有人
- plot.ly — Graph and share your data. The free tier includes unlimited public files and ten private files plot.ly - 绘制图表并共享数据。免费层包括无限量的公共文件和十个私人文件
- podio.com — You can use Podio with a team of up to five people and try out the features of the Basic Plan, except user management podio.com - 您可以与多达五人的团队一起使用跑道,并试用基本计划的功能,但用户管理除外
- QuickChart — Generate embeddable image charts, graphs, and QR codes QuickChart - 生成可嵌入的图像图表、图形和 QR 代码
- redbooth.com — P2P file syncing, free for up to 2 users redbooth.com - P2P 文件同步,最多 2 名用户免费使用
- resmush.it — reSmush.it is a FREE API that provides image optimization. reSmush.it has been implemented on the most common CMS such as WordPress, Drupal, or Magento. reSmush.it is the most used image optimization API with more than seven billion images already treated, and it is still Free of charge. reSmush.it 已在 WordPress、Drupal 或 Magento 等最常见的内容管理系统上实施。reSmush.it 是最常用的图像优化 API,已处理了 70 多亿张图像,而且仍然免费。
- Shotstack - API to generate and edit video at scale. Free up to 20 minutes of rendered video per month Shotstack - 大规模生成和编辑视频的 API。每月免费提供多达 20 分钟的渲染视频
- tinypng.com — API to compress and resize PNG and JPEG images, offers 500 compressions for free each month tinypng.com - 用于压缩和调整 PNG 和 JPEG 图像大小的 API,每月提供 500 次免费压缩服务
- transloadit.com — Handles file uploads and encoding of video, audio, images, documents. Free for Open source, charities, and students via the GitHub Student Developer Pack. Commercial applications get 2 GB free for test driving transloadit.com - 处理视频、音频、图像和文档的文件上传和编码。通过 GitHub Student Developer Pack 免费提供给开源组织、慈善机构和学生使用。商业应用程序可免费试用 2 GB
- twicpics.com - Responsive images as a service. It provides an image CDN, a media processing API, and a frontend library to automate image optimization. The service is free for up to 3GB of traffic/per month. twicpics.com - 响应式图像作为服务. 它提供图像 CDN,媒体处理 API 和前端库,用于自动化图像优化。
- uploadcare.com — Uploadcare provides the media pipeline with the ultimate toolkit based on cutting-edge algorithms. All features are available for developers absolutely for free: File Uploading API and UI, Image CDN and Origin Services, Adaptive Delivery, and Smart Compression. The free tier has 3000 uploads, 3 GB traffic, and 3 GB storage. uploadcare.com — Uploadcare 为媒体管道提供基于尖端算法的终极工具包. 所有功能都是完全免费的:文件上传 API 和 UI,图像 CDN 和起源服务,适应性交付和智能压缩. 免费层有 3000 次上传, 3 GB 的流量和 3 GB 的存储空间。
- imagekit.io – Image CDN with automatic optimization, real-time transformation, and storage that you can integrate with existing setup in minutes. The free plan includes up to 20GB of bandwidth per month. imagekit.io – 图像 CDN 具有自动优化,实时转换和存储,您可以在几分钟内与现有设置集成。
- internxt.com – Internxt Drive is a zero-knowledge file storage service based on absolute privacy and uncompromising security. Sign up and get 10 GB for free, forever! internxt.com - Internxt Drive 是基于绝对隐私和绝对安全的零知识文件存储服务。注册后即可永久免费获得 10 GB!
- degoo.com – AI based cloud storage with free up to 20 GB, three devices, 5 GB referral bonus (90 days account inactivity). degoo.com - 基于人工智能的云存储,免费容量高达 20 GB,支持三台设备,5 GB 推荐奖励(90 天账户未激活)。
- MConverter.eu – Convert files in bulk. Supports many file formats, including new ones like AVIF. Extract all image frames from videos. Free for up to ten 100MB-files per day, processed in batches of two. MConverter.eu - 批量转换文件。支持多种文件格式,包括 AVIF 等新格式。从视频中提取所有图像帧。每天最多可免费处理 10 个 100MB 文件,每两个文件可分批处理。
Design and UI 设计和用户界面
- AllTheFreeStock - a curated list of free stock images, audio and videos. AllTheFreeStock - 免费图库图片、音频和视频的精选列表。
- Float UI - free web development tool for quickly creating modern, responsive websites with sleek design, even for non-designers. Float UI - 免费网络开发工具,用于快速创建具有时尚设计的现代响应式网站,即使非设计人员也能使用。
- Ant Design Landing Page - Ant Design Landing Page provides a template built by Ant Motion's motion components. It has a rich homepage template, downloads the template code package, and can be used quickly. You can also use the editor to quickly build your own dedicated page. Ant Design Landing Page - Ant Design Landing Page 提供由 Ant Motion 的运动组件构建的模板,具有丰富的主页模板,下载模板代码包,并可快速使用。
- Backlight — With collaboration between developers and designers at heart, Backlight is a complete coding platform where teams build, document, publish, scale, and maintain Design Systems. The free plan allows up to 3 editors to work on one design system with unlimited viewers. Backlight - 在开发者和设计师之间的合作中,Backlight 是一个完整的编码平台,团队可以构建,文档,发布,扩展和维护设计系统。
- BoxySVG — A free installable Web app for drawing SVGs and exporting in SVG, PNG, jpeg, and other formats. BoxySVG - 用于绘制 SVG 并以 SVG、PNG、jpeg 和其他格式导出的可免费安装的网络应用程序。
- Carousel Hero - Free online tool to create social media carousels. Carousel Hero - 创建社交媒体旋转木马的免费在线工具。
- Circum Icons - Consistent open-source icons such as SVG for React, Vue, and Svelte. Circum Icons - 用于 React、Vue 和 Svelte 的 SVG 等一致的开源图标。
- clevebrush.com — Free Graphics Design / Photo Collage App. Also, they offer paid integration of it as a component. clevebrush.com - 免费图形设计/照片拼贴应用程序。此外,他们还提供付费集成组件。
- cloudconvert.com — Convert anything to anything. Two hundred eight supported formats including videos and gifs. cloudconvert.com — 将任何东西转换为任何东西. 支持的格式包括视频和 GIF。
- CodeMyUI - Handpicked collection of Web Design & UI Inspiration with Code Snippets. CodeMyUI - 精心挑选的网页设计和用户界面灵感代码片段集。
- ColorKit - Create color palettes online or get inspiration from top palettes. ColorKit - 在线创建调色板或从顶级调色板中获得灵感。
- coolors - Color palette generator. Free. coolors - 调色板生成器。免费。
- Branition - Hand-curated color pallets best fitted for brands. Branition - 最适合品牌的手工调色板。
- css-gradient.com - Free tool to quickly generate custom cross-browser CSS gradients. In RGB and HEX format. css-gradient.com - 用于快速生成自定义跨浏览器 CSS 梯度的免费工具。采用 RGB 和 HEX 格式。
- easyvectors.com — EasyVectors.com is a free SVG vector art stock. Download the best vector graphics absolutely for free. easyvectors.com - EasyVectors.com 是免费的 SVG 矢量艺术图库。完全免费下载最好的矢量图。
- figma.com — Online, collaborative design tool for teams; free tier includes unlimited files and viewers with a max of 2 editors and three projects. figma.com - 面向团队的在线协作设计工具;免费层级包括无限制的文件和查看器,最多可容纳 2 个编辑器和 3 个项目。
- framer.com - Framer helps you iterate and animate interface ideas for your next app, website, or product—starting with powerful layouts. For anyone validating Framer as a professional prototyping tool: unlimited viewers, up to 2 editors, and up to 3 projects. framer.com - Framer 从强大的布局开始,帮助您为下一个应用程序、网站或产品迭代界面创意并制作动画。对于将 Framer 作为专业原型设计工具进行验证的任何人:无限制查看器、最多 2 个编辑器和最多 3 个项目。
- freeforcommercialuse.net — FFCU Worry-free model/property release stock photos freeforcommercialuse.net - FFCU 无忧模型/属性发布图库照片
- Gradientos - Makes choosing a gradient fast and easy. Gradientos - 快速、轻松地选择渐变。
- Icon Horse – Get the highest resolution favicon for any website from our simple API. Icon Horse - 通过我们简单的应用程序接口为任何网站获取最高分辨率的图标。
- Iconoir – An open-source icons library with thousands of icons, supporting React, React Native, Flutter, Vue, Figma, and Framer. Iconoir - 拥有数千个图标的开源图标库,支持 React、React Native、Flutter、Vue、Figma 和 Framer。
- Icons8 — Icons, illustrations, photos, music, and design tools. Free Plan offers Limited formats in lower resolution. Link to Icons8 when you use our assets. Icons8 — 图标,插图,照片,音乐和设计工具. 免费计划提供较低分辨率的有限格式. 当您使用我们的资产时链接到 Icons8。
- Invision App - UI design and prototyping tool. Desktop and web apps are available. Free to use with one active prototype. Invision App - 用户界面设计和原型制作工具。提供桌面和网络应用程序。可免费使用一个活动原型。
- landen.co — Generate, edit, and publish beautiful websites and landing pages for your startup. All without code. The free tier allows you to have one website, fully customizable and published on the web. landen.co - 为您的初创公司生成、编辑和发布精美的网站和登陆页面。全部无需代码。免费层级允许您拥有一个完全可定制的网站,并在网络上发布。
- Quant Ux - Quant Ux is a prototyping and design tool. - It's completely free and also open source. Quant Ux - Quant Ux 是一款原型设计工具。- 它完全免费,而且开源。
- lensdump.com - Free cloud image hosting. lensdump.com - 免费云图像托管。
- Lorem Picsum - A Free tool, easy to use, stylish placeholders. After our URL, add your desired image size (width & height), and you'll get a random image. Lorem Picsum - 免费工具,易于使用,时尚占位符。在我们的 URL 后,添加您所需的图片尺寸(宽和高),然后您就会得到一张随机图片。
- LottieFiles - The world’s largest online platform for the world’s most miniature animation format for designers, developers, and more. Access Lottie animation tools and plugins for Android, iOS, and Web. LottieFiles - 世界上最大的在线平台,为设计师,开发人员和更多人提供世界上最小的动画格式。
- MagicPattern — A collection of CSS & SVG background generators & tools for gradients, patterns, and blobs. MagicPattern - 一组 CSS 和 SVG 背景生成器和工具,用于生成渐变、图案和 Blob。
- marvelapp.com — Design, prototyping, and collaboration, free plan limited to one user and project. marvelapp.com - 设计、原型制作和协作,免费计划仅限一名用户和一个项目。
- Mindmup.com — Unlimited mind maps for free and store them in the cloud. Your mind maps are available everywhere, instantly, from any device. Mindmup.com - 免费提供无限制的思维导图,并将其存储在云中。您的思维导图可在任何地方、任何设备上即时使用。
- Mockplus iDoc - Mockplus iDoc is a powerful design collaboration & handoff tool. Free Plan includes three users and five projects with all features available. Mockplus iDoc - Mockplus iDoc 是一个强大的设计协作和操作工具. 免费计划包括三个用户和五个项目,所有功能都可用。
- mockupmark.com — Create realistic t-shirt and clothing mockups for social media and E-commerce, 40 free mockups. mockupmark.com - 为社交媒体和电子商务创建逼真的 T 恤和服装模型,40 个免费模型。
- Octopus.do — Visual sitemap builder. Build your website structure in real time and rapidly share it to collaborate with your team or clients. Octopus.do - 可视化网站地图生成器。实时构建网站结构,并与团队或客户快速共享。
- Pencil - Open source design tool using Electron. Pencil - 使用 Electron 的开源设计工具。
- Penpot - Web-based, open-source design and prototyping tool. Supports SVG. Completely free. Penpot - 基于网络的开源设计和原型工具。支持 SVG。完全免费。
- pexels.com - Free stock photos for commercial use. Has a free API that allows you to search photos by keywords. pexels.com - 用于商业用途的免费图片库。拥有免费的 API,可让您通过关键字搜索照片。
- photopea.com — A Free, Advanced online design editor with Adobe Photoshop UI supporting PSD, XCF & Sketch formats (Adobe Photoshop, Gimp and Sketch App). photopea.com - 具有 Adobe Photoshop UI 的免费高级在线设计编辑器,支持 PSD、XCF 和 Sketch 格式(Adobe Photoshop、Gimp 和 Sketch 应用程序)。
- pixlr.com — Free online browser editor on the level of commercial ones. pixlr.com — 免费的在线浏览器编辑器在商业层面。
- Plasmic - A fast, easy-to-use, robust web design tool and page builder that integrates into your codebase. Build responsive pages or complex components; optionally extend with code; and publish to production sites and apps. Plasmic - 快速、易用、强大的网页设计工具和页面生成器,可集成到您的代码库中。创建响应式页面或复杂组件;可选择使用代码进行扩展;并发布到生产网站和应用程序。
- Pravatar - Generate a random/placeholder fake avatar whose URL can be directly hot-linked in your web/app. Pravatar - 生成一个随机的/位置持有假冒险者,其 URL 可以在您的网站/应用程序中直接加热链接。
- Proto.io - Create fully interactive UI prototypes without coding. The free tier is available when the free trial ends. The free tier includes one user, one project, five prototypes, 100MB of online storage, and a preview of the proto.io app. Proto.io - 无需编码即可创建完全交互式的用户界面原型。免费试用结束后,即可使用免费层级。免费层级包括一个用户、一个项目、五个原型、100MB 在线存储空间和 proto.io 应用程序预览。
- resizeappicon.com — A simple service to resize and manage your app icons. resizeappicon.com - 用于调整和管理应用程序图标大小的简单服务。
- Rive — Create and ship beautiful animations to any platform. Free forever for Individuals. The service is an editor that also hosts all the graphics on their servers. They also provide runtimes for many platforms to run representations made using Rive. Rive - 创建并向任何平台发送精美的动画。个人用户永久免费。该服务是一种编辑器,也可在其服务器上托管所有图形。他们还为许多平台提供运行时,以运行使用 Rive 制作的演示文稿。
- storyset.com — Create incredible free customized illustrations for your project using this tool. storyset.com - 使用此工具为您的项目创建令人难以置信的免费定制插图。
- smartmockups.com — Create product mockups, 200 free mockups. smartmockups.com - 创建产品模型,200 个免费模型。
- tabler-icons.io — Over 1500 free copy-and-paste SVG editable icons. tabler-icons.io - 超过 1500 个可复制粘贴的免费 SVG 可编辑图标。
- UI Avatars - Generate avatars with initials from names. The URLs can be directly hot-linked in your web/app. Support config parameters via the URL. 用户界面头像 - 用姓名首字母生成头像。这些 URL 可以直接热链到你的网页/应用程序中。支持通过 URL 配置参数。
- unDraw - A constantly updated collection of beautiful SVG images that you can use completely free without attribution. unDraw - 不断更新的精美 SVG 图像集,您可以完全免费使用,无需署名。
- unsplash.com - Free stock photos for commercial and noncommercial purposes ( do-whatever-you-want license). unsplash.com - 用于商业和非商业目的的免费图库照片(随心所欲许可)。
- vectr.com — Free Design App for Web + Desktop. vectr.com — 免费设计应用程序 Web + 桌面。
- walkme.com — Enterprise Class Guidance and Engagement Platform, free plan three walk-thru up to 5 steps/walk. walkme.com - 企业级指导和参与平台,免费计划三次步行,最多 5 步/次。
- Webflow - WYSIWYG website builder with animations and website hosting. Free for two projects. Webflow - WYSIWYG 网站构建器与动画和网站托管. 免费为两个项目。
- Updrafts.app - WYSIWYG website builder for tailwindcss-based designs. Free for non-commercial usage. Updrafts.app - 基于 tailwindcss 设计的所见即所得网站生成器。非商业用途免费。
- whimsical.com - Collaborative flowcharts, wireframes, sticky notes and mind maps. Create up to 4 free boards. whimsical.com - 协作流程图、线框图、便笺和思维导图。最多可创建 4 个免费板块。
- Zeplin — Designer and developer collaboration platform. Show designs, assets, and style guides. Free for one project. Zeplin — 设计师和开发者协作平台. 显示设计,资产和风格指南. 一个项目免费。
- Pixelixe — Create and edit engaging, unique graphics and images online. Pixelixe - 在线创建和编辑引人入胜的独特图形和图像。
- Responsively App - A free dev tool for faster and more precise responsive web application development. Responsively App - 用于更快、更精确地开发响应式网络应用程序的免费开发工具。
- SceneLab - Online mockup graphics editor with an ever-expanding collection of free design templates SceneLab - 在线模拟图形编辑器,不断扩展的免费设计模板收藏
- xLayers - Preview and convert Sketch design files into Angular, React, Vue, LitElement, Stencil, Xamarin, and more (free and open source at https://github.com/xlayers/xlayers) xLayers - 预览 Sketch 设计文件并将其转换为 Angular、React、Vue、LitElement、Stencil、Xamarin 等(免费开源,网址:https://github.com/xlayers/xlayers)
- Grapedrop — Responsive, powerful, SEO-optimized web page builder based on GrapesJS Framework. Free for the first five pages, unlimited custom domains, all features, and simple usage. Grapedrop - 基于 GrapesJS Framework 的响应式、功能强大、搜索引擎优化的网页生成器。前五个页面免费,不限自定义域名,功能齐全,使用简单。
- Mastershot - Completely free browser-based video editor. No watermark, up to 1080p export options. Mastershot - 完全免费的基于浏览器的视频编辑器。无水印,最高 1080p 输出选项。
- Unicorn Platform - Effortless landing page builder with hosting. One website for free. 独角兽平台 - 无力定位页构建器与托管. 一个网站免费。
- react-favicon.com - Generate Favicons for your website using React and JSX using any font and icon library. react-favicon.com - 使用 React 和 JSX,使用任何字体和图标库为您的网站生成收藏夹。
- SVGmix.com - Massive repository of 300K+ of free SVG icons, collections, and brand logos. It has a simple vector editing program right in the browser for quick file editing. SVGmix.com - 包含 30 多万个免费 SVG 图标、图集和品牌徽标的海量资源库。它的浏览器中有一个简单的矢量编辑程序,可快速编辑文件。
- svgrepo.com - Explore, search, and find the best-fitting icons or vectors for your projects using various vector libraries. Download free SVG Vectors for commercial use. svgrepo.com - 探索、搜索并使用各种矢量库为您的项目找到最合适的图标或矢量。下载用于商业用途的免费 SVG 矢量图。
- haikei.app - Haikei is a web app to generate unique SVG shapes, backgrounds, and patterns – ready to use with your design tools and workflow. haikei.app - Haikei 是一款用于生成独特 SVG 图形、背景和图案的网络应用程序,可随时与您的设计工具和工作流程配合使用。
- Canva - Free online design tool to create visual content. Canva - 制作视觉内容的免费在线设计工具。
- Superdesigner - A collection of free design tools to create unique backgrounds, patterns, shapes, images, and more with just a few clicks. Superdesigner - 一个免费的设计工具的集合来创建独特的背景,模式,形状,图像和更多,只需几个点击。
- TeleportHQ - Low-code Front-end Design & Development Platform. TeleportHQ is the collaborative front-end platform to instantly create and publish headless static websites. Three free projects, unlimited collaborators, and free code export. TeleportHQ - 低代码前端设计与开发平台。TeleportHQ 是即时创建和发布无头静态网站的协作式前端平台。三个免费项目、无限协作者和免费代码导出。
- vector.express — Convert your AI, CDR, DWG, DXF, EPS, HPGL, PDF, PLT, PS and SVG vector fast and easily. vector.express - 快速轻松地转换 AI、CDR、DWG、DXF、EPS、HPGL、PDF、PLT、PS 和 SVG 矢量。
- Vertopal - Vertopal is a free online platform for converting files to various formats. Including developer converters like JPG to SVG, GIF to APNG, PNG to WEBP, JSON to XML, etc. Vertopal - Vertopal 是一个将文件转换为各种格式的免费在线平台。包括 JPG 转 SVG、GIF 转 APNG、PNG 转 WEBP、JSON 转 XML 等开发人员转换器。
- okso.app - Minimalistic online drawing app. Allows to create fast sketches and visual notes. Exports sketches to PNG, JPG, SVG, and WEBP. Also installable as PWA. Free to use for everyone (no registration is needed). okso.app - 最小的在线绘图应用程序. 允许创建快速草图和视觉笔记. 导出草图到 PNG,JPG,SVG 和 WEBP. 也可以安装作为 PWA。
- Wdrfree SVG - Black and White Free SVG Cut files. Wdrfree SVG - 黑色和白色免费 SVG Cut 文件。
- Lucide - Free customizable and consistent SVG icon toolkit. Lucide - 免费的可定制和一致的 SVG 图标工具包。
- MDBootstrap - Free for personal & commercial use Bootstrap, Angular, React, and Vue UI Kits with over 700 components, stunning templates, 1-min installation, extensive tutorials & colossal community. MDBootstrap - 免费提供用于个人和商业用途的 Bootstrap、Angular、React 和 Vue UI 工具包,包含 700 多个组件、精美模板、1 分钟安装、大量教程和庞大社区。
- TW Elements - Free Bootstrap components recreated with Tailwind CSS, but with better design and more functionalities. TW Elements - 使用 Tailwind CSS 重新创建的免费 Bootstrap 组件,具有更好的设计和更多功能。
- DaisyUI -- Free. "Use Tailwind CSS but write fewer class names" offers components like buttons. DaisyUI -- 免费。"使用 Tailwind CSS,但编写的类名更少",提供按钮等组件。
- Scrollbar.app -- Simple free web app for designing custom scrollbars for the web. Scrollbar.app -- 为网页设计自定义滚动条的简单免费网络应用程序。
- css.glass -- Free web app for creating glassmorphic designs using CSS. css.glass - 免费的 Web 应用程序,用于使用 CSS 创建玻璃形设计。
- hypercolor.dev -- A curated collection of Tailwind CSS color gradients also provides a variety of generators to create your own. hypercolor.dev -- Tailwind CSS 颜色渐变的精选集,还提供各种生成器,供你创建自己的颜色渐变。
- iconify.design -- A collection of over 100 icon packs with a unified interface. Allows you to search for icons across packs and export individual icons as SVGs or for popular web frameworks. iconify.design -- 一个拥有统一界面的 100 多个图标包的集合。你可以在图标包中搜索图标,并将单个图标导出为 SVG 或流行的网络框架。
- NextUI -- Free. Beautiful, fast, and modern React & Next.js UI library. NextUI -- 免费。美观、快速、现代的 React & Next.js UI 库。
- Glyphs -- Free, The Mightiest Icons on the Web, Fully editable & truly open source design system. Glyphs -- 免费,网络上最强大的图标,完全可编辑和真正开源的设计系统。
- ShadcnUI -- Beautifully designed components that you can copy and paste into your apps. Accessible. Customizable. Open Source. ShadcnUI -- 设计精美的组件,您可以复制并粘贴到您的应用程序中。可访问。可定制。开源。
- HyperUI -- Free Open Source Tailwind CSS Components. HyperUI -- 免费开源尾风 CSS 组件。
- Calendar Icons Generator -- Generate an entire year's worth of unique icons in a single click, absolutely FREE 日历图标生成器 - 创建一整年的价值独特图标在一个单击,绝对免费
- Image BG Blurer -- Generate a blurred background frame for an image, using that image source as the background blur, for Notion, Trello, Jira, and more tools 图像背景模糊器 -- 为图像生成模糊背景框,使用图像源作为背景模糊,适用于 Notion、Trello、Jira 等工具
- Webstudio -- Open-source alternative to Webflow. The free plan offers unlimited websites on their domain. Five websites with custom domains. Ten thousand page views/month. 2 GB asset storage. Webstudio -- Webflow 的开源替代方案。免费计划在其域名上提供无限网站。五个自定义域名的网站。每月一万次页面浏览。2 GB 资产存储空间。
- Nappy -- Beautiful photos of Black and Brown people, for free. For commercial and personal use. Nappy -- 黑人和棕色人种的精美照片,免费提供。供商业和个人使用。
Design Inspiration 设计灵感
- awwwards. - [Top websites] A showcase of all the best-designed websites (voted on by designers). awwwards。- 顶级网站] 所有最佳设计网站的展示(由设计师投票选出)。
- Behance - [Design showcase] A place where designers showcase their work. Filterable with categories for UI/UX projects. Behance - [设计展示] 设计师展示作品的地方。可对用户界面/用户体验项目进行分类筛选。
- dribbble - [Design showcase] Unique design inspiration, generally not from real applications. 独特的设计灵感,通常不是来自实际应用。
- Landings - [Web Screenshots] Find the best landing pages for your design inspiration based on your preference. Landings - [网页截图] 根据您的偏好,为您的设计灵感寻找最佳着陆页。
- LovelyLanding.net - [Landing Page Designs] Frequently updated landing page screenshots. Includes Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile screenshots. LovelyLanding.net - [定位页设计] 经常更新的定位页屏幕截图. 包括桌面,平板电脑和移动屏幕截图。
- Mobbin - [Mobile screenshots] Save hours of UI & UX research with our library of 50,000+ fully searchable mobile app screenshots. Mobbin - [手机屏幕截图] 利用我们的 50,000+ 完全可搜索的手机应用屏幕截图库,节省用户界面和用户体验研究的时间。
- Mobile Patterns - [Mobile screenshots] A design inspirational library featuring the finest UI UX Patterns (iOS and Android) for designers, developers, and product makers to reference. Mobile Patterns - [手机屏幕截图] 一个设计灵感库,提供最优秀的用户界面、用户体验模式(iOS 和 Android),供设计师、开发人员和产品制造商参考。
- Screenlane - [Mobile screenshots] Get inspired and keep up with the latest web & mobile app UI design trends. Filterable by pattern and app. Screenlane - [移动截图] 获取灵感,紧跟最新的网页和移动应用程序用户界面设计趋势。可按模式和应用程序进行筛选。
- scrnshts - [Mobile screenshots] A hand-picked collection of the finest app store design screenshots. scrnshts - [手机屏幕截图] 精选最优秀的应用商店设计屏幕截图。
- UI Garage - [Mobile and web screenshots] Daily UI inspiration & patterns for designers and developers to find inspiration, tools, and the best resources for your project. UI Garage - [手机和网页截图] 每日为设计师和开发人员提供 UI 灵感和模式,为您的项目寻找灵感、工具和最佳资源。
- Refero - [Web screenshots] Tagged and searchable collection of design references from great web applications. Refero - [Web 屏幕截图]从伟大的 Web 应用程序中标记和可搜索的设计引用集合。
- Lapa Ninja - [Landing page / UI KIts / Web screenshots] Lapa Ninja is a gallery featuring the best 6025 landing page examples, free books for designers and free UI kits from around the web. Lapa Ninja - [着陆页/用户界面工具包/网页截图] Lapa Ninja 是一个图库,收录了 6025 个最佳着陆页示例、供设计师使用的免费书籍以及来自网络的免费用户界面工具包。
Data Visualization on Maps 地图上的数据可视化
- IP Geolocation — Free DEVELOPER plan available with 30K requests/month. IP 地理定位 - 提供免费的开发人员计划,请求数为每月 30K。
- carto.com — Create maps and geospatial APIs from your and public data. carto.com - 利用您的数据和公共数据创建地图和地理空间 API。
- Clockwork Micro — Map tools that work like clockwork. Fifty thousand free monthly queries (map tiles, db2vector, elevation). Clockwork Micro - 像发条一样工作的地图工具。每月免费查询五万次(地图瓦片、db2vector、高程)。
- developers.arcgis.com — APIs and SDKs for maps, geospatial data storage, analysis, geocoding, routing, and more across web, desktop, and mobile. Two million free base map tiles, 20,000 non-stored geocodes, 20,000 simple routes, 5,000 drive time calculations, and 5GB free tile+data storage per month. developers.arcgis.com - 用于地图、地理空间数据存储、分析、地理编码、路由等的 API 和 SDK,适用于网络、桌面和移动设备。每月提供 200 万个免费基础地图图块、2 万个非存储地理编码、2 万条简单路线、5,000 次驾驶时间计算和 5GB 免费图块+数据存储。
- Foursquare - Location discovery, venue search, and context-aware content from Places API and Pilgrim SDK. Foursquare - 来自 Places API 和 Pilgrim SDK 的位置发现、场地搜索和上下文感知内容。
- geoapify.com - Vector and raster map tiles, geocoding, places, routing, isolines APIs. Three thousand free requests/day. geoapify.com - 矢量和光栅地图瓦片、地理编码、地点、路由、隔离 API。每天有三千个免费请求。
- geocod.io — Geocoding via API or CSV Upload. Two thousand five hundred free queries/day. geocod.io - 通过 API 或 CSV 上传进行地理编码。每天提供两千五百次免费查询。
- geocodify.com — Geocoding and Geoparsing via API or CSV Upload. 10k free queries/month. geocodify.com - 通过 API 或 CSV 上传进行地理编码和地理解析。每月 10k 次免费查询。
- geojs.io - Highly available REST/JSON/JSONP IP Geolocation lookup API. geojs.io - 高可用 REST/JSON/JSONP IP 地理位置查询 API。
- giscloud.com — Visualize, analyze, and share geo data online. giscloud.com - 在线可视化、分析和共享地理数据。
- graphhopper.com A free developer package is offered for Routing, Route Optimization, Distance Matrix, Geocoding, and Map Matching. graphhopper.com 为路由、路由优化、距离矩阵、地理编码和地图匹配提供了免费的开发人员软件包。
- here — APIs and SDKs for maps and location-aware apps. 250k transactions/month for free. 这里 — 地图和位置意识应用程序的 API 和 SDK. 250k 交易 / 月免费。
- locationiq.com — Geocoding, Maps, and Routing APIs. Five thousand requests/day for free. locationiq.com - 地理编码、地图和路由 API。每天五千次免费请求。
- mapbox.com — Maps, geospatial services and SDKs for displaying map data. mapbox.com - 用于显示地图数据的地图、地理空间服务和 SDK。
- maptiler.com — Vector maps, map services and SDKs for map visualization. Free vector tiles with weekly updates and four map styles. maptiler.com - 用于地图可视化的矢量地图、地图服务和 SDK。每周更新的免费矢量瓦片和四种地图样式。
- nominatim.org — OpenStreetMap's free geocoding service, providing global address search functionality and reverse geocoding capabilities. nominatim.org - OpenStreetMap 的免费地理编码服务,提供全球地址搜索功能和反向地理编码功能。
- nextbillion.ai - Maps related services: Geocoding, Navigation (Direction, Routing, Route Optimization, Distance Matrix), Maps SDK (Vector, Static, Mobile SDK). Free with specified quota for each services. nextbillion.ai - 地图相关服务:地理编码、导航(方向、路线、路线优化、距离矩阵)、地图 SDK(矢量、静态、移动 SDK)。免费,每项服务有指定配额。
- opencagedata.com — Geocoding API aggregating OpenStreetMap and other open geo sources. Two thousand five hundred free queries/day. opencagedata.com - 汇聚 OpenStreetMap 和其他开放地理信息来源的地理编码 API。每天提供两千五百次免费查询。
- osmnames — Geocoding, search results ranked by the popularity of related Wikipedia page. osmnames - 地理编码,搜索结果按相关维基百科页面的受欢迎程度排序。
- positionstack - Free geocoding for global places and coordinates. 25,000 Requests per month for personal use. positionstack - 全球地点和坐标的免费地理编码。每月 25,000 次个人使用请求。
- stadiamaps.com — Map tiles, routing, navigation, and other geospatial APIs. Two thousand five hundred free map views and API requests/day for non-commercial usage and testing. stadiamaps.com - 地图瓦片、路由、导航和其他地理空间 API。每天提供 2500 次免费地图浏览和 API 请求,供非商业使用和测试。
- maps.stamen.com - Free map tiles and tile hosting. maps.stamen.com - 免费地图砖和砖的托管。
- ipstack - Locate and identify Website Visitors by IP Address ipstack - 通过 IP 地址定位和识别网站访客
- Geokeo api - Geocoding API with language correction and more. Worldwide coverage. 2,500 free daily queries Geokeo api - 带有语言校正等功能的地理编码 API。覆盖全球。每日免费查询 2,500 次
Package Build System 软件包构建系统
- build.opensuse.org — Package build service for multiple distros (SUSE, EL, Fedora, Debian, etc.). build.opensuse.org - 为多个发行版(SUSE、EL、Fedora、Debian 等)提供软件包构建服务。
- copr.fedorainfracloud.org — Mock-based RPM build service for Fedora and EL. copr.fedorainfracloud.org - 为 Fedora 和 EL 提供基于模拟的 RPM 编译服务。
- help.launchpad.net — Ubuntu and Debian build service. help.launchpad.net - Ubuntu 和 Debian 构建服务。
IDE and Code Editing IDE 和代码编辑
3v4l - Free online PHP shell and snippet-sharing site, that runs your code in 300+ PHP versions 3v4l - 免费在线 PHP 外壳和代码段共享网站,可在 300 多个 PHP 版本中运行您的代码
Android Studio — Android Studio provides the fastest tools for building apps on every type of Android device. Open Source IDE is free for everyone and the best Android app development. Available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and even ChromeOS! Android Studio - Android Studio 为在各种类型的 Android 设备上构建应用程序提供最快的工具。开源 IDE 对所有人免费,是最好的 Android 应用开发工具。适用于 Windows、Mac、Linux 甚至 ChromeOS!
AndroidIDE — An Open Source IDE to develop real, Gradle-based Android applications on Android devices. AndroidIDE - 在 Android 设备上开发基于 Gradle 的真实 Android 应用程序的开源集成开发环境。
Apache Netbeans — Development Environment, Tooling Platform and Application Framework. Apache Netbeans - 开发环境、工具平台和应用框架。
apiary.io — Collaborative design API with instant API mock and generated documentation (Free for unlimited API blueprints and unlimited users with one admin account and hosted documentation). apiary.io - 具有即时 API 模拟和生成文档功能的协作设计 API(可免费提供无限 API 蓝图和无限用户,只需一个管理账户和托管文档)。
BBEdit - BBEdit is a popular and extensible editor for macOS. Free Mode provides a powerful core feature set and an upgrade path to advanced features. BBEdit - BBEdit 是一款适用于 macOS 的流行且可扩展的编辑器。免费模式提供强大的核心功能集和高级功能的升级路径。
Binder - Turn a Git repo into a collection of interactive notebooks. It is a free public service. Binder - 将 Git repo 变为交互式笔记本的集合。这是一项免费的公共服务。
BlueJ — A free Java Development Environment designed for beginners, used by millions worldwide. Powered by Oracle & simple GUI to help beginners. BlueJ - 专为初学者设计的免费 Java 开发环境,全球有数百万人在使用。由 Oracle 提供技术支持,简单的图形用户界面可帮助初学者。
Bootify.io - Spring Boot app generator with custom database and REST API. Bootify.io - 带有自定义数据库和 REST API 的 Spring Boot 应用程序生成器。
Brackets - Brackets is an open-source text editor specifically designed for web development. It is lightweight, easy to use, and highly customizable. Brackets - Brackets 是一款专为网页开发设计的开源文本编辑器。它轻巧、易用、高度可定制。
cacher.io — Code snippet organizer with labels and support for 100+ programming languages. cacher.io - 带标签的代码片段组织器,支持 100 多种编程语言。
Code::Blocks — Free Fortran & C/C++ IDE. Open Source and runs on Windows,macOS & Linux. Code::Blocks - 免费的 Fortran 和 C/C++ 集成开发环境。开源,可在 Windows、macOS 和 Linux 上运行。
Cody - Free AI coding assistant that can write (Code blocks, autocomplete, unit tests), understand (knowledge of your entire codebase), fix, and find your code. Available for VS Code, JetBrains and Online. Cody - 免费的人工智能编码助手,可以编写(代码块、自动完成、单元测试)、理解(了解你的整个代码库)、修复和查找你的代码。适用于 VS Code、JetBrains 和在线。
codiga.io — Coding Assistant that lets you search, define, and reuse code snippets directly in your IDE. Free for individual and small organizations. codiga.io - 可让您直接在集成开发环境中搜索、定义和重用代码片段的编码助手。个人和小型组织均可免费使用。
codesnip.com.br — Simple code snippets manager with categories, search and tags. free and unlimited. codesnip.com.br - 具有分类、搜索和标签功能的简单代码片段管理器。
cocalc.com — (formerly SageMathCloud at cloud.sagemath.com) — Collaborative calculation in the cloud. Browser access to full Ubuntu with built-in collaboration and lots of free software for mathematics, science, data science, preinstalled: Python, LaTeX, Jupyter Notebooks, SageMath, scikitlearn, etc. cocalc.com -(前身为 cloud.sagemath.com 上的 SageMathCloud)--云中的协作计算。通过浏览器访问完整的 Ubuntu,内置协作功能和大量预装的数学、科学、数据科学免费软件:Python、LaTeX、Jupyter Notebooks、SageMath、scikitlearn 等。
code.cs50.io - Visual Studio Code for CS50 is a web app at code.cs50.io that adapts GitHub Codespaces for students and teachers. code.cs50.io - Visual Studio Code for CS50 是一个位于 code.cs50.io 的网络应用程序,可为学生和教师调整 GitHub 代码空间。
codepen.io — CodePen is a playground for the front-end side of the web. codepen.io - CodePen 是网络前端的游乐场。
codesandbox.io — Online Playground for React, Vue, Angular, Preact, and more. codesandbox.io - React、Vue、Angular、Preact 等的在线游乐场。
Components.studio - Code components in isolation, visualize them in stories, test them, and publish them on npm. Components.studio - 独立编码组件,在故事中可视化组件,测试组件,并在 npm 上发布组件。
Eclipse Che - Web-based and Kubernetes-Native IDE for Developer Teams with multi-language support. Open Source and community-driven. An online instance hosted by Red Hat is available at workspaces.openshift.com. Eclipse Che - 面向开发人员团队的基于 Web 和 Kubernetes 原生 IDE,支持多种语言。开源和社区驱动。由 Red Hat 托管的在线实例可在 workspaces.openshift.com 上获取。
fakejson.com — FakeJSON helps you quickly generate fake data using its API. Make an API request describing what you want and how you want it. The API returns it all in JSON. Speed up the go-to-market process for ideas and fake it till you make it. fakejson.com - FakeJSON 可帮助您使用其 API 快速生成虚假数据。提出 API 请求,说明您想要的内容和方式。API 会以 JSON 格式返回所有内容。加快创意的市场推广过程,实现 "假作真时真亦假"。
GitPod — Instant, ready-to-code dev environments for GitHub projects. The free tier includes 50 hours/month. GitPod - 为 GitHub 项目提供即时、可直接编码的开发环境。免费层包括 50 小时/月。
ide.goorm.io goormIDE is full IDE on cloud. multi-language support, Linux-based container via the fully-featured web-based terminal, port forwarding, custom URL, real-time collaboration and chat, share link, Git/Subversion support. There are many more features (The free tier includes 1GB RAM and 10GB Storage per container, 5 Container slots). ide.goorm.io 是云上的完整集成开发环境。支持多语言,通过功能齐全的基于 Web 的终端使用基于 Linux 的容器、端口转发、自定义 URL、实时协作和聊天、共享链接、支持 Git/Subversion。还有更多功能(免费层级包括每个容器 1GB 内存和 10GB 存储空间,5 个容器插槽)。
JDoodle — Online compiler and editor for more than 60 programming languages with a free plan for REST API code compiling up to 200 credits per day. JDoodle - 60 多种编程语言的在线编译器和编辑器,提供免费的 REST API 代码编译计划,每天最多可获得 200 点数。
jetbrains.com — Productivity tools, IDEs and deploy tools ( aka IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, etc). Free license for students, teachers, Open Source and user groups. jetbrains.com - 生产工具、集成开发环境和部署工具(又称 IntelliJ IDEA、PyCharm 等)。面向学生、教师、开源和用户组的免费许可证。
jsbin.com — JS Bin is another playground and code-sharing site of front-end web (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It Also supports Markdown, Jade, and Sass). jsbin.com - JS Bin 是另一个前端网络(HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript。 还支持 Markdown、Jade 和 Sass)的游乐场和代码共享网站。
jsfiddle.net — JS Fiddle is a playground and code-sharing site of front-end web, supporting collaboration. jsfiddle.net - JS Fiddle 是一个支持协作的前端网络游乐场和代码共享网站。
JSONPlaceholder Some REST API endpoints that return some fake data in JSON format. The source code is also available if you would like to run the server locally. JSONPlaceholder 一些以 JSON 格式返回虚假数据的 REST API 端点。如果您想在本地运行服务器,我们还提供了源代码。
Lazarus — Lazarus is a Delphi-compatible cross-platform IDE for Rapid Application Development. Lazarus - Lazarus 是与 Delphi 兼容的跨平台集成开发环境,用于快速应用程序开发。
micro-jaymock - Tiny API mocking microservice for generating fake JSON data. micro-jaymock - 用于生成伪造 JSON 数据的微型 API 模拟微服务。
mockable.io — Mockable is a simple configurable service to mock out RESTful API or SOAP web services. This online service allows you to quickly define REST API or SOAP endpoints and have them return JSON or XML data. mockable.io - Mockable 是一种简单的可配置服务,用于模拟 RESTful API 或 SOAP 网络服务。通过这项在线服务,您可以快速定义 REST API 或 SOAP 端点,并让它们返回 JSON 或 XML 数据。
mockaroo — Mockaroo lets you generate realistic test data in CSV, JSON, SQL, and Excel formats. You can also create mocks for back-end API. mockaroo - Mockaroo 可让你生成 CSV、JSON、SQL 和 Excel 格式的真实测试数据。你还可以为后端 API 创建模拟。
Mocklets - an HTTP-based mock API simulator that helps simulate APIs for faster parallel development and more comprehensive testing, with a lifetime free tier. Mocklets - 基于 HTTP 的模拟 API 仿真器,可帮助模拟 API 以实现更快的并行开发和更全面的测试,终身免费。
Paiza — Develop Web apps in Browser without needing to set up anything. Free Plan offers one server with 24 24-hour lifetime and 4 hours of running time per day with 2 CPU cores, 2 GB RAM, and 1 GB storage. Paiza - 无需任何设置即可在浏览器中开发网络应用程序。免费计划提供一台服务器,拥有 24 小时的使用寿命和每天 4 小时的运行时间,配备 2 个 CPU 内核、2 GB 内存和 1 GB 存储空间。
Prepros - Prepros can compile Sass, Less, Stylus, Pug/Jade, Haml, Slim, CoffeeScript, and TypeScript out of the box, reloads your browsers and makes it easy to develop & test your websites so you can focus on making them perfect. You can also add your own tools with just a few clicks. 预编译器 - 预编译器可编译 Sass、Less、Stylus、Pug/Jade、Haml、Slim、CoffeeScript 和 TypeScript,并可重新加载浏览器,从而轻松开发和测试网站,让你可以专注于让网站更完美。只需点击几下,你还可以添加自己的工具。
Replit — A cloud coding environment for various program languages. Replit - 适用于各种程序语言的云编码环境。
SoloLearn — A cloud programming playground well-suited for running code snippets. Supports various programming languages. No registration is required for running code, but it is necessary when saving code on their platform. Also offers free courses for beginners and intermediate-level coders. SoloLearn - 一个非常适合运行代码片段的云编程乐园。支持各种编程语言。运行代码无需注册,但在其平台上保存代码时需要注册。还为初学者和中级程序员提供免费课程。
stackblitz.com — Online/Cloud Code IDE to create, edit, & deploy full-stack apps. Support any popular NodeJs-based frontend & backend frameworks. Shortlink to create a new project: https://node.new. stackblitz.com - 在线/云代码集成开发环境,用于创建、编辑和部署全栈应用程序。支持任何流行的基于 NodeJs 的前端和后端框架。创建新项目的快捷链接:https://node.new.
Sublime Text - Sublime Text is a popular, versatile, and highly customizable text editor used for coding and text editing tasks. Sublime Text - Sublime Text 是一款流行、多功能、高度可定制的文本编辑器,用于编码和文本编辑任务。
Visual Studio Code
- Code editor redefined and optimized for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications. Developed by Microsoft.
Visual Studio Code - 为构建和调试现代网络与云应用程序而重新定义和优化的代码编辑器。由微软开发。
Visual Studio Community — Fully-featured IDE with thousands of extensions, cross-platform app development (Microsoft extensions available for download for iOS and Android), desktop, web and cloud development, multi-language support (C#, C++, JavaScript, Python, PHP and more). Visual Studio Community - 功能齐全的集成开发环境,拥有数千个扩展、跨平台应用程序开发(可下载 iOS 和 Android 的 Microsoft 扩展)、桌面、网络和云开发、多语言支持(C#、C++、JavaScript、Python、PHP 等)。
VSCodium - Community-driven, without telemetry/tracking, and freely-licensed binary distribution of Microsoft’s editor VSCode VSCodium - 社区驱动、无遥测/跟踪、免费授权的微软编辑器 VSCode 二进制发行版
wakatime.com — Quantified self-metrics about your coding activity using text editor plugins, limited plan for free. wakatime.com - 使用文本编辑器插件对您的编码活动进行量化的自我衡量,免费的有限计划。
Wave Terminal - Wave is an open-source, cross-platform terminal for seamless workflows. Render anything inline. Save sessions and history. Powered by open web standards. MacOS and Linux. Wave Terminal - Wave 是一款开源、跨平台终端,可实现无缝工作流程。可在线渲染任何内容。保存会话和历史记录。采用开放式网络标准。支持 MacOS 和 Linux。
WebComponents.dev — In-browser IDE to code web components in isolation with 58 templates available, supporting stories, and tests. WebComponents.dev - 浏览器内集成开发环境,用于对网页组件进行独立编码,提供 58 个模板、支持故事和测试。
PHPSandbox — Online development environment for PHP PHPSandbox - PHP 在线开发环境
WebDB - Free Efficient Database IDE. Featuring Server Discovery, ERD, Data Generator, AI, NoSQL Structure Manager, Database Versioning and many more. WebDB - 免费高效数据库 IDE. 包含服务器发现,ERD,数据生成器,AI,NoSQL 结构管理器,数据库版本和更多。
Analytics, Events and Statistics 分析、活动和统计
- Dwh.dev - Data Cloud Observability Solution (Snowflake). Free for personal use. Dwh.dev - 数据云观测解决方案(雪花)。
- Hightouch - Hightouch is a Reverse ETL platform that helps you sync customer data from your data warehouse to your CRM, marketing, and support tools. The free tier offers you one destination to sync data to. Hightouch - Hightouch 是一个反向 ETL 平台,可帮助您将客户数据从数据仓库同步到 CRM、营销和支持工具。免费层为您提供一个同步数据的目的地。
- Avo — Simplified analytics release workflow. Single-source-of-truth tracking plan, type-safe analytics tracking library, in-app debuggers, and data observability to catch all data issues before you release. Free for two workspace members and 1 hour data observability lookback. Avo - 简化分析发布工作流程。单一真相源跟踪计划、类型安全的分析跟踪库、应用内调试器和数据可观察性,可在发布前捕捉所有数据问题。免费提供两个工作区成员和 1 小时数据可观察性回溯。
- Branch — Mobile Analytics Platform. Free Tier offers up to 10K Mobile App Users with deep-linking & other services. Branch - 移动分析平台。免费层提供多达 10K 个移动应用程序用户,并提供深度链接和其他服务。
- Cauldron — Analytics open source solution that allows users to aggregate information from multiple collaboration platforms as different types of data sources (Git, Github, and Gitlab). The free tier includes an unlimited number of reports. Cauldron - 分析开源解决方案,允许用户将来自多个协作平台的信息汇总为不同类型的数据源(Git、Github 和 Gitlab)。免费层包括数量不限的报告。
- Census — Reverse ETL & Operational Analytics Platform. Sync 10 fields from your data warehouse to 60+ SaaS like Salesforce, Zendesk, or Amplitude. Census - 反向 ETL 和运营分析平台。将数据仓库中的 10 个字段同步到 Salesforce、Zendesk 或 Amplitude 等 60 多个 SaaS。
- Clicky — Website Analytics Platform. Free Plan for one website with 3000 views analytics. Clicky — 网站分析平台. 一个网站的免费计划 ,有30 00个观点分析。
- Databox — Business Insights & Analytics by combining other analytics & BI platforms. Free Plan offers 3 users, dashboards & data sources. 11M historical data records. Databox - 结合其他分析和商业智能平台的商业洞察与分析。免费计划提供 3 个用户、仪表盘和数据源。1,100 万条历史数据记录。
- Hitsteps.com — 2,000 pageviews per month for 1 website Hitsteps.com — 2,000 页面视图每月 1 个网站
- amplitude.com — 1 million monthly events, up to 2 apps amplitude.com - 每月 100 万次活动,最多 2 个应用程序
- GoatCounter — GoatCounter is an open-source web analytics platform available as a hosted service (free for non-commercial use) or self-hosted app. It aims to offer easy-to-use and meaningful privacy-friendly web analytics as an alternative to Google Analytics or Matomo. The free tier is for non-commercial use and includes unlimited sites, six months of data retention, and 100k pageviews/month. GoatCounter - GoatCounter 是一个开源网络分析平台,可作为托管服务(非商业用途免费)或自托管应用程序使用。它旨在提供易于使用、有意义的隐私友好型网络分析,作为 Google Analytics 或 Matomo 的替代品。免费层级适用于非商业用途,包括无限站点、6 个月的数据保留期和每月 100k 的页面访问量。
- Google Analytics — Google Analytics 谷歌分析 - 谷歌分析
- MetricsWave — Privacy-friendly Google Analytics alternative for developers. Free plan allows 20k pageviews per month without credit card. MetricsWave - 面向开发人员的隐私友好型 Google Analytics 替代软件。免费计划每月允许 20k 页面浏览量,无需信用卡。
- Expensify — Expense reporting, free personal reporting approval workflow Expensify - 开支报告,免费个人报告审批工作流程
- getinsights.io - Privacy-focused, cookie-free analytics, free for up to 3k events/month. getinsights.io - 注重隐私、无 cookie 的分析工具,每月免费提供多达 3k 个事件。
- heap.io — Automatically captures every user action in iOS or web apps. Free for up to 10K monthly sessions. heap.io - 自动捕获 iOS 或网络应用中的每个用户操作。每月最多可免费使用 10K 会话。
- Hotjar — Website Analytics and Reports . Free Plan allows 2000 pageviews/day. One hundred snapshots/day (max capacity: 300). Three snapshot heatmaps can be stored for 365 days. Unlimited Team Members. Also in App and standalone surveys, feedback widgets with screenshots. Free tier allows creating 3 surveys & 3 feedback widgets and collecting 20 responses per month. Hotjar — 网站分析和报告. 免费计划允许 2000 页面视图/天. 一百 截图/天(最大容量: 300)。 三个截图热图可以存储 365 天. 无限的团队成员. 还在应用程序和独立调查中,有截图的反馈工具。 免费层允许创建 3 个调查和 3 个反馈工具,并收集每月 20 个回复。
- Keen — Custom Analytics for data collection, analysis and visualization. 1,000 events/month free Keen - 用于数据收集、分析和可视化的定制分析。每月免费提供 1,000 个事件
- Yandex.Datalens — Yandex Cloud data visualization and analysis service. The service is provided free of charge. No restrictions on the number of users and requests. Yandex.Datalens — Yandex 云数据可视化和分析服务. 该服务免费提供. 对用户数量和请求没有限制。
- Yandex.Metrica — Unlimited free analytics Yandex.Metrica - 无限免费分析
- Mixpanel — 100,000 monthly tracked users, unlimited data history and seats, US or EU data residency Mixpanel - 每月追踪 100,000 位用户,无限数据历史和位置,美国或欧盟数据居住地
- Moesif — API analytics for REST and GraphQL. (Free up to 500,000 API calls/mo) Moesif - REST 和 GraphQL 的 API 分析。(每月免费提供多达 500,000 次 API 调用)
- optimizely.com — A/B Testing solution, free starter plan, one website, 1 iOS, and 1 Android app optimizely.com — A/B 测试解决方案,免费启动计划,一个网站, 1 iOS 和 1 Android 应用程序
- Microsoft PowerBI — Business Insights & Analytics by Microsoft. Free Plan offers limited use with 1 Million User licenses. Microsoft PowerBI — 微软的商业见解和分析. 免费计划提供有限的使用, 具有1 00万用户许可证。
- quantcast.com — Unlimited free analytics quantcast.com - 无限免费分析
- Row Zero - Blazingly fast, connected spreadsheet. Connect directly to data databases, S3, and APIs. Import, analyze, graph, and share millions of rows instantly. Three free (forever) workbooks. Row Zero - 快速连接的电子表格。直接连接到数据数据库、S3 和 API。即时导入、分析、绘制图表并共享数百万行数据。三个免费(永久)工作簿。
- sematext.com — Free for up to 50 K actions/month, 1-day data retention, unlimited dashboards, users, etc. sematext.com - 免费,每月最多 50 K 次操作,数据保留 1 天,仪表盘、用户等不受限制。
- Similar Web — Analytics for Web & Mobile Apps. Free Plan offers five results per metric, one month of mobile app data & 3 months of website data. 类似的网页 - 用于 Web 和移动应用程序的分析. 免费计划提供每个指标的五个结果,一个月的移动应用数据和 3 个月的网站数据。
- StatCounter — Website Viewer Analytics. Free plan for analytics of 500 most recent visitors. StatCounter — Website Viewer Analytics. 免费计划分析 最近5 00名访客。
- Statsig - All-in-one platform spanning across analytics, feature flagging, and A/B testing. Free for up to 1m metered events per month. Statsig - 集分析、功能标记和 A/B 测试于一身的平台。每月免费提供多达 100 万个计量事件。
- Tableau Developer Program — Innovate, create, and make Tableau work perfectly for your organization. The free developer program gives a personal development sandbox license for Tableau Online. The version is the latest pre-release version so Data Devs can test each & every feature of this superb platform. Tableau 开发人员计划 - 创新、创造,让 Tableau 为您的组织完美工作。免费开发人员计划为 Tableau Online 提供个人开发沙盒许可。该版本是最新的预发布版本,因此数据开发人员可以测试这个一流平台的每一项功能。
- usabilityhub.com — Test designs and mockups on real people and track visitors. Free for one user, unlimited tests usabilityhub.com - 在真人身上测试设计和模型,跟踪访问者。一个用户免费,测试次数不限
- woopra.com — Free user analytics platform for 500K actions, 90-day data retention, 30+ one-click integration. woopra.com - 500K 次操作的免费用户分析平台,90 天数据保留,30+ 次一键集成。
- counter.dev — Web analytics made simple and therefore privacy friendly. Free or pay what you want by donation. counter.dev - 让网络分析变得简单,从而保护隐私。免费或通过捐款支付。
- PostHog - Full Product Analytics suite free for up to 1m tracked events per month. Also provides unlinited in-App Surveys with 250/month responses. PostHog - 免费提供完整的产品分析套件,每月可跟踪多达 100 万个事件。还提供每月 250 次回复的非线性应用内调查。
- Uptrace - Distributed Tracing Tool that helps developers pinpoint failures and find performance bottlenecks. Has a free plan, offers a complimentary Personal subscription for open-source projects, and has an open-source version. Uptrace - 分布式跟踪工具,可帮助开发人员准确定位故障并找到性能瓶颈。有一个免费计划,为开源项目提供免费的个人订阅,并有一个开源版本。
- Microsoft Clarity - Clarity is a free, easy-to-use tool that captures how real people use your site. Microsoft Clarity - Clarity 是一个免费的,易于使用的工具,捕捉了真实的人如何使用您的网站。
- Beampipe.io - Beampipe is simple, privacy-focussed web analytics. free for up to 5 domains & 10k monthly page views. Beampipe.io - Beampipe 是一款简单、注重隐私的网络分析工具。最多可免费使用 5 个域名和每月 1 万次页面访问。
- Aptabase — Open Source, Privacy-Friendly, and Simple Analytics for Mobile and Desktop Apps. SDKs for Swift, Kotlin, React Native, Flutter, Electron, and many others. Free for up to 20,000 events per month. Aptabase - 面向移动和桌面应用程序的开源、隐私友好且简单的分析工具。适用于 Swift、Kotlin、React Native、Flutter、Electron 等的 SDK。每月免费提供多达 20,000 个事件。
- Trackingplan - Automatically detect digital analytics, marketing data and pixels issues, maintain up-to-date tracking plans, and foster seamless collaboration. Deploy it to your production environment with real traffic or add analytics coverage to your regression tests without writing code. Trackingplan - 自动检测数字分析、营销数据和像素问题,维护最新的跟踪计划,促进无缝协作。将其部署到具有真实流量的生产环境中,或将分析覆盖范围添加到回归测试中,而无需编写代码。
- LogSpot - Full unified web and product analytics platform, including embeddable analytics widgets and automated robots (slack, telegram, and webhooks). Free plan includes 10,000 events per month. LogSpot - 全面统一的网络和产品分析平台,包括可嵌入的分析小工具和自动机器人(slack、telegram 和 webhooks)。免费计划包括每月 10,000 个事件。
- Umami - Simple, fast, privacy-focused, open-source alternative to Google Analytics. Umami - 简单、快速、注重隐私、开源的 Google Analytics 替代品。
- TrackWith Dicloud - Free lightweight privacy-focused alternative to Google Analytics. Unlimited pageviews, unlimited visitor, unlimited page heatmaps & goal tracking. Free for up to 3 domains and 600 session replay per domain. TrackWith Dicloud - Google Analytics 的免费、轻量级、注重隐私的替代品。无限页面浏览量、无限访客、无限页面热图和目标跟踪。每个域最多可免费使用 3 个域和 600 个会话回放。
Visitor Session Recording 访客会议记录
- Reactflow.com — Per site: 1,000 pages views/day, three heatmaps, three widgets, free bug tracking Reactflow.com - 每个网站:每天 1,000 次页面浏览、三个热图、三个小部件、免费错误跟踪
- OpenReplay.com - Open-source session replay with dev tools for bug reproduction, live session for real-time support, and product analytics suite. One thousand sessions/month with access to all features and 7-day retention. OpenReplay.com - 开源会话重放,提供用于重现错误的开发工具、用于实时支持的实时会话以及产品分析套件。每月一千次会话,可使用所有功能并保留 7 天。
- LogRocket.com - 1,000 sessions/month with 30-day retention, error tracking, live mode LogRocket.com - 每月 1,000 次会话,保留 30 天,错误跟踪,实时模式
- FullStory.com — 1,000 sessions/month with one month data retention and three user seats. More information here. FullStory.com - 1,000 次/月,数据保留一个月,三个用户席位。更多信息请点击此处。
- hotjar.com — Per site: 1,050 pages views/month, unlimited heatmaps, data stored for three months hotjar.com - 每个网站:每月 1,050 次页面浏览,无限制热图,数据存储三个月
- inspectlet.com — 2,500 sessions/month free for one website inspectlet.com - 一个网站每月免费使用 2,500 次会话
- Microsoft Clarity - Session recording completely free with "no traffic limits", no project limits, and no sampling Microsoft Clarity - 会话录制完全免费,"无流量限制"、无项目限制、无采样
- mouseflow.com — 500 sessions/month free for one website mouseflow.com - 一个网站每月免费使用 500 次会话
- mousestats.com — 100 sessions/month free for one website mousestats.com - 一个网站每月免费使用 100 次
- smartlook.com — free packages for web and mobile apps (1500 sessions/month), three heatmaps, one funnel, 1-month data history smartlook.com - 网页和移动应用程序免费套餐(1500 次/月)、三个热图、一个漏斗、1 个月数据历史记录
- usersurge.com — 250K sessions per month for individuals. usersurge.com - 每月为个人提供 25 万次会话。
- howuku.com — Track user interaction, engagement, and event. Free for up to 5,000 visits/month howuku.com — 跟踪用户的互动,参与和事件. 最多50 00次访问 / 月免费
- UXtweak.com — Record and watch how visitors use your website or app. Free unlimited time for small projects UXtweak.com - 记录并观察访客如何使用您的网站或应用程序。为小型项目提供无限时免费服务
International Mobile Number Verification API and SDK 国际手机号码验证 API 和 SDK
- numverify — Global phone number validation and lookup JSON API. 100 API requests/month numverify - 全球电话号码验证和查询 JSON API。每月 100 次 API 请求
- veriphone — Global phone number verification in a free, fast, reliable JSON API. 1000 requests/month veriphone - 通过免费、快速、可靠的 JSON API 进行全球电话号码验证。每月 1000 次请求
Payment and Billing Integration 支付与账单集成
- Glassfy – In-app subscriptions infrastructure, real-time subscription events and out-of-the-box monetization tools on iOS, Android, Stripe and Paddle. Free up to $10k monthly revenue. Glassfy - iOS、Android、Stripe 和 Paddle 上的应用内订阅基础架构、实时订阅事件和开箱即用的货币化工具。每月免费收入最高可达 1 万美元。
- Adapty.io – One-stop solution with open-source SDK for mobile in-app subscription integration to iOS, Android, React Native, Flutter, Unity, or web app. Free up to $10k monthly revenue. Adapty.io – 具有开源 SDK 的单一解决方案,用于移动应用内订阅集成到 iOS,Android,React Native,Flutter,Unity 或 Web 应用程序。
- CoinMarketCap — Provides cryptocurrency market data including the latest crypto and fiat currency exchange rates. The free tier offers 10K call credits/month. CoinMarketCap — 提供加密货币市场数据,包括最新加密货币和法定货币汇率。
- CurrencyFreaks — Provides current and historical currency exchange rates. Free DEVELOPER plan available with 1000 requests/month. CurrencyFreaks - 提供当前和历史货币汇率。提供每月 1000 次请求的免费开发人员计划。
- CoinGecko — Provides cryptocurrency market data including the latest crypto exchange rates and historical data. The demo api comes with a stable rate limit of 30 calls/min and a monthly cap of 10,000 calls. CoinGecko - 提供加密货币市场数据,包括最新的加密货币汇率和历史数据。演示 api 的稳定速率限制为 30 次/分钟,每月上限为 10,000 次。
- CurrencyApi — Live Currency Rates for Physical and Cryptocurrencies, delivered in JSON and XML. The free tier offers 1,250 API requests/month. CurrencyApi - 以 JSON 和 XML 格式提供实物货币和加密货币的实时汇率。免费层每月提供 1,250 次 API 请求。
- currencylayer — Reliable Exchange Rates and Currency Conversion for your Business, 100 API requests/month free. currencylayer - 为您的企业提供可靠的汇率和货币兑换服务,每月免费提供 100 次 API 请求。
- exchangerate-api.com - An easy-to-use currency conversion JSON API. The free tier updates once per day with a limit of 1,500 requests/month. exchangerate-api.com - 易于使用的货币兑换 JSON API。免费层每天更新一次,每月限制 1,500 次请求。
- FraudLabsPRO — Help merchants to prevent payment fraud and chargebacks. Free Micro Plan available with 500 queries/month. FraudLabsPRO - 帮助商家防止支付欺诈和扣款。提供免费微型计划,每月 500 次查询。
- FxRatesAPI — Provides real-time and historical exchange rates. The free tier requires attribution. FxRatesAPI - 提供实时和历史汇率。免费层需要注明出处。
- MailPopin - Get the most of your Stripe notifications with contextualized information. MailPopin - 利用上下文信息充分利用 Stripe 通知。
- Moesif API Monetization - Generate revenue from APIs via usage-based billing. Connect to Stripe, Chargebee, etc. The free tier offers 30,000 events/month. Moesif API 货币化--通过基于使用的计费方式从 API 获取收入。与 Stripe、Chargebee 等连接。免费层每月提供 30,000 个事件。
- Nami ML - Complete platform for in-app purchases and subscriptions on iOS and Android, including no-code paywalls, CRM, and analytics. Free for all base features to run an IAP business. Nami ML - 用于 iOS 和 Android 上应用内购买和订阅的完整平台,包括无代码付费墙、客户关系管理和分析。免费提供运行 IAP 业务的所有基本功能。
- RevenueCat — Hosted backend for in-app purchases and subscriptions (iOS and Android). Free up to $2.5k/mo in tracked revenue. RevenueCat - 应用程序内购买和订阅的托管后台(iOS 和 Android)。免费,跟踪收入最高可达 250 万美元/月。
- vatlayer — Instant VAT number validation and EU VAT rates API, free 100 API requests/month vatlayer — Instant VAT number validation and EU VAT rates API, 免费 100 个 API 请求/月
- Currencyapi — Free currency conversion and exchange rate data API. Free 300 requests per month, 10 requests per minute for private use. Currencyapi - 免费货币兑换和汇率数据 API。每月免费 300 次请求,私人使用每分钟 10 次请求。
Docker Related Docker 相关
- canister.io — 20 free private repositories for developers, 30 free private repositories for teams to build and store Docker images canister.io - 20 个面向开发人员的免费私有存储库,30 个面向团队的免费私有存储库,用于构建和存储 Docker 镜像
- Container Registry Service - Harbor based Container Management Solution. The free tier offers 1 GB of storage for private repositories. 容器注册服务 - 基于港湾的容器管理解决方案。免费层为私有存储库提供 1 GB 的存储空间。
- Docker Hub — One free private repository and unlimited public repositories to build and store Docker images Docker Hub - 一个免费的私有存储库和无限量的公共存储库,用于构建和存储 Docker 映像
- Play with Docker — A simple, interactive, fun playground to learn Docker. Play with Docker - 一个简单、互动、有趣的 Docker 学习乐园。
- quay.io — Build and store container images with unlimited free public repositories quay.io — 构建和存储容器图像,使用无限的免费公共存储库
- Platform9 - Managed Kubernetes plane. The free plan offers management capabilities for up to 3 clusters & 20 nodes. Just so you know, you must provide cluster infrastructure by yourself. Platform9 - 受管理的 Kubernetes 平台。免费计划提供多达 3 个集群和 20 个节点的管理功能。请注意,您必须自行提供集群基础设施。
Vagrant Related 流浪者相关
- Vagrant Cloud - HashiCorp Vagrant Cloud. Vagrant box hosting. Vagrant 云 - HashiCorp Vagrant 云。Vagrant 盒托管。
- Vagrantbox.es — An alternative public box index Vagrantbox.es - 另一种公共邮箱索引
Dev Blogging Sites 开发博客网站
- BearBlog - Minimalist, Markdown-powered blog and website builder. BearBlog - 极简、Markdown 驱动的博客和网站创建工具。
- Dev.to - Where programmers share ideas and help each other grow. Dev.to - 程序员在这里分享想法,互相帮助,共同成长。
- Hashnode — Hassle-free Blogging Software for Developers!. Hashnode - 面向开发人员的无忧博客软件!。
- Medium — Get more thoughtful about what matters to you. Medium - 更多地考虑对你来说重要的事情。
- AyeDot — Share your ideas, knowledge, and stories with the world for Free in the form of Modern multimedia short-format Miniblogs. AyeDot - 以现代多媒体短篇迷你博客的形式与全世界免费分享您的想法、知识和故事。
Commenting Platforms 评论平台
- GraphComment - GraphComment is a comments platform that helps you build an active community from the website’s audience. GraphComment - GraphComment 是一个评论平台,可帮助您从网站受众中建立一个活跃的社区。
- Utterances - A lightweight comments widget built on GitHub issues. Use GitHub issues for blog comments, wiki pages, and more! Utterances - 基于 GitHub issues 开发的轻量级评论小工具。使用 GitHub issues 发表博客评论、维基页面等!
- Disqus - Disqus is a networked community platform used by hundreds of thousands of sites all over the web. Disqus - Disqus 是一个网络社区平台,被全网成千上万的网站所使用。
- Remarkbox - Open source hosted comments platform, pay what you can for "One moderator on a few domains with complete control over behavior & appearance" Remarkbox - 开源主机评论平台,付出你所能为“一个导演在几个领域,完全控制行为和外观”
- IntenseDebate - A feature-rich comment system for WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger, and many other website platforms. IntenseDebate - 适用于 WordPress、Tumblr、Blogger 和许多其他网站平台的功能丰富的评论系统。
Screenshot APIs 截图应用程序接口
- ApiFlash — A screenshot API based on Aws Lambda and Chrome. Handles full page, captures timing, and viewport dimensions. ApiFlash - 基于 Aws Lambda 和 Chrome 浏览器的屏幕截图 API。可处理全页面、捕获时间和视口尺寸。
- microlink.io – It turns any website into data such as metatags normalization, beauty link previews, scraping capabilities, or screenshots as a service. 250 requests/day every day free. microlink.io - 它可将任何网站转化为数据,如元标签规范化、美观链接预览、搜刮功能或屏幕截图等服务。每天 250 个请求,每天免费。
- ScreenshotAPI.net - Screenshot API uses a straightforward API call to generate screenshots of any website. Built to scale and hosted on Google Cloud. Offers 100 free screenshots per month. ScreenshotAPI.net - Screenshot API 使用直接的 API 调用来生成任何网站的屏幕截图。可扩展并托管在谷歌云上。每月提供 100 张免费截图。
- screenshotlayer.com — Capture highly customizable snapshots of any website. Free 100 snapshots/month screenshotlayer.com - 捕捉任何网站的高度自定义快照。每月免费提供 100 张快照
- screenshotmachine.com — Capture 100 snapshots/month, png, gif and jpg, including full-length captures, not only home page screenshotmachine.com - 每月截取 100 张快照,png、gif 和 jpg 格式,包括完整截图,不仅限于主页
- PhantomJsCloud — Browser automation and page rendering. Free Tier offers up to 500 pages/day. Free Tier since 2017. PhantomJsCloud - 浏览器自动化和页面渲染。免费层提供多达 500 页/天的服务。自 2017 年起提供免费层级。
- Webshrinker.com — Web Shrinker provides website screenshots and domain intelligence API services. Free 100 requests/month. Webshrinker.com - Web Shrinker 提供网站截图和域名情报 API 服务。每月免费提供 100 个请求。
- Httpic.com — Turn any website into jpg, png or pdf. Capture full-page screenshots, adjust the viewport, and inject custom code. Free tier at 150 images/month. Httpic.com - 将任何网站转化为 jpg、png 或 pdf 格式。捕捉全页面截图、调整视口并注入自定义代码。免费层级为每月 150 张图片。
- Screenshots — Your API for Screenshots. With highly customizable options for capture. Free 100 screenshots/month. Screenshots - 您的屏幕截图 API。可高度自定义截图选项。每月免费提供 100 张截图。
Flutter Related and Building IOS Apps without Mac Flutter 相关和无需 Mac 构建 IOS 应用程序
- FlutLab - FlutLab is a modern Flutter online IDE and the best place to create, debug, and build cross-platform projects. Build iOS (Without a Mac) and Android apps with Flutter. FlutLab - FlutLab 是一个现代的 Flutter 在线 IDE,是创建、调试和构建跨平台项目的最佳场所。
- CodeMagic - Codemagic is a fully hosted and managed CI/CD for mobile apps. You can build, test, and deploy with a GUI-based CI/CD tool. The free tier offers 500 free minutes/month and a Mac Mini instance with 2.3 GHz and 8 GB of RAM. CodeMagic - Codemagic 是一款完全托管和管理的 CI/CD 用于移动应用程序. 您可以使用基于 GUI 的 CI/CD 工具构建、测试和部署。
- FlutterFlow - FlutterFlow is a browser-based drag-and-drop interface to build mobile app using flutter. FlutterFlow - FlutterFlow 是一个基于浏览器的拖放界面,用于使用 flutter 构建移动应用程序。
Browser-based hardware emulation written in Javascript 用 Javascript 编写的基于浏览器的硬件仿真
- JsLinux — a really fast x86 virtual machine capable of running Linux and Windows 2k. JsLinux - 一个能够运行 Linux 和 Windows 2k 的快速 x86 虚拟机。
- Jor1k — an OpenRISC virtual machine capable of running Linux with network support. Jor1k — 一个能够运行网络支持的 Linux 的 OpenRISC 虚拟机。
- v86 — an x86 virtual machine capable of running Linux and other OS directly into the browser. v86 - x86 虚拟机,可直接在浏览器中运行 Linux 和其他操作系统。
Privacy Management 隐私管理
- Bearer - Helps implement privacy by design via audits and continuous workflows so that organizations comply with GDPR and other regulations. The free tier is limited to smaller teams and the SaaS version only. Bearer - 通过审计和持续的工作流程帮助实施隐私设计,使企业遵守 GDPR 和其他法规。免费层级仅限于较小的团队和 SaaS 版本。
- Osano - Consent management and compliance platform with everything from GDPR representation to cookie banners. The free tier offers basic features. Osano - 同意管理和合规平台,从 GDPR 表示到 cookie 横幅,应有尽有。免费层提供基本功能。
- Iubenda - Privacy and cookie policies and consent management. The free tier offers limited privacy and cookie policy as well as cookie banners. Iubenda - 隐私和 cookie 政策以及同意管理。免费层提供有限的隐私和 cookie 政策以及 cookie 横幅广告。
- Cookiefirst - Cookie banners, auditing, and multi-language consent management solution. The free tier offers a one-time scan and a single banner. Cookiefirst - Cookie 横幅、审计和多语言同意管理解决方案。免费层提供一次性扫描和单个横幅。
- Ketch - Consent management and privacy framework tool. The free tier offers most features with a limited visitor count. Ketch - 同意管理和隐私框架工具. 免费层提供大多数功能,访问人数有限。
- Concord - Full data privacy platform, including consent management, privacy request handling (DSARs), and data mapping. Free tier includes core consent management features and they also provide a more advanced plan for free to verified open source projects. Concord - 完整的数据隐私平台,包括同意管理、隐私请求处理 (DSAR) 和数据映射。免费层级包括核心同意管理功能,他们还提供更高级的免费验证开源项目计划。
Miscellaneous 杂项
- BinShare.net - Create & share code or binaries. Available to share as a beautiful image e.g. for Twitter / Facebook post or as a link e.g. for chats or forums. BinShare.net - 创建并共享代码或二进制文件。可作为精美图片(如用于 Twitter / Facebook 发布)或链接(如用于聊天或论坛)进行共享。
- Blynk — A SaaS with API to control, build & evaluate IoT devices. Free Developer Plan with 5 devices, Free Cloud & data storage. Mobile Apps are also available. Blynk - 利用 API 控制、构建和评估物联网设备的 SaaS。免费开发者计划(含 5 台设备)、免费云计算和数据存储。还提供移动应用程序。
- Bricks Note Calculator - a note-taking app (PWA) with a powerful built-in multiline calculator. 砖笔记计算器 - 一个备注应用程序(PWA)具有强大的内置多行计算器。
- Carbon.now.sh - create and share code snippets in an aesthetic screenshot-like image format. Usually used to aesthetically share/show off code snippets on Twitter or blog posts. Carbon.now.sh - 以类似截图的美观图片格式创建和分享代码片段。通常用于在 Twitter 或博客文章中美观地分享/展示代码片段。
- Code Time - an extension for time-tracking and coding metrics in VS Code, Atom, IntelliJ, Sublime Text, and more. Code Time - 用于在 VS Code、Atom、IntelliJ、Sublime Text 等软件中进行时间跟踪和编码度量的扩展。
- Codepng - Create excellent snapshots from your source code to share on social media. Codepng - 从源代码中创建出色的快照,以便在社交媒体上分享。
- CodeToImage - Create screenshots of code or text to share on social media. CodeToImage - 创建代码或文本截图,以便在社交媒体上分享。
- Cronhooks - Schedule on-time or recurring webhooks. The free plan allows 5 ad-hoc schedules. Cronhooks - 按时或定期安排网络钩子。免费计划允许 5 个临时计划。
- cron-job.org - Online cronjobs service. Unlimited jobs are free of charge. cron-job.org - 在线 cronjobs 服务。免费提供无限量的工作。
- datelist.io - Online booking / appointment scheduling system. Free up to 5 bookings per month, includes 1 calendar datelist.io - 在线预订/预约安排系统。每月最多可免费预订 5 次,包括 1 个日历
- Domain Forward - A straightforward tool to forward any URL or Domain. Free up to 5 domains and 200k requests per month. Domain Forward - 用于转发任何 URL 或域的直接工具。每月最多可免费转发 5 个域和 20 万个请求。
- Elementor — WordPress website builder. Free plan available with 40+ Basic Widgets. Elementor - WordPress 网站建设工具。免费计划提供 40 多个基本小工具。
- Form2Channel — Place a static html form on your website and receive submissions directly to Google Sheets, Email, Slack, Telegram, or HTTP. No coding is necessary. Form2Channel - 在您的网站上放置静态 HTML 表单,并直接通过 Google Sheets、电子邮件、Slack、Telegram 或 HTTP 接收提交的信息。无需编码。
- Format Express - Instant online format for JSON / XML / SQL. Format Express - JSON / XML / SQL 的即时在线格式。
- FOSSA - Scalable, end-to-end management for third-party code, license compliance and vulnerabilities. FOSSA - 对第三方代码、许可证合规性和漏洞进行可扩展的端到端管理。
- fullcontact.com — Help your users know more about their contacts by adding social profile to your app. 500 free Person API matches/month fullcontact.com - 通过在您的应用程序中添加社交资料,帮助您的用户更多地了解他们的联系人。每月免费匹配 500 个人 API
- Hook Relay - Add webhook support to your app without the hassles: done-for-you queueing, retries with backoff, and logging. The free plan has 100 deliveries per day, 14-day retention, and 3 hook endpoints. 钩子中继--为您的应用程序添加 webhook 支持,免去麻烦:为您完成队列、重试和日志记录。免费计划每天有 100 次交付、14 天保留期和 3 个挂钩端点。
- http2.pro — HTTP/2 protocol readiness test and client HTTP/2 support detection API. http2.pro - HTTP/2 协议就绪性测试和客户端 HTTP/2 支持检测 API。
- kandi — Jumpstart Application Development: build custom functions, and use cases, and complete applications faster through code snippets and open-source library reuse. kandi - 快速启动应用程序开发:通过代码片段和开源库的重复使用,更快地构建自定义功能和用例以及完整的应用程序。
- Base64 decoder/encoder — Online free tool for decoding & encoding data. Base64 解码器/编码器 - 用于解码和编码数据的在线免费工具。
- newreleases.io - Receive notifications on email, Slack, Telegram, Discord, and custom webhooks for new releases from GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Python PyPI, Java Maven, Node.js NPM, Node.js Yarn, Ruby Gems, PHP Packagist, .NET NuGet, Rust Cargo and Docker Hub. newreleases.io - 通过电子邮件、Slack、Telegram、Discord 和自定义 webhook 接收来自 GitHub、GitLab、Bitbucket、Python PyPI、Java Maven、Node.js NPM、Node.js Yarn、Ruby Gems、PHP Packagist、.NET NuGet、Rust Cargo 和 Docker Hub 的新版本通知。
- OnlineExifViewer — View EXIF data online instantly for a photo including GPS location and metadata. OnlineExifViewer - 在线即时查看照片的 EXIF 数据,包括 GPS 位置和元数据。
- PDFMonkey — Manage PDF templates in a dashboard, call the API with dynamic data, and download your PDF. Offers 300 free documents per month. PDFMonkey - 在仪表板中管理 PDF 模板,使用动态数据调用 API 并下载 PDF。每月提供 300 份免费文档。
- Pika Code Screenshots — Create beautiful, customizable screenshots from code snippets and VSCode using the extension. Pika Code Screenshots - 使用该扩展从代码片段和 VSCode 创建精美、可定制的屏幕截图。
- QuickType.io - Quickly auto-generate models/class/type/interface and serializers from JSON, schema, and GraphQL for working with data quickly & safely in any programming language. Convert JSON into gorgeous, typesafe code in any language. QuickType.io - 从 JSON, Schema 和 GraphQL 快速自动生成模型 / 类 / 类型 / 接口和序列化器,以便在任何编程语言中快速安全地处理数据。
- RandomKeygen - A free mobile-friendly tool that offers a variety of randomly generated keys and passwords you can use to secure any application, service, or device. RandomKeygen - 免费的移动友好工具,提供各种随机生成的密钥和密码,可用于保护任何应用程序、服务或设备的安全。
- ray.so - Create beautiful images of your code snippets. ray.so - 为代码片段创建精美图片。
- readme.com — Beautiful documentation made easy, free for Open Source. readme.com - 简洁美观的文档,免费开源。
- redirection.io — SaaS tool for managing HTTP redirections for businesses, marketing and SEO. redirection.io - 为企业、营销和搜索引擎优化管理 HTTP 重定向的 SaaS 工具。
- redirect.ing - Fast & secure domain forwarding without managing servers or SSL certificates. Free plan includes 10 hostnames and 100,000 requests per month. redirect.ing - 快速安全的域名转发,无需管理服务器或 SSL 证书。免费计划包括 10 个主机名和每月 100,000 次请求。
- redirect.pizza - Easily manage redirects with HTTPS support. The free plan includes 10 sources and 100,000 hits per month. redirect.pizza - 支持 HTTPS,可轻松管理重定向。免费计划包括 10 个来源和每月 100,000 次点击。
- ReqBin — Post HTTP Requests Online. Popular Request Methods include GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and HEAD. Supports Headers and Token Authentication. Includes a basic login system for saving your requests. ReqBin - 在线发布 HTTP 请求。常用的请求方法包括 GET、POST、PUT、DELETE 和 HEAD。支持标题和令牌验证。包括一个用于保存请求的基本登录系统。
- Smartcar API - An API for cars to locate, get fuel tank, battery levels, odometer, unlock/lock doors, etc. Smartcar API - 用于汽车定位、获取油箱、电池电量、里程表、开锁/锁门等信息的 API。
- snappify - Enables developers to create stunning visuals. From beautiful code snippets to fully fletched technical presentations. The free plan includes up to 3 snaps at once with unlimited downloads and 5 AI-powered code explanations per month. snappify - 使开发人员能够创建令人惊叹的视觉效果。从精美的代码片段到完整的技术演示。免费计划包括一次最多 3 个抢拍和无限下载,以及每月 5 次人工智能驱动的代码解释。
- Sunrise and Sunset - Get sunrise and sunset times for a given longitude and latitude. 日出日落 - 获取给定经纬度的日出日落时间。
- superfeedr.com — Real-time PubSubHubbub compliant feeds, export, analytics. Free with less customization superfeedr.com - 符合 PubSubHubbub 标准的实时供稿、导出和分析。免费,定制较少
- SurveyMonkey.com — Create online surveys. Analyze the results online. The free plan allows only 10 questions and 100 responses per survey. SurveyMonkey.com — 创建在线调查. 在线分析结果. 免费计划只允许每个 调查 10个问 题和1 00个答案。
- Tiledesk - Create chatbots and conversational apps. Bring them omnichannel: from your website (live chat widget) to WhatsApp. Free plan with unlimited chatbots. Tiledesk - 创建聊天机器人和对话应用程序。将它们引入全渠道:从您的网站(即时聊天小工具)到 WhatsApp。免费计划提供无限量聊天机器人。
- Versionfeeds — Custom RSS feeds for releases of your favorite software. Have the latest versions of your programming languages, libraries, or loved tools in one feed. (The first 3 feeds are free) Versionfeeds - 为您喜爱的软件发布定制 RSS 源。在一个馈送中获取编程语言、程序库或所爱工具的最新版本。(前 3 个订阅是免费的)
- videoinu — Create and edit screen recordings and other videos online. videoinu - 在线创建和编辑屏幕录制和其他视频。
Remote Desktop Tools 远程桌面工具
- Getscreen.me — Free for 2 devices, no limits on the number and duration of sessions Getscreen.me — 免费为 2 台设备,无限制的会话数量和持续时间
- Apache Guacamole™ — Open source clientless remote desktop gateway Apache Guacamole™ - 开放源码无客户端远程桌面网关
- RemSupp — On-demand support and permanent access to devices (2 sessions/day for free) RemSupp - 按需支持和永久访问设备(每天 2 次免费服务)
- RustDesk - Open source virtual/remote desktop infrastructure for everyone! RustDesk - 面向所有人的开源虚拟/远程桌面基础设施!
Game Development 游戏开发
- itch.io — Free/Paid assets like sprites, tile sets, and character packs. itch.io — 免费/付费资产,如斯普里特,砖集和字符包。
- Gamefresco.com — Discover, collect, and share free game assets from game artists everywhere. Gamefresco.com - 发现、收集和分享来自各地游戏艺术家的免费游戏资产。
- GameDevMarket — Free/Paid assets like 2D, 3D, Audio, GUI. GameDevMarket - 免费/付费资产,如 2D、3D、音频、图形用户界面。
- OpenGameArt — OpenSource Game Assets like music, sounds, sprites, and gifs. OpenGameArt - 开放源码游戏资产,如音乐、声音、精灵和 gifs。
- CraftPix — Free/Paid assets like 2D, 3D, Audio, GUI, backgrounds, icons, tile sets, game kits. CraftPix - 免费/付费资产,如 2D、3D、音频、图形用户界面、背景、图标、磁贴集、游戏工具包。
- Game Icons - Free styleable SVG/PNG icons provided under a CC-BY license. 游戏图标 - 根据 CC-BY 许可提供的免费可样式化 SVG/PNG 图标。
- LoSpec — Online tools for creating pixel art and other restrictive digital art, lots of tutorials/pallet list available to choose from for your games LoSpec - 用于创建像素艺术和其他限制性数字艺术的在线工具,有大量教程/托盘列表可供游戏选择
- ArtStation - MarketPlace for Free/Paid 2D, 3D assets & audios, icons, tile sets, game kits. Also, It can be used for showcasing your art portfolio. ArtStation - 免费/付费 2D、3D 资产和音频、图标、磁砖集、游戏套件的 Marketplace。此外,它还可用于展示您的艺术作品。
- Rive - Community assets as well as create your own game assets using its free plan. Rive - 社区资产以及使用其免费计划创建自己的游戏资产。
- Poly Pizza - Free low poly 3D assets Poly Pizza - 免费低多边形 3D 资产
- 3Dassets.one - Over 8,000 free/paid 3D models, and PBR materials for making textures. 3Dassets.one - 超过 8,000 个免费/付费 3D 模型,以及用于制作纹理的 PBR 材质。
- Kenney - Free (CC0 1.0 Universal licensed) 2D, 3D, Audio, and UI game assets. Kenney - 免费(CC0 1.0 通用许可)2D、3D、音频和用户界面游戏资产。
- Poliigon - Free and paid textures (with variable resolution), models, HDRIs, and brushes. Offers free plugins to export to software like Blender. Poliigon - 免费和付费的纹理(可变分辨率),模型,HDRI 和刷。提供免费的插件来导出到软件,如 Blender。
Other Free Resources 其他免费资源
- ElevateAI - Get up to 200 hours of audio transcription for free every month. ElevateAI - 每月免费获得多达 200 小时的音频转录。
- get.localhost.direct — A better
Wildcard public CA signed SSL cert for localhost development with sub-domain support get.localhost.direct - 用于本地主机开发的更好的*.localhost.direct
通配符公共 CA 签名 SSL 证书,支持子域 - Framacloud — A list of Free/Libre Open Source Software and SaaS by the French non-profit Framasoft. Framacloud - 由法国非营利组织 Framasoft 提供的免费/自由开放源码软件和 SaaS 列表。
- github.com — FOSS for Dev — A hub of free and Open Source software for developers. github.com - FOSS for Dev - 面向开发人员的免费开源软件中心。
- GitHub Education — Collection of free services for students. Registration required. GitHub 教育 - 面向学生的免费服务集。需要注册。
- Markdown Tools - Tools for converting HTML, CSVs, PDFs, JSON, and Excel files to and from Markdown Markdown 工具 - 用于将 HTML、CSV、PDF、JSON 和 Excel 文件转换到并从 Markdown
- Microsoft 365 Developer Program — Get a free sandbox, tools, and other resources you need to build solutions for the Microsoft 365 platform. The subscription is a 90-day Microsoft 365 E5 Subscription (Windows excluded) which is renewable. It is renewed if you're active in development(measured using telemetry data & algorithms). Microsoft 365 开发人员计划 - 获取免费沙箱、工具和其他资源,以便为 Microsoft 365 平台构建解决方案。该订阅是为期 90 天的 Microsoft 365 E5 订阅(Windows 除外),可续订。如果您积极进行开发(使用遥测数据和算法衡量),则可以续订。
- RedHat for Developers — Free access to Red Hat products including RHEL, OpenShift, CodeReady, etc. exclusively for developers. Individual plan only. Free e-books are also offered for reference. RedHat for Developers - 开发人员可免费访问 Red Hat 产品,包括 RHEL、OpenShift、CodeReady 等。仅限个人计划。还提供免费电子书供参考。
- smsreceivefree.com — Provides free temporary and disposable phone numbers. smsreceivefree.com - 免费提供临时和一次性电话号码。
- sandbox.httpsms.com — Send and receive test SMS messages for free. sandbox.httpsms.com - 免费收发测试短信。
- SimpleBackups.com — Backup automation service for servers and databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB) stored directly into cloud storage providers (AWS, DigitalOcean, and Backblaze). Provides a free plan for 1 backup. SimpleBackups.com - 为直接存储到云存储提供商(AWS、DigitalOcean 和 Backblaze)的服务器和数据库(MySQL、PostgreSQL、MongoDB)提供备份自动化服务。提供 1 次备份的免费计划。
- SnapShooter — Backup solution for DigitalOcean, AWS, LightSail, Hetzner, and Exoscale, with support for direct database, file system and application backups to s3 based storage. Provides a free plan with daily backups for one resource. SnapShooter - 适用于 DigitalOcean、AWS、LightSail、Hetzner 和 Exoscale 的备份解决方案,支持将数据库、文件系统和应用程序直接备份到基于 s3 的存储。提供每日备份一个资源的免费计划。
- Themeselection — Selected high quality, modern design, professional and easy-to-use Free Admin Dashboard Template, HTML Themes and UI Kits to create your applications faster! 主题选择 - 选择高质量,现代设计,专业和易于使用的免费管理员仪表板模板,HTML 主题和用户界面套件来创建您的应用程序更快!
- Web.Dev — This is a free tool that allows you to see the performance of your website and improve the SEO to get a higher rank list in search engines. Web.Dev - 这是一款免费工具,可让您查看网站性能并改进搜索引擎优化,从而在搜索引擎中获得更高的排名。
- SmallDev.tools — A free tool for developers that allows you to Encode/Decode various formats, Minify HTML/CSS/Javascript, Beautify, Generate Fake/Testing datasets in JSON/CSV & multiple other formats and many more features. With a delightful interface. SmallDev.tools - 面向开发人员的免费工具,允许您对各种格式进行编码/解码、对 HTML/CSS/Javascript 进行最小化、美化、生成 JSON/CSV 和其他多种格式的伪造/测试数据集以及其他更多功能。界面美观大方。
- UseCSV by Layercode — Add CSV and Excel import to your web app in minutes. Give your users an enjoyable and robust data import experience. Get Started for Free without any credit card details, and start integrating UseCSV today. You can create unlimited Importers and upload files up to 100Mb. Layercode 的 UseCSV - 在几分钟内为您的网络应用程序添加 CSV 和 Excel 导入功能。为您的用户提供愉快而强大的数据导入体验。无需任何信用卡信息即可免费开始使用,现在就开始集成 UseCSV。您可以创建无限量的导入器,并上传高达 100Mb 的文件。
- Buttons Generator — 100+ buttons you can use in your project. 按钮生成器 - 100 多个可在项目中使用的按钮。
- WrapPixel — Download High Quality Free and Premium Admin dashboard template created with Angular, React, VueJs, NextJS, and NuxtJS! WrapPixel - 下载使用 Angular、React、VueJs、NextJS 和 NuxtJS 制作的高质量免费和高级管理仪表板模板!
- Utils.fun — All offline daily and development tools based on the browser's computing power, including watermark generation, screen recording, encoding and decoding, encryption and decryption, and code formatting, are completely free and do not upload any data to the cloud for processing. Utils.fun - 所有基于浏览器计算能力的离线日常和开发工具,包括水印生成、屏幕录制、编码和解码、加密和解密以及代码格式化,都是完全免费的,并且不会将任何数据上传到云端进行处理。
- Free Code Tools — Effective code tools which are 100% free. Markdown editor, Code minifier/beautifier, QR code generator, Open Graph Generator, Twitter card Generator, and more. 免费代码工具 - 100% 免费的高效代码工具。Markdown 编辑器、代码精简器/美化器、QR 代码生成器、Open Graph 生成器、Twitter 卡片生成器等。
- regex101 — Free this website allows you to test and debug regular expressions (regex). It provides a regex editor and tester, as well as helpful documentation and resources for learning regex. regex101 - 免费该网站允许您测试和调试正则表达式(regex)。它提供了一个 regex 编辑器和测试器,以及学习 regex 的有用文档和资源。
- Kody Tools — 100+ dev tools including formatter, minifier, and converter. Kody Tools - 100 多种开发工具,包括格式化器、精简器和转换器。
- AdminMart — High-Quality Free and Premium Admin Dashboard and Website Templates created with Angular, Bootstrap, React, VueJs, NextJS, and NuxtJS! AdminMart — 高质量的免费和高级管理员仪表板和网站模板,使用 Angular,Bootstrap,React,VueJs,NextJS 和 NuxtJS 创建!
- Glob tester — A website that allows you to design and test glob patterns. It also provides resources to learn glob patterns. Glob tester - 一个允许您设计和测试 glob 模式的网站。它还提供学习 glob 模式的资源。
- OpenUtils - There are various free tools available for developers, such as HTML/CSS/JavaScript formatters, minifiers, converters, encoders/decoder,s and many others. OpenUtils - 为开发人员提供各种免费工具,如 HTML/CSS/JavaScript 格式化器、最小化器、转换器、编码器/解码器等。
- SimpleRestore - Hassle-free MySQL backup restoration. Restore MySQL backups to any remote database without code or a server. SimpleRestore - 轻松恢复 MySQL 备份。无需代码或服务器,即可将 MySQL 备份还原到任何远程数据库。
- 360Converter - Free tier useful website to convert: Video to Text && Audio to Text && Speech to Text && Real-time Audio to Text && YouTube Video to Text && add Video Subtitle. Maybe it will be helpful in a short video conversion or in a short youtube tutorial:) 360Converter - 免费实用的转换网站:视频到文本&&音频到文本&&语音到文本&&实时音频到文本&&YouTube 视频到文本&&添加视频字幕。也许这对短视频转换或 YouTube 视频短片教程会有帮助:)
- QRCodeBest - Create custom QR codes with 13 templates, full privacy, and personal branding. Features tracking pixels, project categorization, and unlimited team seats on QRCode.Best. QRCodeBest - 利用 13 种模板、完全隐私和个人品牌创建自定义 QR 代码。QRCode.Best 具有跟踪像素、项目分类和无限团队席位等功能。